IIJA Implementation Resources

As Governors lead on implementing the historic bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and other state and federal infrastructure measures, the National Governors Association will be continuing to provide timely and actionable resources, create opportunities for Governors and their staff to convene and collaborate, and maintain relationships with critical federal, state, local, and private sector stakeholders. This page will serve as a one stop shop for information on all these efforts.

Updated: March 7, 2025

Federal Resources

White House

On February 20, 2025, the White House announced the end of decades worth of rules for how to conduct reviews under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) unveiled an Interim Final Rule (IFR) that rescinds almost 50 years’ worth of rules, a move that falls in line with Trump’s “Unleashing American Energy” Executive Order, which revoked the 1977 order that originally authorized CEQ to promulgate NEPA rules. The new rule is slated to take effect on April 11, 2025, after the public comment period closes on March 27, 2025. CEQ also unveiled voluntary guidance for hundreds of federal agencies to follow with the goal of expediting and simplifying permitting. Overall, the document, signed by CEQ Chief of Staff Katherine Scarlett, shifts responsibility from CEQ’s overarching rules to agencies’ individual procedures, which must now be updated. Read more here.

On February 14, 2025, President Trump signed an Executive Order creating the National Energy Dominance Council. The Council will act as an advisory body focused on increasing energy production and expediting infrastructure permitting in the United States. Secretary of Interior Doug Burgum will lead, and Energy Secretary Chris Wright will serve as vice chair. Learn more here.

Build America Buy America Resources

On March 4, FHWA announced a new rule delaying the rule titled Buy America Requirements for Manufactured Products. The original final rule, published on January 14, 2025, ended the general waiver that previously applied to manufactured products, and establishes Buy America requirements for manufactured products with respect to Federal-aid highway projects. In accordance with the memorandum of January 20, 2025, from the President to executive departments and agencies entitled “Regulatory Freeze Pending Review”, this new action temporarily delays the effective date of the original final rule. You can find the new rule here

On December 9, 2024, , the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) issued a Public Interest Waiver of the Application of Certain Domestic Preference Requirements and Policies for Transit-Oriented Development Housing Projects. This waiver would set aside the domestic preference requirements for manufactured products for transit-oriented development projects that receive credit assistance through the Build America Bureau under the TIFIA and RRIF credit programs. USDOT seeks comments on this waiver by December 24, 2024. You can find the notice here.

On November 18, 2024 Federal Transit Administration issued a five-year extension of the partial general non-availability waiver from the Buy America requirements for certain commercially produced minivans and vans used in public transportation. The previous waiver was issued in October 2022 for two years. FTA’s Buy America statute requires that rolling stock, including vans and minivans, must have more than 70-percent domestic content and that final assembly must occur in the United States. FTA concluded there are currently no mass-produced, unmodified non-ADA accessible passenger vans or minivans that meet FTA’s domestic content requirement. For more information, please see the FTA Buy America page here and federal register notice here.  

In August 2024, the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Reclamation announced that it had developed a proposed Build America Buy America (BABA) non-availability waiver for AMI water meters. The waiver as proposed would provide coverage for purchases of AMI water meters for three years, using a phased approach. The proposed waiver will be posted until September 29, 2024 and comments can be sent to DOI_Grants_BuyAmerica_Waiver@ios.doi.gov. You can find a copy of the waiver here.  

In August 2024, USDOT’s Federal Transit Administration (FTA) issued a notice and request for comment on an extension of its existing partial general nonavailability waiver for mass-produced, unmodified, non-ADA accessible vans and minivans that are used in federally funded vanpool programs. FTA is soliciting comments from the public, including public and private stakeholders, regarding whether it should extend, modify, or allow the partial van and minivan waiver to lapse at the end of the initial two-year waiver period after October 24, 2024. Comments must be received by September 23, 2024. You can find a copy of the Notice here.  

In February 2024, the Department of Commerce released a Notice of Final Waiver for its Limited General Applicability Nonavailability Waiver of the Buy America Domestic Content Procurement Preference as Applied to Recipients of Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment Program. The waiver is available here and Frequently Asked Questions available here.  

In August 2023, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued final guidance on the implementation of the Build America, Buy America Act. These provisions, which were included in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), require that all of the iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials used in infrastructure projects under this law are produced in the United States unless a waiver is approved by the head of a Federal agency. In this updated guidance, the revisions are limited in scope to support implementation and clarify existing provisions related to domestic preference. These revisions are intended to provide further guidance on implementing the statutory requirements and improve Federal financial assistance management and transparency. The document is still considered pre-publication, but it will become effective 60 days after it is published in the Federal Register. Please see the final guidance and program website

In August 2023, the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) issued a public interest Waiver of Buy America Requirements for De Minimis Costs and Small Grants. The waiver is intended to ensure USDOT and its grant recipients make efficient use of resources by focusing domestic sourcing efforts on products that provide greater manufacturing for American workers and firms, while reducing delays in the delivery of important transportation infrastructure. The waiver applies to financial awards obligated after August 16, 2023, for which the total value of non-compliant products is not more than $1 million or 5% of total applicable project costs, or the total amount of the Federal financial assistance is below $500,000. The waiver is applicable to the Federal Transit Administration’s Buy America requirement for steel, iron, and manufactured products, and to the Build America, Buy America Act’s construction materials requirement. For more information, please see the waiver here, and the DOT and FTA Buy America websites.  

On February 15, 2023 the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) outlined its final plan for compliance with the Build America, Buy America Act for federally funded electric vehicle chargers. Effective immediately, all EV chargers funded through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law must be built in the United States. The plan requires that final assembly and all manufacturing processes for any iron or steel charger enclosures or housing occur in the United States (see White House Fact Sheet here). The FHWA also released on February 21 a temporary waiver of Buy America Requirements for Electric Vehicle Chargers for steel, iron, manufactured products, and construction materials used in EV chargers. Comments are due by February 27, 2023 (see waiver here)

Department of Transportation

On February 27, 2025, U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Secretary Sean Duffy announced a new plan to increase the hiring of air traffic controllers. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has opened its hiring window between now and March 17th. To better attract talent, FAA plans to prioritize candidates with the highest skills assessment score for the Academy, increase starting salaries by 30% for candidates who go to the Academy, and streamline hiring procedures from an 8-step process to a 5-step process. Learn more about the announcement here.

On January 29, U.S. Secretary of Transportation Sean Duffy authorized three actions implementing Executive Orders issued by President Trump. These are:

For more information on these actions, you can find the press release here.

On January 28, U.S. Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy signed a Memorandum directing staff to start the process of resetting Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards. This intends to lower the price of a car for American consumers and eliminate the electric vehicle mandate. The Memorandum signed by the Secretary directs the Office of the General Counsel, the Office of the Undersecretary for Policy, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to immediately initiate a rulemaking to rescind or replace all existing CAFE standards. Learn more about this announcement here and you can read the full Memorandum here.

On December 23, 2024, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Build America Bureau issued an opportunity to comment on its forthcoming report to Congress about private investment in transportation infrastructure, which was a requirement set out in section 71001 of the IIJA. The primary discussion topics are federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and practices that facilitate or impede the use of public-private partnerships (P3s) and other private investment in transportation improvements while protecting the public interest. To provide comments, the public may participate in a virtual session on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. ET. Registration is required. The public may also submit written comments (up to 1,000 words) through Friday, January 31, 2025, by sending an email to InnovativeFinanceTA@dot.gov. For more information, please see the Build America Bureau’s Public-private partnership webpage here.

On December 17, 2024, the Federal Highway Administration, Federal Railroad Administration and Federal Transit Administration released a notice and request for comments on Section 139 Efficient Environmental Reviews for Project Decision-Making and One Federal Decision Interim Final Guidance. This Interim Final Guidance explains the environmental review process and best management practices for the surface transportation projects to which the Section 139 environmental review process applies. Comments are due February 18, 2025 and you can find the notice here.

On September 27, 2024, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (USDOT’s) Federal Transit Administration (FTA) published updated guidance for programs. Revised circulars include FTA’s Award Management Requirements, Rural Areas Formula Grants Program Assistance Guidance, Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program Guidance and Urbanized Areas Formula Grant Programs Guidance. FTA also issued a “Dear Colleague” letter that calls out specific changes resulting from updates to the Uniform Administrative Requirements and detailing upcoming outreach and training opportunities. You can find the revised documents here.

