Rural America has a robust cultural history that has enriched the nation and its people. Rural America is also beset with social and economic challenges. Population migration and persistent poverty are contributing to a widening urban-rural divide in many states. By using the creative sector governors have a viable approach for strengthening economic opportunities and vibrancy into rural communities.

| Action Guide |

| Arts in Action |

| State Data |

| Resources |

AN ACTION GUIDE offering research insights and lessons learned from states that are harnessing the power of the arts to drive rural prosperity. Produced by the National Governors Association (NGA) Center for Best Practices, the guide offers creative policy solutions that draw on home-grown arts and cultural assets to address the urgent problems facing rural America.

While there are many inspiring success stories to celebrate in rural areas, some regions also are contending with stark economic challenges, outmigration, education gaps and infrastructure needs. By leveraging the creative industries, states can deploy proven strategies that help all rural communities to thrive. This action guide is part of a collaborative project between NGA, the National Endowment for the Arts and National Assembly of State Arts Agencies.


SUCCESS AND SOLUTIONS: Utah Gov. Gary Herbert introduces the action guide in a special video.

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We’re interested in your stories about the ways rural arts have helped in your region’s economic growth. Use the hashtag #RuralArts on Instagram and Twitter to let us know successes we should be sharing. Have a creative concept you want to tell us about directly? Email us.