Land Management, Agriculture and Housing

States manage lands for multiple uses, from agriculture to recreation and even energy production. Agriculture plays an important role in many states and territories’ economies. Governors have taken the lead on improving agricultural economies, managing wildlife, and responding to housing issues.

Agriculture plays an important role in states and territories’ economies. Land-use decisions affect agriculture, housing, and infrastructure. As Governors lead on improving agricultural economies, managing wildlife, and responding to land use challenges and rural economies, the National Governors Associations’ Center for Best Practices enhances the Governors’ advisors to achieve their policy goals by providing information and sharing best practices across the states and territories.

Meet the team

  • Will Carraco, Program Director
  • Matt Gessel, Policy Coordinator

NGA Resources

Access to fast, reliable broadband is critical to households, businesses, and communities in the modern economy. The ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency has underscored the necessity of broadband access for ...


The Agriculture Policy Advisors Network is a series of monthly calls that connect Governors’ agriculture, fish and wildlife, or natural resource advisors to share ideas and best practices for improving ...
Agriculture Policy Advisors Network

Agriculture Policy Advisors Network

The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices is working with States in a new learning collaborative on strategies to grow and retain the next generation of the healthcare workforce ...
Next Generation of the Healthcare Workforce Project

Next Generation of the Healthcare Workforce Project

There is no silver bullet for the mental health crisis but reducing workforce shortages of these critical providers can go a long way to solving the problem. by Jessica Kirchner ...
Help Wanted: Building a Pipeline to Address the Children’s Mental Health Provider Workforce Shortage

Help Wanted: Building a Pipeline to Address the Children’s Mental Health Provider Workforce Shortage

Governors' leadership on energy offers cost savings, job creation, reduced energy consumption, pollution prevention, and strengthened grid security. (Download) Executive Summary Governors support energy efficiency for a variety of benefits: ...
State Energy Efficiency Policy in a New Era: A Toolkit for Governors

State Energy Efficiency Policy in a New Era: A Toolkit for Governors

This papers pulls together considerations and examples of best and promising practices for Governors, including building vaccine confidence through consistent, transparent and factual communication; establishing straightforward pathways for individuals to ...
State Strategies to Increase COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake in Rural Communities

State Strategies to Increase COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake in Rural Communities

The essential connection between internet access and access to health care has never been more pronounced. The COVID-19 pandemic brought an unprecedented level of need for telehealth to serve as ...
Governors Lead on Expanding Access to Affordable Broadband for Telehealth Services

Governors Lead on Expanding Access to Affordable Broadband for Telehealth Services

A discussion of the 30x30 goal and detail how states can partner with non-profits to enhance land conservation and stewardship efforts that also provide recreational, economic and equity benefits. The ...
State Strategies to Increase Land Conservation and Recreational Access

State Strategies to Increase Land Conservation and Recreational Access

The annual meeting will discuss how states can advance outdoor recreation issues including economic recovery from COVID-19, developing partnerships to leverage limited public dollars, accessing federal economic development grants, promoting ...
Outdoor Recreation Learning Network – Annual Meeting 2021

Outdoor Recreation Learning Network – Annual Meeting 2021