On August 27, 2024, USDOT announced that its new Reconnecting Communities Institute is seeking expressions of interest for support. The Reconnecting Communities Institute is a new center for learning to help reconnect communities that were harmed, isolated, and cut off from opportunity by transportation infrastructure. RCI support is available to grantees and prospective grantees of the Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program to strengthen local capacity in planning and implementing innovative community reconnection projects. Support is open to states, territories, local government and tribes that have received an RCP program or have identified a need in the community to address the negative impact of transportation infrastructure. To request support, you can use the link here.

On May 24, 2024, the U.S. Department of Transportation amended the regulations for the Railroad Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing Program and Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) Program following a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. Changes include adding provisions for interest rate setting for long-term obligations and removing outdated planning and programming requirements. You can find the final rule here.  

On April 9, 2024, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announced a final rule updating FTA’s Public Transportation Agency Safety Plans (PTASP) regulation, along with a newly revised National Public Transportation Safety Plan. For more information, please see the press release here.  

On March 20, 2024, USDOT announced that its Freight Logistics Optimizations Works (FLOW) Initiative platform has begun to publish data on inland freight hubs, including rail terminal and warehouse end destination data, that will enable FLOW members to have an enhanced view of future container import volumes and traffic. FLOW is a private-public partnership created and led by USDOT that creates a more complete, shared picture of the U.S. supply chain for members, which include the nation’s busiest container ports, major ocean carriers, and some of the largest retail importers. Learn more in the Press Release here.  

FHWA, in partnership with the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), has launched a new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan and Inventory interactive website and accompanying background and tutorial to help State Departments of Transportation (DOTs), including planners and policymakers, understand and prioritize the elimination of inaccessible infrastructure when making transportation investments. FHWA’s new interactive website and accompanying background and tutorial improve the public’s access to and use of data that State DOTs publish on their progress and plans to improve accessibility in public-rights-of-way and transportation facilities. Users can easily find the ADA Transition Plan for each State DOT, when it was last updated, and the associated inventory of barriers, if available.  Learn more in the press release here

