Build the infrastructure necessary to track performance and align resources to meet labor market demand. The state invests in infrastructure, including human capital, to track data capable of determining and rewarding program performance.
State Program Examples
Executive Order to Establish an Office of Performance Improvement
In 2015, Maryland Governor Hogan signed an Executive Order establishing the Governor’s Office of Performance Improvement to oversee efforts toward continuous improvement and outcomes-based funding, and improve customer experience of state government. This Office also operates the Maryland Open Data Portal, which allows the public to explore 300 data sets including state budgets, program outcomes, and investment breakdowns down to the county level.
University of Chicago’s Data Science for Social Good (DSSG)
DSSG developed a training provider outcomes toolkit that helps states to collect, analyze, and present information on employment outcomes from local training programs. The information sharing that this platform facilitates between training providers and the state helps states to meet WIOA reporting requirements and to have a better understanding of which training providers are meeting workforce needs and where they may be falling short. States can partner with institutions with significant research capacity, like universities, to compile and analyze cross-sector data that can inform decisions about where to allocate resources and can be shared with prospective students to guide them towards effective training programs.
Rhode Island
Executive Order for LeanRI Tools
On April 9, 2015, Governor Gina M. Raimondo issued Executive Order 15-09 directing state agencies to use Lean tools to improve processes and focus on value-added activities. LeanRI is a coordinated statewide government effort to support Lean activities focused on training, projects and leadership.