Erin Daneker
Policy Analyst
NGA Center for Best Practices
Erin Daneker serves as a policy analyst for the Public Safety and Legal Counsel program in the NGA Center for Best Practices. In this role, Erin’s policy portfolio spans criminal justice, public safety, juvenile justice, and substance use disorder treatment for justice-involved populations.
Prior to joining NGA, Erin served in Maryland Governor Larry Hogan’s office where she held numerous roles including deputy legislative officer and liaison to the Board of Public Works, and spanned various policy areas such as human services, information technology, public safety, and procurement. During her time in state government, Erin testified before the state legislature and lobbied for passage of the Administration’s legislative package. She also staffed the governor’s State Transparency and Accountability Reform Commission which was responsible for developing policy recommendations to ensure adherence to ethical standards and standardization of oversight and accountability for quasi-governmental entities.
Erin is a lifelong Marylander, where she earned her bachelor’s degree in political science and public policy at St. Mary’s College of Maryland and is currently a student at the University of Baltimore School of Law.