Department of Commerce – NTIA/Other Broadband Information
  • On January 2, 2025, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) released its Final Alternative Broadband Technology Policy Notice. This guidance clarifies how states can use broadband funding to deploy technologies like Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite and unlicensed fixed wireless. This notice gives states and territories additional flexibility and simplified processes for determining where alternative technologies can be funded. For more information, please see the final guidance here and press release here.
  • On December 23, 2024, NTIA announced that it had obligated all $42.5 billion in Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) program funding to states and territories and that it is implementing efforts to streamline the BEAD Final Proposal process. To this end, NTIA recently released a new version of the Final Proposal Guidance, which streamlines more than 40% of questions, removes duplicative waiting periods, and provides greater state flexibility. NTIA also issued a guidance document which identifies actionable steps that states, territories and service providers can take to accelerate the construction of BEAD projects.  For more information, you can find Version 1.2 of the Final Proposal Guidance here, the accelerating construction of BEAD guidance here, and the press release here.
  • On December 4, 2024, NTIA released a blog post which outlines a series of steps that State Broadband Offices can consider implementing to support broadband workforce development in their jurisdictions. The post also highlights states and territories that are already allocating BEAD funds towards workforce development initiatives. You can find a link to the blog post here
  • On December 2, 2024, NTIA released draft performance measures guidance for BEAD Last-Mile Networks for public comment. This document defines mechanisms to validate that BEAD Program awardees have constructed networks in compliance with BEAD NOFO requirements and provides transparency to the public about the performance and reliability provided by these networks. NTIA is requesting public comment on this notice by December 19, 2024. You can find the link to the notice here
  • In December 2024, NTIA updated its BEAD Final Proposal Guidance and Templates. The purpose of this document is to outline to states and territories details on requirements under the BEAD NOFO for completing the Final Proposal, which is the final submission for the Eligible Entities BEAD grant funding. This updated version 1.2 replaces the initial version released last month and an earlier updated version. You can find the latest Guidance and Templates here.
  • On July 26, 2024 the FCC announced new rules designed to speed broadband deployment have gone into effect. These rules are intended to assist Internet Service Providers that need to attach their wires and other facilities to utility poles owned by various third parties. The FCC hopes the rules will accelerate wireline broadband deployment by addressing infrastructure barriers. See the FCC’s announcement here
  • On March 29, 2024, NTIA announced the availability and individual state and territory allocations under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act’s $1.44 billion Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program. Under the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), states and territories can apply for a total of $811 million in funding for FY2022 – 2024 to begin implementation of their Digital Equity Plans. To access these funds, states and territories must have an approved Digital Equity Plan and submit additional application materials by the respective due dates. Completed applications from states and Puerto Rico are due on May 28, 2024, and completed applications from other territories are due July 31, 2024. Future NOFOs are expected to make available up to an additional $300 million for each of fiscal years 2025 and 2026. Learn more in the press release here and NOFO here
  • On March 19, 2024, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released Broadband Consumer Labels. The labels are modeled after the Food and Drug Administration’s ubiquitous nutrition labels and are intended to help consumers comparison shop for the internet service plan that will best meet their needs and budget. Beginning April 10, internet service providers that offer home, or fixed, internet services, or mobile broadband plans are required to have a label for each service plan they offer. The labels must disclose important information about broadband prices, introductory rates, data allowances, and broadband speeds. They also include links to information about network management practices and privacy policies. Learn more here; find a glossary of terms here.  
  • On March 22, 2024, NTIA launched a new mapping tool, the NTIA Permitting and Environmental Information Application, to help grant recipients and others deploying infrastructure identify permit requirements and avoid potential environmental impacts when connecting a particular location to high-speed Internet service. The application is designed to help federal broadband grant recipients and sub-grantees identify and understand the types of permits they will need and plan routes for their broadband deployments. Learn more in the press release here
  • On March 14, 2024, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation announced that it will make a 2017 program comment establishing streamlined historic preservation permitting rules for communications infrastructure projects on federal lands available to all Internet for All programs and broadband projects from all federal agencies, both on and off federal lands. This decision was made in response to a request from NTIA Administrator Alan Davidson in October 2023. The purpose of this action is to increase the predictability and efficiency of National Historic Preservation Act “section 106” reviews, simplifying permitting for recipients of NTIA and other federal agencies’ broadband grants. For more information, you can find the press release here and a blog post here.  
  • In February 2024, the Department of Commerce released a Notice of Final Waiver for its Limited General Applicability Nonavailability Waiver of the Buy America Domestic Content Procurement Preference as Applied to Recipients of Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment Program. The waiver is available here and Frequently Asked Questions available here.  
  • On November 1, 2023, NTIA released a programmatic waiver of the Letter of Credit requirement in the BEAD Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). Under the NOFO, prospective subgrantees must provide an irrevocable standby letter of credit (LOC) to the state or territory before entering into a subgrantee agreement. The amount of the LOC must be no less than 25% of the subaward amount.  Learn more in the blog post here
  • On June 28, 2023, NTIA released final guidance for the BEAD Program’s state challenge process. The final guidance is intended to help states and territories design and implement their BEAD challenge processes and includes a model for how a state or territory may choose to meet those program requirements.
  • On June 26, 2023, NTIA announced how it has allocated $42.45 billion in Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program funding to states, the District of Columbia, and territories. Allocation information is available on InternetForAll.Gov. The money each state and territory receives is tied to broadband mapping data assembled at the Federal Communications Commission over the past year. The BEAD funding is intended to deploy or upgrade broadband networks to ensure that everyone has access to reliable, affordable, high-speed Internet service. Once deployment goals are met, any remaining funding can be used to pursue eligible access-, adoption-, and equity-related uses. States and territories will receive their formal notice of allocation on June 30. Under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, states and territories have 180 days from the date of that formal notice to submit their Initial Proposals describing how they propose to run their grant programs. States and territories can begin submitting their Initial Proposals starting July 1. Once NTIA approves an Initial Proposal, which will occur on a rolling basis, states and territories will be permitted to request access to at least 20 percent of their allocated funds. For more information see the press release and the White House Announcement Recording.
  • On June 16, 2023, NTIA announced the award of $930 million under its Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program. The awards cover over 350 counties across 35 states and Puerto Rico, and will deploy over 12,000 miles of new fiber.  You can find the press release here and the list of awardees here.  
  • On February 28, 2023 as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, the ACCESS BROADBAND Act of 2021 charged the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) with tracking federal broadband investment. The law requires NTIA to report on the economic impact of federal broadband investments on local economies, including any effect on small businesses or jobs. NTIA has been working with the U.S. Census Bureau to develop the ACCESS BROADBAND Dashboard as part of this effort. The interactive dashboard includes a series of maps displaying statistics on broadband access as well as select social and economic characteristics. For more information, see the press release or the dashboard
Department of Energy
  • On February 14, 2025, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced an extension of the public comment period on three National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors (NIETCs). A NIETC is an area of the country where DOE has determined the lack of adequate transmission harms consumers and the development of transmission would advance important national interests in that area, such as increased reliability and reduced consumer costs. The three NIETCs include the Lake Erie-Canada Corridor, the Southwestern Grid Connector Corridor, and the Tribal Energy Access Corridor. The public comment period will close April 15, 2025. Learn more here.
  • On February 5, 2025, U.S. Secretary of Energy Chris Wright signed his first Secretarial Order directing the Department of Energy to take immediate action in accordance with the President’s Executive Orders. The Secretarial Order requires the Department to take a number of initial actions under the following headings: Advancing Energy Addition, Not Subtraction; Unleashing American Energy Innovation; Returning to Regular Order on LNG Exports; Promoting Affordability and Consumer Choice in Home Appliances; Refilling the Strategic Petroleum Reserve; Modernizing America’s Nuclear Stockpile; Unleashing Commercial Nuclear Power in the United States; Strengthening Grid Reliability and Security; and, Streamlining Permitting and Identifying Undue Burdens on American Energy. For more information, you can find the Secretarial Order here.
  • On November 21, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a new version of its transmission rule to allow for stronger state participation in deciding what new power lines will best improve reliability and cut costs for customers. Order No. 1920-A largely leaves the original rule intact. It requires transmission providers to conduct long-term planning for regional transmission facilities over a 20-year time horizon to anticipate future needs and to determine how to pay for those transmission facilities. It also provides for cost-effective expansion of transmission that is being replaced, when needed, known as “right-sizing” transmission facilities. For more information, please see the Press Release; Order No. 1920-A; Explainer 
  • On October 29, 2024, DOE issued a Request for Information on Opportunities for Additional Support for Commercial Direct Air Capture Demonstration Facilities. This RFI seeks public input regarding additional approaches that current and future DOE programs could implement to help direct air capture technology developers address challenges in raising project investment capital and achieving sustained facility operations. This RFI will help inform the Direct Air Capture Regional Hubs program, which supports an ecosystem of projects. Responses to the RFI are due December 17, 2024. For more information, you can find the RFI here.    
  • On September 11, 2024, DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) released a Request for Information (RFI) seeking feedback on the draft Distributed Energy Resource Interconnection Roadmap prepared by DOE’s Interconnection Innovation e-Xchange (i2X) program. This roadmap covers interconnection solutions for distributed energy resources (DERs) that interconnect with the distribution and sub-transmission systems only. DERs include a diverse and evolving set of technologies that connect to the distribution or sub-transmission systems, such as distributed solar photovoltaics (PV), wind, and battery energy storage. Comments are due October 7, 2024, and must be submitted electronically to i2x@ee.doe.gov. For more information, you can find the announcement here.  
  • On May 31, 2024, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) launched its online portal for its Coordinated Interagency Transmission Authorizations and Permits (CITAP) Program. This portal provides a one-stop-shop for qualified transmission developers to track the status of applications, submit materials and facilitate communication with DOE and other federal agencies. This follows the establishment of the CITAP program in April for DOE to coordinate a Federal interagency process to Federal reviews within a standard two-year schedule while ensuring meaningful engagement with Tribes, local communities, and other stakeholders. You can find a link to the CITAP online portal here and the press release here.  
