Public Health and Disaster Response Task Force Request Representation of Governors on FEMA Agency Review Council

The co-chairs of the National Governors Association (NGA) Public Health and Disaster Response Task Force wrote a letter to President Donald Trump requesting the bipartisan representation of Governors as members of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Review Council.

The Honorable Donald J. Trump
United States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Trump,

As co-chairs of the National Governors Association Public Health and Disaster Response Task Force we write on behalf of our colleagues to respectfully request bipartisan representation of Governors as members of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Review Council, outlined in executive order (EO) 14180.

Executive Order 14180 echoes a similar perspective, as well as concern, amongst the Governors, reflecting that Americans deserve an immediate, effective, and impartial disaster response and recovery. The EO highlights that non-federal members shall have diverse perspectives and expertise in disaster relief, emergency preparedness, budget management, and federal-state relationships. As the first line of defense when disasters strike our states, Governors meet the criteria and can bring significant experience to the council.

Governors know firsthand that our disaster response and recovery systems are not perfect, and we are supportive and encouraged that the Administration is taking this on. To be clear, FEMA does some things very well, which we appreciate, but there’s much need for improvement to simplify recovery for individuals, improve coordination with federal agencies, support local capacity to manage disasters, and make the system timelier and more efficient.  

We appreciate your consideration and hope you will include the important voice of Governors in your work to improve disaster response and recovery.


Josh Green
Governor of Hawaii
Co-Chair, Public Health and Disaster Response Task Force

Phil Scott
Governor of Vermont
Co-Chair, Public Health and Disaster Response Task Force