A virtual event to identify state and federal strategies to bolster the resilience of defense installations to natural and human hazards. The second in a series of virtual workshops being held as part of NGA’s look at the States’ Role in National Defense.
The second installment of National Governors Associations’ States’ Role in National Defense Project will be a virtual event to identify state and federal strategies to bolster the resilience of defense installations to natural and human hazards.
- Programming will be devoted to understanding our all-hazard threats environment and the mission essential functions of U.S. military installations. Federal and state roles for bolstering the resilience of military installations will be explored, as will the roles, priorities, and processes of utilities and the private sector. In addition the workshop will explore partnerships and coordination to address beyond-the-perimeter infrastructure resilience challenges. Informative case studies and examples will be explored.
All programming will emphasize a whole-of-community approach to identifying innovative, cross-sector solutions. This event is open to energy, infrastructure, transportation, workforce, homeland security, emergency management, and state military advisors as well as representatives from industry and academia.
If you have any questions regarding the workshop, please contact Lacy Adams at ladams@nga.org.