  • On May 7, 2024, DOE released a preliminary list of 10 potential National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors (NIETCs) and announced minimum eligibility criteria for direct loans under the Transmission Facility Financing (TFF) program, which will finance the development of transmission projects in designated NIETCs. NIETCs are defined in the IIJA as areas where consumers are harmed, now or in the future, by a lack of transmission in the area and the development of new transmission would advance reliability and cost reduction in that region. Designations were made based on DOE’s 2023 National Transmission Needs Survey. NIETC designation unlocks federal funding through the TFF program, public-private partnerships through the Transmission Facilitation program, and in some circumstances, federal siting and permitting authority of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Public comments on the preliminary list of potential NIETCs can be made by emailing NIETC@hq.doe.gov and are due by June 24, 2024. Public comments on the TFF eligibility criteria can be made by emailing TFF@hq.doe.gov and are due by July 31, 2024. DOE anticipates opening the TFF program in 2025. For more information, please see the Press Release; Preliminary NIETC List; NIETC Program Website; TFF Program Website  
  • On April 25, 2024, DOE announced that it is issuing a final rule to establish the Coordinated Interagency Transmission Authorizations and Permits (CITAP) Program, which aims to significantly improve Federal environmental reviews and permitting processes for qualifying transmission projects. This final rule implements a May 2023 interagency Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to expedite the siting, permitting, and construction of electric transmission infrastructure in the United States. Learn more in the press release here
  • On March 21, 2024, DOE released findings from the Atlantic Offshore Wind Transmission Study, a two-year study evaluating transmission options to support offshore wind energy deployment along the Atlantic Coast of the United States. This study informed the Atlantic Offshore Wind Transmission Action Plan, also finalized on March 21, which outlines immediate actions needed to connect the first generation of Atlantic offshore wind projects to the electric grid, as well as longer-term efforts to increase transmission over the next several decades.  Learn more in the press release here
  • On March 19, 2024, DOE in partnership with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), launched the pilot of the Clean Energy Connector, a tool that connects families to solar energy through HHS’s Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). The first-of-its-kind software can now be used by local LIHEAP program administrators in Illinois, Washington, D.C., and New Mexico to connect community solar subscriptions to as many as 40,000 households with low incomes. Connecting LIHEAP-eligible households with community solar subscriptions will lower energy bills for families, increase access to clean energy among underserved communities, and increase equitable solar energy deployment. Learn more in the press release here
  • On March 14, 2024, DOE announced the opening of the application period for the Hydroelectric Production Incentive, part of the Hydroelectric Incentives Program. Supported by the IIJA, the Hydroelectric Incentives Program is focused on maintaining and enhancing hydroelectric facilities to ensure generators continue to provide clean power, while improving dam safety and reducing environmental impacts. Administered by DOE’s Grid Deployment Office, the Hydroelectric Production Incentives provide payments for energy generated and sold during a calendar year at qualified facilities that either added generation equipment to dams and other water infrastructure or are constructed in an area with inadequate electric service.  Applications are due by April 23,2024. Learn more in the press release here and announcement here.  
  • On March 12, 2024, DOE released the National Zero-Emission Freight Corridor Strategy. Developed by DOE in collaboration with the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation, the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Strategy will guide the deployment of zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicle (ZE-MHDV) charging and hydrogen fueling infrastructure from 2024 to 2040. For more information, please see the press release here and the Strategy here.  
  • On January 18, 2024, DOE’s Grid Deployment Office (GDO) and National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) opened the next round of funding for the Grid Resilience State and Tribal Formula Grant Program (section 40101(d)), which is designed to strengthen and modernize the power grid against wildfire, extreme weather and other natural disasters.  DOE released the FY2024 Administrative and Legal Requirements Document (ALRD) and opened the allocation request and application period for FY2024 grant funding. An additional $562 million in formula funds is available for FY2024 and applicants have until April 17 2024 to apply or request allocations. A public webinar will be held on February 1, 2024, from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM ET (register here). For more information, please see the ALRD, FY2024 Funding Allocations and Program Website.  
  • In January 2024, DOE’s Office of Electricity released a new website focused on transformation of the electric distribution system. This website includes guidance and best practices to assist in the formulation of strategies for distribution system investments. This includes a focus on integrated distribution system planning, operational coordination and distribution system design. The website can be found at the following link.  
  • On December 19 2023, DOE released final guidance for the National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor (NIETC) designation process. The process will enable DOE to independently narrow areas in the country where transmission development is urgently needed, and to work with affected states, tribes, local communities and industry to accelerate the development of transmission projects in those areas.  The guidance opens the first window for public submission of information and recommendations for NIETC designation, which will close on February 2, 2024. To learn more please see the press release here.  
  • In August 2023, DOE’s Grid Deployment Office (GDO) released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) to establish the Coordinate Interagency Transmission Authorization and Permits (CITAP) Program to accelerate Federal environmental review and permitting processes for qualifying onshore electric transmission facilities. The CITAP Program aims to establish a better coordinated, more streamlined process that would set deadlines for Federal authorizations and permits for electric transmission on a two-year timeline and ensure engagement with Tribes, local communities, and other stakeholders. The Grid Deployment Office (GDO) would administer the CITAP program with DOE serving as the lead agency for Federal transmission permitting, authority granted under the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Section 216(h) and implemented in a May 2023 interagency Memorandum of Understanding. The proposed program would require developers to participate in the Integrated Interagency Preapplication (IIP) Process, which is intended to increase efficiency and would provide a uniform mechanism for developers to identify siting constraints and opportunities and gather information that would serve as inputs, as appropriate, into Federal permitting agencies’ authorization decisions and DOE’s single environmental review document. All participating transmission developers would be required to submit a public engagement plan during the IIP Process that describes how they would work with Tribes, local communities, and other stakeholders throughout the life of the project. GDO released a draft Standard Schedule with a projected timeline for projects under this proposed rule. The comment period will be open for 45 days following the NOPR publication in the Federal Register. For more information, please see the Press Release; CITAP Program Overview and NOPR
  • On July 5, DOE’s Loans Program Office (LPO) announced updated program guidance for the Title 17 Clean Energy Financing Program. This program provides $300 billion in loan guarantees for clean energy and decarbonization projects. These recent updates include program eligibility, application requirements, and evaluation criteria. The updated guidance also reflects new authorities for this program authorized by the IIJA and IRA. For more information, see the announcement
  • On June 27, DOE’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) released a 2030 National Charging Network study, which is a semiannual study that estimates the number, type, and location of electric vehicle (EV) chargers that are needed to meet public demand across the country. This study was produced as a joint effort between the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation (Joint Office) and the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Vehicle Technologies Office. This study assessed charging infrastructure needs for light-duty EVs, and also took into account local variation in EV adoption, climate, travel patterns, housing, and charging preferences. This study estimates that the U.S. will need to have 1.2 million charges by 2030 in order to meet demand. For more information, see the full report or the summary of materials.
  • On June 14, David Crane was officially sworn in by U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm to become the Under Secretary for Infrastructure. During David’s tenure as OCED Director, he led the design and implementation of more than $25 billion for demonstration projects from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act. 
  • On June 5, 2023, DOE released the U.S. National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap, a comprehensive framework intended to accelerate the production, processing, delivery, storage, and use of clean hydrogen—a versatile and flexible energy carrier that can be produced with low or zero carbon emissions. The Strategy and Roadmap provides a snapshot of hydrogen production, transport, storage, and use in the United States today and a vision for how hydrogen can contribute to national decarbonization goals across multiple sectors in the future. It examines future demand scenarios — with strategic opportunities for the domestic production of 10 million metric tonnes (MMT) of clean hydrogen annually by 2030, 20 MMT annually by 2040, and 50 MMT annually by 2050. It also complements a historic $9.5 billion investment for clean hydrogen through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, ongoing research and development efforts across the federal government, as well as strong policy incentives — including a new production tax credit for clean hydrogen — in the Inflation Reduction Act. See press release and roadmap here. 
  • On May 8, 2023, DOE’s Grid Deployment Office (GDO) issued a Notice of Intent (NOI) and Request for Information (RFI) to inform the designation of National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors (NIETCs). NIETCs are geographic areas where electricity limitations, congestion, or capacity constraints are adversely affecting electricity consumers and communities. Designation of a NIETC unlocks critical federal investment and regulatory and permitting tools to spur urgent transmission investments needed in these geographic areas to improve reliability and resilience and reduce consumer costs. In the NOI, DOE provides further information on its anticipated approach to designating NIETCs. The RFI seeks stakeholder feedback to improve the NIETC designation process to more accurately pinpoint areas experiencing the greatest transmission need and with the greatest potential for immediate transmission deployment. A NIETC designation can unlock federal financing tools, specifically public-private partnerships through the $2.5 billion Transmission Facilitation Program under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the $2 billion Transmission Facility Financing Loan Program under the Inflation Reduction Act. For more information, see the press release
  • On March 29, 2023, DOE announced the release of its Offshore Wind Energy Strategy, a comprehensive summary of the Department’s efforts to meet President Biden’s goal to deploy 30 gigawatts (GW) of offshore wind energy by 2030 and set the nation on a pathway to 110 GW or more by 2050. Deploying 30 GW of offshore wind would provide enough power for 10 million homes, support 77,000 jobs, and spur $12 billion per year in direct private investment, according to DOE. The Department-wide strategy outlines how DOE will support the Administration’s whole-of-government approach to accelerate the deployment of offshore wind in support of achieving a carbon-free electricity sector by 2035. For more information, see the press release and the strategy
  • The Biden administration issued presidential determinations to authorize the U.S. Department of Energy to use the Defense Production Act (DPA) for investment in key energy technologies: solar; insulation; heat pumps; electric grid transformers and components; and electrolyzers, platinum group metals, and fuel cells for clean hydrogen. In addition to DPA action, the President announced (see this WH fact sheet) that he will: Direct the development of master supply agreements and preferences for domestically manufactured solar systems across all federal procurement, including applying “super preferences” to incentivize greater investment in domestic manufacturing; and create a 24-month bridge – as domestic manufacturing rapidly scales up – to ensure the reliable supply of components that U.S. solar deployers need to construct grid-strengthening clean energy projects, while reinforcing the integrity of our trade laws and processes. 
  • The Department of Energy’s State Energy Program has issued a State Energy Security Plan and Guidance document, which is a requirement of IIJA. The purpose of this guidance is to provide clarity and detail on the six elements outlined in Section 40108 of the IIJA. The guidance attached is the DOE’s interpretation of how the six elements could be met – it is not exhaustive. The framework and guidance document can be found here, and FAQ can be found here.
  • The Department of Energy released a Searchable List of IIJA Programs and Grants, providing program summaries and relevant timelines.
  • The Department of Energy has also released a Tracker for recent IIJA Programs RFI’s & NOI’s. Both sites are constantly updated by the DOE.
  • The Department of Energy has released a factsheet on ongoing DOE initiatives to boost rural communities. The factsheet can be found here.
  • The Department of Energy and Department of Transportation have established a Joint Office to implement electric and alternative fuel components of the IIJA.  
Environmental Protection Agency
