Governors Homeland Security Advisors Council

Founded in 2006 at the direction of then-Governor, Janet Napolitano, to provide an organizational structure through which homeland security advisors can share best practices to inform the development of homeland security policies and strategies that affect states, commonwealths, and territories.


The mission of the council is to act as a forum that brings together the governors principal homeland security advisors from each state, commonwealth, territory, and District of Columbia to:

  1. Provide a unified voice for states to inform and shape national homeland security policy;
  2. Keep governors abreast about the current threat environment and the impacts of Federal homeland security legislation, regulations, and policies on states; and
  3. Inform the work of the NGA Center by sharing ideas and best practices, identifying emerging issues, and reviewing and analyzing the impacts of Federal homeland security activities on the states.


In 2022, Director Walter “Pete” Landon (formerly of Maryland) and Director Mark Ghilarducci (formerly of California) were awarded the Distinguished Service Award for their years of service to their states and the GHSAC.

The Council serves as a forum through which state homeland security advisors can share information and expertise, discuss priorities setting and collaborate on strategic planning to address all hazards and threats facing the states. Key GHSAC objectives include:

  • Improving interstate and regional communication;
  • Facilitating communication between state and federal agencies; and
  • Developing a unified state and territorial voice to inform governors and the National Governors Association of the impacts of federal homeland security legislation, regulations and policies on the states.

Letter to the National Fusion Centers Association

2024 GHSAC Summer Meeting

GHSAC Leadership

The GHSAC is led by a ten-member executive committee. Executive committee members serve one-year terms. The committee is lead by a Chair and Vice Chair. Each year, the Council membership elects a new vice chair who later succeeds the Chair at the start of the next executive committee term.

2024  Executive Committee

Frank Pace, Hawai’i, Chair
Homeland Security Administrator, Hawai’i Office of Homeland Security

Gregory Mays, Tennessee, Vice Chair
Director, Tennessee Office of Homeland Security

Bryan Fisher, Alaska 
Director, Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management

Kimberly O’Connor, Arizona 
Director, Arizona Department of Homeland Security

Kevin Klein, Colorado
Division Director, Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management

Esther Aguigui, Guam
Director, Guam Office of Homeland Security

Travis Nelson, Maryland
Director, Maryland Governor’s Office of Homeland Security State of Maryland

Karen Huey, Ohio
Assistant Director, Ohio Department of Public Safety

Jess Anderson, Utah
Commissioner, Utah Department of Public Safety

Jennifer Morrison, Vermont
Commissioner, Vermont Department of Public Safety


Every state, commonwealth, territory, and the District of Columbia are represented on the GHSAC by the governor’s homeland security advisor. Governors have selected individuals with a variety of professional backgrounds as their homeland security advisors – from military officers to law enforcement professionals, and emergency managers.

Overview of State Homeland Security Governance Structures

Every state has an established homeland security organization structured by the governor. No one structure has been identified as a model or best practice, nor are there federal requirements dictating a particular structure. The size, capability, and jurisdictional reach of the homeland security organization vary considerably among jurisdictions, but most are charged with uniting their jurisdiction’s preparedness and response capabilities across multiple agencies and departments.

Displayed below is a map with links to the homeland security advisor’s office or their primary supporting agency.

A Governor’s Guide To Homeland Security

This guide covers fundamentals in homeland security best practices ranging from emergency management, fusion centers, grant management, the national guard, emergency declarations, critical infrastructure and other areas of homeland security that a governor and their policy staff would need awareness on. A Governor’s Guide to Homeland Security’s best practices have been informed by NGA and experts in the homeland security policy field from all levels of government, academia, non-governmental organizations and the private sector.

The Governors Homeland Security Advisors Council (GHSAC) is a professional network funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The issues and priorities are not necessarily representative of the National Governors Association or the Federal Government. Please contact Jessica Davenport ( or Phil Nichols ( for more information.