June 11 – 12, 2017 | Denver, CO
The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and the Hunt Institute hosted a Governors Education Symposium, which provided the opportunity to:
- Strengthen the knowledge of governors on a range of key education issues—from early care and education to K-12 education. Each session provided governors with the opportunity to engage with nationally recognized experts from around the country on these issues;
- Provide governors with “ideas that work”—critical data and research-based strategies and solutions to ensure governors have the best information for making decisions; and
- Facilitate the exchange of ideas and promising practices among governors, providing a space for them to engage in candid dialogue and share critical challenges facing their states and the strategies they are using to help solve them.
Day 1: June 11th, 2017
Session 1: Opening
- Governor James B. Hunt, Jr., chair, The Hunt Institute Foundation; Governor of North Carolina 1977–1985; 1993–2001
- Governor Asa Hutchinson, Arkansas, 2015–present
- Governor John Hickenlooper, Colorado, 2011–present
Session 2: A Governor’s Guide to Advancing Early Care and Education
- Sharon Lynn Kagan, Virginia and Leonard Marx professor of early childhood and family policy; co-director, National Center for Children and Families, Teachers College, Columbia University
- Ellen Galinsky, chief science officer, Bezos Family Foundation and Senior Research Advisor to the Society for Human Resource Management
Vroom Overview
Civic Science for Public Use
MITM Overview
The Head Start Advantage
Head Start Facts - Cindy Watkins, president, North Carolina Partnership for Children
- Ross Hunter, director, Washington Department of Early Learning
DEL ESA Annual Report Executive Summary
BRCCF Final Report Executive Summary - Melanie Bronfin, executive director, Louisiana Policy Institute for Children
Session 3: Promoting 3rd Grade Reading Proficiency: A Key Lever for Ensuring Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness
- Aaliyah Samuel, Ed.D., director, Education Division, NGA Center
- Jeremy Anderson, president, Education Commission of the States
K-3 Policymakers Guide to Action
50-State Comparison of K-3 Quality
Full-Day Kindergarten: A Look Across the States
Governors’ Top Education Priorities: 2017 State of the State Addresses
A Policymakers Guide to Initiatives from Preschool to Third Grade - Susan Gates, special advisor, SAS Institute
Why Reading Matters
Policy Recommendations
Why Reading Matters Video - Ralph Smith, managing director, Campaign for Grade-Level Reading
Session 4: Education Governors and the Every Student Succeeds Act
- Governor Dannel Malloy, Connecticut, 2011–present
- Stephen Parker, legislative director, Education & Workforce Committee, NGA
Session 5: Remarks from U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos (via Skype)
- Betsy DeVos, U.S. Secretary of Education, 2017–present
Day 2: June 12th, 2017
Session 1: Voices from the Field: Leveraging the Professional Expertise of Teachers & Principals in Policy
- Javaid Siddiqi, Ph.D., executive director and chief executive officer, The Hunt Institute
- Dr. Lynne Wright, principal, Oakridge Elementary School
- Sean Jones, principal, Oakridge Elementary School
- Ronald Fay, principal, Rangeview High School
- Joe Dillon, teacher, Rangeview High School
- Julia Miller Shepherd, principal, C3: Creativity Challenge Community
- Ashley Bromstrup, teacher, C3: Creativity Challenge Community
- Melissa Rickey, principal, Binford Middle School
- Jonathan Walker, teacher, Binford Middle School
Session 2: Building a System That Prepares and Supports Great Teaching and Learning
- Javaid Siddiqi, Ph.D., executive director and chief executive officer, The Hunt Institute
- Linda Fandel, special assistant for education to Governor Kim Reynolds and Lieutenant Governor Adam Gregg, Iowa
- Anissa Listak, founder and chief executive officer, National Center for Teacher Residencies
- Jal Mehta, associate professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Session 3: Connecting Education to the Workforce
- Governor Asa Hutchinson, Arkansas, 2015-present
- Allan Golston, president, United States Program, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Sam Gutter, education policy analyst, Office of Governor Bill Haslam, Tennessee
Drive to 55 Overview
TN Reconnect - Stanley S. Litow, president, IBM International Foundation
- Anthony Owen, coordinator of computer science, Arkansas Department of Education
Session 4: Next Steps, Opportunities for Ongoing Support & Closing Remarks
- Javaid Siddiqi, Ph.D., executive director and chief executive officer, The Hunt Institute
- Scott Pattison, executive director and chief executive officer, NGA
- Governor Asa Hutchinson, Arkansas, 2015–present
- Governor James B. Hunt, Jr., chair, The Hunt Institute Foundation, Governor of North Carolina 1977–1985; 1993–2001