  • On February 4, 2025, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lee Zeldin announced the agency’s Powering the Great American Comeback Initiative. This plan outlines the Agency’s priorities and consists of five pillars to guide the EPA’s work over the first 100 days and beyond. The five pillars are: Clean Air, Land, and Water for Every American; Restoring American Energy Dominance; Permitting Reform, Cooperative Federalism, and Cross-Agency Partnership; Making the United States the Artificial Intelligence Capital of the World; and, Protecting and Bringing Back American Auto Jobs. You can learn more in the press release here.
  • On November 21, 2024, EPA released a draft of the Interim Framework for Advanced Consideration of Cumulative Impacts. This provides agency programs and regional offices with tools and principles to consider cumulative impacts in their work. The draft is available for public comment, with comments due by February 19, 2025. For more information, you can find the press release here and the Interim Framework here.  
  • On November 21, 2024, EPA released the National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution. This strategy outlines opportunities for action to protect communities from the impacts of plastic production and waste, and details how government agencies, businesses, non-profits, and communities can take additional action to prevent plastic pollution. For more information, you can find the press release here and strategy here.  
  • On October 8, 2024, the EPA issued a Memorandum providing preliminary allotment tables for the FY2025 IIJA Drinking Water SRF General Supplemental Capitalization Grants. The EPA advises that these amounts are preliminary and are provided so that states may use these amounts for planning purposes. The EPA will promptly notify the states if the final FY 2025 appropriations includes any provisions affecting BIL allotment amounts and programmatic requirements. You can find the Memorandum here.
  • On October 8, 2024, EPA issued a final rule requiring drinking water systems across the country to identify and replace lead pipes within 10 years. The Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI) Rule also requires more rigorous testing of drinking water and a lower threshold requiring communities to take action to protect people from lead exposure. The final rule also works to improve communication with families. Alongside the LCRI, EPA announced $2.6 billion in newly available funding through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) which can be used to support lead pipe replacement and inventory projects. As highlighted in our newsletter several weeks ago, EPA is also administering a $35 million competitive program for reducing lead in drinking water, with applications due on December 30. Additional federal funding is available to support lead pipe replacement projects, and EPA has developed a website to identify available funding sources. You can find out more in the press release here and you can access the Lead and Copper Rule Improvements rule here
  • On September 11, 2024, EPA announced the launch of a new website, the Climate Resilience and Adaptation and Funding Toolbox (CRAFT). This website provides resources for technical assistance providers and recipients of funding to develop, apply for and implement climate-resilient investments. The materials provided in CRAFT include program overviews, climate risk tools, communications materials, engagement resources and definitions. You can find the website here.  
  • The EPA has established its Water Technical Assistance (WaterTA) Programs to support communities in providing safe drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater services to their residents. The EPA’s free WaterTA services can include identifying lead pipes for removal, enhancing resilience against cybersecurity threats, identifying climate adaptation strategies, providing resources for workforce development, addressing stormwater challenges and complying with the Safe Drinking Water and Clean Water Acts. WaterTA can also assist interested entities in applying for federal funding. You can find out more on the EPA’s WaterTA website here.  
  • On April 9, 2024, EPA issued the first-ever national drinking water standard intended to protect communities from exposure to harmful per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), also known as “forever chemicals.” In addition to the final rule, EPA announced nearly $1 billion in newly available funding through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) to help states and territories implement PFAS testing and treatment at public water systems and to help owners of private wells address PFAS contamination. This will be distributed as a formula grant later this year as part of the FY2024 grant cycle for the Emerging Contaminants in Small or Disadvantaged Communities program. This additional funding is part of a $9 billion investment through IIJA to help communities with drinking water impacted by PFAS and other emerging contaminants. An additional $12 billion is available through IIJA for general drinking water improvements, including addressing emerging contaminants like PFAS. For more information, please see the Press Release, PFAS Communications Toolkit, Safe Drinking Water Resources, Final PFAS Rule 
  • On March 20, 2024, the EPA released final national pollution standards for passenger cars, light-duty trucks, and medium-duty vehicles for model years 2027 through 2032 and beyond. The standards become more stringent in each year up to 2032 and are anticipated to increase the portion of electric vehicle (EV) and plug-in hybrid sales over time. EPA estimates that the final model year 2032 standards represent a nearly 50% reduction in projected fleet average greenhouse gas emissions levels for light-duty vehicles and 44% reductions for medium-duty vehicles. Learn more in the press release here and see the final rule here.
  • On March 19, 2024, EPA Administrator Michael Regan and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan sent a letter to all Governors regarding cyberattacks on water and wastewater systems throughout the US and requesting partnership with Governors on actions to secure water systems. The letter invited state environmental, health, and homeland security Secretaries to a convening to discuss the need to safeguard water sector critical infrastructure against cyber threats which was held March 21, and noted that EPA will engage the Water Sector and Water Government Coordinating Councils to form a Water Sector Cybersecurity Task Force. At the meeting, Deputy National Security Advisor Neuberger requested that each state share a cybersecurity plan by May 20 that includes details for how the state is working with both drinking water and wastewater systems to determine where they are vulnerable to cyberattacks and what actions they are taking to build in cybersecurity protections. For more information, please see the press release here, the letter to Governors here and the read-out from the meeting here.  
  • On December 5, 2024, EPA announced a final rule to reduce methane and other pollution from oil and gas operations. Among other actions, the final rule will phase in a requirement to eliminate routine flaring of natural gas that is produced by new oil wells, require comprehensive monitoring for leaks of methane from well sites and compressor stations, and establish standards that require reductions in emissions from high-emitting equipment like controllers, pumps, and storage tanks. For more information, please see the press release, final rule and fact sheet.  
  • On November 30, 2023, the EPA announced a proposal to strengthen its Lead and Copper Rule that would require water systems across the country to replace lead service lines within 10 years. The proposed rule would also work to locate legacy lead pipes, lower the Lead Action Level, increase protections to reduce exposure, update sampling protocols utilized by water systems, and require water systems to communicate more frequently with consumers. Once the proposed rule is published in the Federal Register, EPA will accept comments for 60 days. The agency will also hold a virtual public hearing to collect verbal comments on January 16, 2024. Learn more in the press release here and see the Proposed Rule website here
  • On May 10, 2023, the EPA proposed new carbon pollution standards for coal and natural gas-fired power plants intended to protect public health, reduce harmful pollutants, and deliver up to potentially $85 billion in climate and public health benefits over the next two decades. The proposal for coal and new natural gas power plants would avoid up to 617 million metric tons of total carbon dioxide (CO2) through 2042, which is equivalent to reducing the annual emissions of 137 million passenger vehicles, roughly half the cars in the United States. The proposals would also result in cutting tens of thousands of tons of particulate matter (PM2.5), sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxide, harmful air pollutants that are known to endanger people’s health. EPA will host webinars on the proposed standards on June 6 and June 7. EPA will take comment on these proposals for 60 days after publication in the Federal Register. For more information, see the press release and the rules summary
  • On April 12, 2023, EPA announced new proposed federal vehicle emissions standards intended to accelerate the ongoing transition to a clean vehicle future. Together, these proposals would avoid nearly 10 billion tons of CO2 emissions, equivalent to more than twice the total U.S. CO2 emissions in 2022, while saving thousands of dollars over the lives of the vehicles meeting these new standards and reduce America’s reliance on approximately 20 billion barrels of oil imports. The agency projected that under its proposal, two out of every three new cars and trucks sold in 2032 will be electric — more than 10 times the current national sales rate. The rules also come with benefits, including fuel savings and avoided climate emissions, that surpass the costs by over $1 trillion, according to EPA. The first and most sweeping rule, Reg. 2060-AV49, covers light-duty cars and trucks as well as medium-duty vehicles, a class that includes larger SUVs and passenger vans. Light-duty vehicles would have to achieve a fleet average of 82 grams of carbon dioxide per mile in 2032, which is down roughly half from the 161 grams required in 2026 under current regulations. A second proposed rule, Reg. 2060-AV50, covering heavy-duty vehicles like tractor-trailers and vocational vehicles would avoid 1.8 billion tons of carbon dioxide through 2055, according to EPA; heavy-duty vehicles make up a quarter of transportation sector emissions. The light-duty proposal will be open for 60 days of public comment and the heavy-duty proposal for 50 days of comment once published in the Federal Register. For more information, see the press release, Reg. 2060-AV49, or Reg. 2060-AV50
  • On April 5, 2023, EPA proposed to strengthen and update the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) for coal-fired power plants, intended to achieve important hazardous air pollutant emissions reductions and ensure that standards reflect the latest advancements in pollution control technologies. This proposed rule, the most significant update since MATS was first issued in February 2012, fulfills EPA’s responsibility under the Clean Air Act to periodically review emission standards. MATS requires significant reductions of mercury, acid gases, and other harmful pollutants from coal and oil-fired electric generating units. After reexamining the previous administration’s required review of MATS, EPA is proposing more stringent emissions limits and additional, cost-reasonable monitoring and control methods to further reduce harmful pollution from these sources, resulting in cleaner air for surrounding communities. EPA will accept public comment on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for 60 days after publication in the Federal Register. For more information, see the press release or the NPRM
The Permitting Council (Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council)
  • The Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council was established in 2015 and is charged with improving the transparency, predictability and outcomes of the Federal environmental review and authorization process for certain large-scale infrastructure projects. This includes infrastructure projects in the conventional energy production, renewable energy production, electricity transmission, surface transportation, aviation, ports and waterways, water resource, broadband, pipelines, manufacturing, mining, and carbon capture sectors that meet certain criteria. Additional information can be found in this Overview of FAST-41 and the Permitting Council or at https://www.permits.performance.gov/
  • To contact the Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council, please email FAST.FortyOne@fpisc.gov
  • The White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) released a proposed rule that is designed to fully implement changes to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) directed by Congress under the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023. The proposed rule aims to accelerate NEPA review processes, provide agencies with new tools for conducting environmental reviews, strengthen energy security, accelerate renewable energy projects, encourage early community engagement, and ensure that reviews are thorough, well-documented, and lead to decisions that are timely and have strong legal standing. Other provisions within the proposed rule are designed to clarify the roles of lead and cooperating agencies, set deadlines and page limits for NEPA reviews, help agencies establish new categorical exclusions, encourage additional programmatic environmental assessments, and support mitigated project assessments. The proposed rule will formally be published in the Federal Registrar on Monday, and interested parties will have until Friday, September 29 to submit comments via Regulations.gov. More information on these meetings will be released on NEPA.gov when available. Please see the Press Release and Proposed Rule  
  • On June 21, President Biden appointed Eric Beightel as the new Executive Director of the Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council (Permitting Council), beginning July 3. Beightel recently served as the Associate Vice President and national lead for Infrastructure Policy and Environmental Strategy at HDR, Inc., an engineering, architecture, environmental and construction services firm. Beightel will oversee $100 billion in infrastructure projects spanning the energy, environment, and infrastructure sectors. Beightel is succeeding Christine Harada in this role, who will be remaining with the Biden administration in a new capacity which will be announced in July. For more information, see the press release
  • On March 6, 2023, the Biden Administration offered new instructions for agency leaders attempting to speed up the environmental review and permitting process for major energy and infrastructure projects. A memo issued to department heads offers guidance for agencies to comply with the Biden administration’s permitting “action plan” that it rolled out last year. The memo — signed by Office of Management and Budget Director Shalanda Young, Council on Environmental Quality Chair Brenda Mallory, and Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council Executive Director Christine Harada — marks the administration’s latest move on revamping the often-lengthy permitting process. The new guidance includes details for agencies about how to establish clear timeline goals and about which infrastructure projects should be included on a federal permitting “dashboard.” For more information, see the permitting memo
  • The Biden Administration has released a new Permitting Action Plan to strengthen and accelerate Federal permitting and environmental reviews by fully leveraging existing permitting authorities, as well as new provisions in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The Action Plan outlines the Administration’s strategy for ensuring that Federal environmental reviews and permitting processes are effective, efficient, and transparent, guided by the best available science to promote positive environmental and community outcomes, and shaped by early and meaningful public engagement. Resources: Fact Sheet; Action Plan
  • The Biden-Harris Administration released a permitting action plan to strengthen and accelerate Federal permitting and environmental reviews by fully leveraging existing permitting authorities, as well as new provisions in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The fact sheet can be found here, and the action plan can be found here.
Additional Federal Resources
  • On February 3, 2025, U.S. Secretary of the Interior Doug Burgum officially began his tenure as the 55th Secretary of the Interior and signed six Secretary’s Orders. The orders are: Addressing the National Energy Emergency (Order 3417); Unleashing American Energy (Order 3418); Delivering Emergency Price Relief for American Families and Defeating the Cost-of-Living Crisis (Order 3419); Announcing President Trump’s Revocation of Former Outer Continental Shelf Withdrawals (Order 3420); Achieving Prosperity Through Deregulation (Order 3421); and Unleashing Alaska’s Extraordinary Resource Potential (Order 3422). You can find more information on these orders in the Department’s press release here
  • On October 17, 2024, the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI)’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) proposed a new categorical exclusion (CX) designed to help accelerate the discovery of new geothermal resources. The CX would eliminate the need for an environmental assessment as part of the permitting process for most cases of geothermal resource confirmation operations on public lands and split estates. It would apply to projects of up to 20 acres, which can include drilling wells (ex. core drilling, temperature gradient wells, and/or resource wells) to confirm the existence of a geothermal source, to improve injection support, or to demonstrate connections between wells. Further geothermal development would still require additional environmental analysis. The public comment period will be open for 30 days following publication in the Federal Register. Learn more here.
  • On October 1, 2024, the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) released draft guidance on how eligible states can apply for up to $40 million each in Regulatory Improvement Grant funding for orphaned oil and gas wells. This funding, divided evenly between Plugging Standards Grants and Program Improvement Grants, is intended to support states in implementing standards and procedures that support well plugging and that reduce future orphaned well burdens, respectively. Comments on the draft guidance can be submitted to orphanedwells@ios.doi.gov by November 12. For more information, you can read the Press Release, Draft Guidance, and Program Website. 
  • In May 2024, the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) released new guidance on matching grants under the IIJA’s Orphaned Well Site Plugging, Remediation, and Reclamation Program. The guidance sets out permissible uses of awarded matching grant funds, instructions for matching grant applications and state reporting requirements, among other things. You can find the new guidance here.  
  • In October 2023, The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) recently approved a final rule directing the North American Reliability Corporation (NERC) to develop new standards related to the ongoing integration of inverter-based resources (IBRs), which includes solar photovoltaic, wind, fuel cell, and battery storage. In particular, the rule directs NERC to develop a suite of new or modified reliability standards that comprehensively address IBR data sharing, model validation, planning and operational studies, and performance requirements. NERC must file the new or revised standards in tranches, with each tranche due no later than November 4 of each of the next three years. NERC also has 90 days to submit to the Commission an informational filing that includes a detailed, comprehensive standards development and implementation plan. These IBRs use power electronic devices to change the direct current power produced by generators into alternating current power that is then transmitted on the bulk electric system. In certain cases, these resources respond to grid disturbances differently from traditional generation resources such as hydropower, nuclear, coal or natural gas plants. Most mandatory reliability standards were developed for traditional generation resources, so this final rule designed to ensure IBRs support reliability in the same manner as traditional generation resources. Learn more in the press release here
  • On July 28, 2023, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issued a final rule focused on modernizing the nation’s transmission grid. The final rule includes several key areas of reforms, including institution of a first-ready-first-served cluster study process with increased financial commitments for interconnection customers to improve the efficiency of the interconnection process and minimize delays; imposition of firm deadlines and penalties if transmission providers fail to complete their interconnection studies on time; incorporation of technological advancements into the interconnection process, including consideration of advanced transmission technologies in the interconnection study process; and an update of modeling and performance requirements for inverter-based resources to ensure continued system reliability. The rule, which came out of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking issued in June 2022, will take effect 60 days after publication in the Federal Register. Compliance filings are due 90 days after publication in the Federal Register. Please see the Press Release and Fact Sheet
  • The U.S. Department of the Interior has launched an interactive map and data file to track DOI projects funded from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Under the IIJA the Department was allocated $28.1 billion for its initiatives, including combatting legacy pollution, restoring critical habitats, addressing drought, assisting with wildfire management and preparing for extreme weather events. To date, the DOI has invested $7.3 billion in over 1,300 projects nationwide, which are reflected on the map. See the press release here and the map here.  
  • On June 14, the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management announced a proposed update of its renewable energy regulations to promote the development of solar and wind energy on public lands. The new rule would reduce fees for these projects by around 80%, facilitate development in priority areas by streamlining review of applications, and deliver greater certainty to the private sector. The proposed rule opens a 60-day public comment period from publication in the Federal Register (around August 15, 2023). The proposed rule can be found here.  
  • USDA Rural Development (RD) announced that they are accepting applications through the Rural Business Development Grant program, intended to improve rural transportation systems in rural communities through training and technical assistance. Eligible applicants include national organizations that are equipped to provide training and technical assistance. Applicants must submit their applications to their local USDA office by April 19, 2023, at 4:30 PM local time. Additional information is available on page 3376 of the Jan. 19, 2023, Federal Register. For more information, see the full stakeholder announcement by USDA RD. 
  • The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) has announced the Appalachian Regional Initiative for Stronger Economies (ARISE) initiative, aiming to support regional economic development through large scale, multi state projects across Appalachia using IIJA funding. Funding for Multi-State projects is now available, with application accepted on a rolling basis. For more information, visit the ARISE webpage here.
  • The Department of the Interior’s Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) has announced the final rule extending the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund program through 2034, along with other changes to the program. The final rule extends OSMRE’s ability to collect reclamation fees for an additional 13 years and reduces the fee rates by 20%. More information on the extension of this program can be found at the announcement here
  • On July 21, 2022, the U.S. Department of the Interior released final guidance for the FY2022 funding available for the Reclaiming Abandoned Mine Lands program. The main components of the final guidance include encouraging states and Tribes to prioritize projects that invest in disadvantaged communities, incorporate public review and comment into the selection of projects, design projects to maximize the amount of methane that can be reduced and prioritize employment of current of current and former coal industry workers. The media release can be found here and the final guidance can be accessed here.
  • The White House has published an inaugural list of programs covered under the Justice40 Initiative. The Justice40 Initiative was established in Executive Order 14008 on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad. Justice40 covered programs are Federal programs that make covered investments in any one of the following seven categories: climate change, clean energy and energy efficiency, clean transit, affordable and sustainable housing, training and workforce development, remediation and reduction of legacy pollution, and the development of critical clean water and wastewater infrastructure. Existing and new programs, including those created by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, that make covered investments in any of these categories are considered Justice40 covered programs. The list of covered programs can be found here.
  • On July 6, the U.S. Department of Labor announced that $140 million has been made available to state workforce/labor agencies for training dollars. Applicants must advise whether they are targeting one of four priority industries: infrastructure, climate and economy or the care economy. Funding applications must be submitted no later than August 4, 2022. Please see relevant information on the opportunity here.
  • In June, the Biden Administration announced it is launching a summer-long Talent Pipeline Challenge to enable partnerships and encourage investments for training around three key infrastructure sectors—Construction, Broadband, & Electrification (EV charging infrastructure and battery manufacturing). The Challenge is a nationwide call to action for employers, education and training providers, state, territorial, local and Tribal governments and philanthropic organizations to support workforce development. For states, territories and localities, the Talent Pipeline Challenge asks governments to use federal funding to investment in workforce development efforts in these critical sectors, serve as a regional convenor of employers, training and community partners to identify workforce needs and develop plans, serve as a model employer, encourage contractors to use local/economic hiring preferences and adapt career and technical education plans. You can find more information on the Challenge in the Fact Sheet here.
  • On April 18, 2022, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget issued initial guidance on implementing a Buy America preference in federal financial assistance for infrastructure (including IIJA). This initial guidance relates to iron and steel, manufactured products and construction materials. The initial guidance can be found here.
  • On April 14, 2022, the Administration announced the release of Agency Equity Action Plans to advance equity and racial justice across the Federal Government. The White House Fact Sheet can be found here. The Department of Transportation’s Equity Action Plan be found here, the Department of Commerce’s Equity Action Plan is here and the Department of Energy’s can be found here
  • Fact Sheet: The Biden-Harris Action Plan for Building Better School Infrastructure
  • The Department of the Interior announced on February 7 that it had allocated nearly $725 million in FY22 Funding from the $11.3 billion abandoned mine lands reclamation program.
  • On January 31, the Department of the Interior announced that $1.15 billion in funding has been made available to states for the Orphaned Well Site Plugging, Remediation, And Restoration program.
  • The Interagency Working Group on Coal and Power Plant Communities and Economic Revitalization has updated its website with a centralized clearinghouse for federal funding sources, including IIJA programs. The funding opportunities page can be found here

Full details of all programs in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, including real-time updates, are available in a searchable table below.

NGA Infrastructure Resource Pages

Calendar of Upcoming IIJA Funding Opportunities and Milestones

March 2025 to August 2027

NGA Infrastructure Library

Governors Call for Energy Permitting Reform
Secretary Burgum Addresses National Governors Association Winter Meeting Washington, DC – National Governors Association (NGA) Vice Chair Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt and Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro joined Governors from states ...
Governors’ Infrastructure Coordinators Meet in Washington D.C. for Eighth Workshop  
On September 25th to 26th 2024, the National Governors Association hosted Infrastructure Coordinators in Washington, D.C. for a two-day workshop. This meeting marked the eighth Infrastructure Coordinator Workshop held since ...
States Capitalize on Federal Infrastructure Investments to Expand Workforce Development
Since 2021, a wave of federal infrastructure investments has provided states with historic levels of funding for economic development and industrial growth. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), CHIPS ...
State Resource Center: Innovative Infrastructure Funding, Financing and Delivery
Governors across the country are exploring the use of alternative infrastructure delivery models and innovative funding and financing approaches to deploy a wide range of infrastructure projects in their states ...
Midwest Regional Project Delivery Workshop
On Tuesday July 30 and Wednesday July 31, 2024, NGA hosted the third of its Regional Project Delivery Workshops in Minneapolis, Minnesota. These workshops provide a forum for Governors’ advisors ...
NGA Wraps Up Third Broadband Leaders Workshop in Kansas 
NGA hosted its third Broadband Leaders Workshop, June 3-5, in Overland Park, Kansas. Over 60 broadband leaders from around 40 states and territories came together with federal officials, internet service ...
State and Local Government Leaders Urge Congress to Preserve the State and Local Cyber Security Grant Program
The Honorable Patty MurrayChairSenate Committee on AppropriationsCapitol Building S-146AWashington, D.C. 20510 The Honorable Susan CollinsVice ChairSenate Committee on AppropriationsCapitol Building S-128Washington, D.C. 20510 The Honorable Tom ColeChairHouse Committee on AppropriationsCapitol ...
Governors Implement: On the Road to Infrastructure in Kansas (Part II)
Recently, the Kansas Infrastructure Hub hosted its second convening for state, local and private sector partners (details from the first convening can be found here.) Attendees gathered in Salina, Kansas ...
Northeast Regional Project Delivery Workshop
On Thursday, April 4 and Friday, April 5, 2024, NGA held its Northeast Regional Project Delivery Workshop in Philadelphia. This convening, which was hosted in partnership with Pennsylvania Governor Josh ...

Meet The Team

  • Will Carraco, Program Director, Land Management, Agriculture and Housing
  • Dan Lauf, Program Director, Energy
  • Christopher Fletcher, Program Director, Energy
  • Glenn Grimshaw, Senior Policy Analyst, Infrastructure
  • Fiona Forrester, Policy Analyst
  • Henry Ashley, Policy Analyst
  • Jenna Johnston, Policy Analyst
  • Alex Sherwood, Policy Coordinator
  • Richard Lukas, Legislative Director, Office of Government Relations
  • Alexis Howard, Legislative Associate, Office of Government Relations

Federal Funds Information for States

The Federal Funds Information for States (FFIS) provides timely and rigorous research and analysis of the impact on states of federal budget actions. The FFIS has developed a detailed resource on IIJA programs, including state allocations. This resource can be found here. FFIS information is free to states that subscribe.

Association Resources

Government Finance Officers Association
National Association Of State Energy Officials

Infrastructure Insights

Boston Consulting Group

Attracting Chips Investment: Industry Recommendations for Policymakers

BCG and SIA outline five primary factors that impact investment decisions, and provide actionable recommendations for governments seeking to grow their semiconductor industry.

Learn more…

Boston Consulting Group

McKinsey & Company

Exploring new regions: The greenfield opportunity in semiconductors

Three factors—supply chain security, sustainability, and subsidies—feature prominently as semiconductor companies expand into new countries or regions.

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McKinsey & Company


US is world’s most attractive destination for private infrastructure investment

Modernization of state transport, energy and water networks through public-private partnerships is crucial to maintain investment momentum

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Revisiting the government’s role in catalyzing modern innovation

A toolkit for public sector organizations to energize ecosystems and spur innovation.

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IIJA Formula and Competitive Grant Program Tracker

This resource presents information on all known formula and competitive grant programs in the IIJA. This resource has been developed to assist States and Territories navigate the IIJA programs and to easily access and see latest actions and upcoming milestones. The data is based on the best available information at the time. The tracker will be revised periodically. For any questions or comments, please reach out to infrastructure@nga.org.

Click the + sign next to an entry for a description of the program and Federal cost share information.

ARCOther Appalachian Regional Commission Funds$800 millionExistingN/AThe ARC is engaged in planning for the allocation of Bipartisan Infrastructure Law advance appropriations for fiscal years 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2026. Programs funded by those appropriations will support activities that help bring the 13-State Appalachian Region into economic parity with the Nation. States, local governments, non profitsMaximum ARC share ranges from 30 percent-80 percent, depending on the county’s level of economic distress. Appalachian Regional Commission participation can increase the allowable Federal share up to 100 percent in a grant. Waivers are available in some circumstances.June 30, 2024  - Concept papers were due for Round 5 funding for the Appalachian Regional Initiative for Strong Economies (ARISE) programYesNot applicable Yes
DOE - OCEDClean Energy and PowerClean Energy Demonstrations on Former Mine Lands$500 millionNewCompetitiveTo demonstrate the technical and economic viability of deploying clean energy on current and former mine land. Will support up to five clean energy projects in geographically diverse regions. States, localities, Tribal nations, Institutes of Higher Ed. etc50%August 31, 2023 - Applications closedYesYes
USDOT-Build America BureauRoads, bridges and major projectsRural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program $10 millionNewCompetitiveMakes $10 million available over five years to provide states, local governments, and tribal governments with grants to support project development leading to future applications to DOT credit or grant programs. The grants can support legal, technical, and financial advisors to help advance infrastructure projects. States, local and Tribal governments. April 3, 2025 - Applications due (opens on March 4, 2025 and awarded on a first come, first serve basis)Yes
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsTransportation Access Pilot (Section 13010 of IIJA)NewCompetitiveFHWA will provide technical assistance to states, metropolitan planning organizations and regional transportation planning organizations in developing and processing accessibility data and defining accessibility measurements. States,, MPOs, RTPOs
DOE - OFECMClean Energy and PowerFront-End Engineering Design (FEED) Studies for Production of Critical Minerals and Materials (CMM) from Coal-Based Resources (41003(b))$32 millionNewCompetitiveFunding will produce FEED studies that will accelerate the application of extraction and processing technologies for producing critical minerals from our abundant national sources of coal and coal by-products. 80%September 11, 2023 - Applications closed for DOE's Front-End Engineering and Design Studies for Production of Critical Minerals and Materials from Coal-Based Resources Funding Opportunity 
DOC-NOAAResilienceTransformational Habitat Restoration and Coastal Resilience Grants (IIJA and IRA)$240 million NewCompetitiveTo support transformational habitat restoration projects that restore marine, estuarine, coastal, or Great Lakes ecosystems, using approaches that enhance community and ecosystem resilience to climate hazardsStates, territories, Tribal and local governments, Institutions of higher ed., non-profits, commercial organizationsApril 16, 2025 - Applications due for Transformational Habitat Restoration and Coastal Resilience Grants Program Round 3

May 12, 2025 - Applications due for Coastal Habitat Restoration and Resilience Grants for Tribes and Underserved Communities, Round 3
DOEClean Energy and PowerWater Power Projects: Stakeholder Insight into Hydropower R&D Issues (s. 41006)$4 millionNewCompetitiveTo support the efforts of diverse hydropower stakeholders to discuss and find paths forward on topics that include U.S. hydropower fleet modernization, hydropower system sustainability, and hydropower facilities’ environmental impact.State and local government, institutions of higher education, for-profit entities, non-profit entities. November 18, 2022 - Submission deadline closed for FY2022 funding

March 2, 2023 - Project announced
USDOT - FMCSASafetyCommercial Vehicle Safety Plans to Support National Safety Goals$479 million ExistingFormulaTo ensure that the Secretary of Transportation, States, U.S. Territories work in partnership to establish and maintain programs that improve motor carrier, commercial motor vehicle and driver safety. States and TerritoriesSeptember 20, 2023 - Applications closed for FY24 funding opportunity Yes
EPAEnvironmental RemediationBrownfields Training, Research, and Technical Assistance Grant$40 millionExistingCompetitiveFunding to eligible entities to provide training, research, and technical assistance to facilitate the inventory of brownfield sites, site assessments, remediation of brownfield sites, community involvement, or site preparation. Local government, States, Tribes, nonprofits etc.February 14, 2023 - Applications closed for EPA's Guidelines for Brownfields Training, Research, and Technical Assistance GrantYesYes
ARCOther Appalachian Area Development : Allocations to ARC States$100 millionExistingProgram will provide Area Base Development Program grant allocations to ARC States for activities that help bring the 13-State Appalachian Region into economic parity with the Nation. Each State will operate its own competitive application process. States, local governments, non profitsMaximum ARC share ranges from 30 percent-80 percent, depending on the county’s level of economic distress. Appalachian Regional Commission participation can increase the allowable Federal share up to 100 percent in a grant. Waivers are available in some circumstances.YesYes - eligible project typeNot applicableYes
ARCOther Appalachian Area Development : Regional Multistate Initiative$80 million ExistingCompetitiveProgram will provide support for multistate regional economic and community development projects throughout the ARC region through planning and implementation grants reviewed and awarded on a rolling basis.States, local governments, non profitsMaximum ARC share ranges from 30 percent-80 percent, depending on the county’s level of economic distress. Appalachian Regional Commission participation can increase the allowable Federal share up to 100 percent in a grant. Waivers are available in some circumstances.YesYes - eligible program typeNot applicableYes
ARCOther READY Appalachia: Community Capacity Initiative$10 millionExistingFunds will be used for development of large-scale project development assistance including, but not limited to, continuing and expanding on the Commission’s current community capacity pilot, providing significant amounts in direct support to Non-Profits, State/Local Governments, and Local Development Districts for community capacity activities, and deploy resources flexibly to meet the growing need for community-specific capacity activities.States, local governments, non profitsMaximum Appalachian Regional Commission share ranges from 30 percent-80 percent, depending on the county’s level of economic distress. Appalachian Regional Commission participation can increase the allowable Federal share up to 100 percent in a grant. Waivers are available in some circumstances.June 30, 2023 - Applications closed for READY Local Development Districts IIJA ProgramYesNot applicableYes
Denali CommissionBroadbandDenali Commission Broadband FundingExistingCompetitiveProgram to assist rural Alaskan communities in planning and build-out of modern broadband capabilities.States, Tribal governments (federally recognized), counties, cities / townships, SPDs, etc.Maximum Denali share is 50 percent or 80 percent, depending on the community’s level of economic distress. Waivers are available in some circumstances.May 13, 2022 – Applications closed for FY2022 fundingYesYes - workforce development is an eligible project typeNot applicableYes
Denali CommissionOther Denali Commission Funding$7 millionExistingCompetitiveStates, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), counties, cities / townships, public higher edu, non profits, Public Housing Authorities, Indian Housing AuthoritiesMaximum Denali share is 50 percent or 80 percent, depending on the community’s level of economic distress. Waivers are available in some circumstances.May 13, 2022 – Applications closed for FY2022 fundingYesNot applicableYes
Denali CommissionOther Denali Commission: Village Infrastructure Protection$10 million ExistingCompetitiveProgram to assist rural Alaskan communities that are threatened by erosion, flooding and permafrost degradation.States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (federally recognized), Higher-Ed., etc.Maximum Denali share is 50 percent or 80 percent, depending on the community’s level of economic distress. Waivers are available in some circumstances.May 13, 2022 – Applications closed for FY2022 fundingYesYes - workforce development is an eligible project typeNot applicableYes
DOE Clean Energy and PowerTechnology Commercialization Fund: Carbon Dioxide Removal, Measurement, Reporting and Verification Best Practices and Capabilities Lab Call0.9% of DOE's Research, Development, Demonstration and Commercial Application funding ExistingCompetitiveLab call aims to support the development of measurement, reporting and verification tools and protocols to enable carbon dioxide removal commercialization at scale. DOE National Laboratories and Facilities100%March 3, 2023 - Applications closed
Denali CommissionOther Denali Commission: Workforce DevelopmentExistingCompetitiveProgram aimed at enhancing relevant skills of rural Alaskan community members to meet current demands.States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (federally recognized), Public Higher-Ed. etc.Maximum Denali share is 50 percent or 80 percent, depending on the community’s level of economic distress. Waivers are available in some circumstances.May 13, 2022 – Applications closed for FY2022 fundingYesYesNot applicableYes
DHSResilience State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program$1 billionNewFormulaMakes available Federal funds to State, local, and Tribal governments to address cybersecurity risks and cybersecurity threats to information systems that they own or operate. The Department of Homeland Security is also separately administering the statutory Tribal set-aside funding as its own Tribal Cybersecurity Grant Program under this authority.States, territories, Tribal governments, and multi entity groups of two or moreFiscal year 2022 for individual recipients: 90 percent Federal; 10 percent Non-Federal; for multi-entity groups: 100 percent Federal fiscal year 2023 for individual recipients: 80 percent Federal; 20 percent Non-Federal; for multi-entity groups: 90 percent Federal; 10 percent Non-Federal fiscal year 2024 for individual recipients: 70 percent Federal; 30 percent Non-Federal; for multi-entity groups: 80 percent Federal; 20 percent Non-Federal fiscal year 2025 for individual recipients: 60 percent Federal; 40 percent Non-Federal; for multi-entity groups: 70 percent Federal; 30 percent Non-Federal. Waivers are available.December 3, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2024 State and Local Cybersecurity ProgramYesYes
DHSResilience Cyber Response and Recovery$100 millionNewN/AEstablishes the Cyber Response and Recovery Fund that the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency can tap into in the event of a significant cyber incident when other resources are insufficient.Federal, State, local, tribal, and territorial, public and private entitiesNo non-federal cost share requiredFunding triggered by Secretary's determination of a Significant incidentYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerSolar and Wind Grid Services and Reliability Demonstration$100 millionCompetitiveProvides funding to demonstrate the capability of large-scale solar and wind plants to provide grid services to the bulk power grid as well as improving grid reliability.States, local governments, Tribes, for-profit entities, non-profit entities. November 17, 2022 -Applications closed
DHSResilience Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Research$70 millionNewCompetitiveOversees activities performed under the IIJA and reports to Congress on the progress of Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Research program’s research and development activities.National labs, federally funded research, development centers, academia, industry, etc.
DHSResilience Physical Security$40 million ExistingCompetitiveProvides a layered and integrated capability to safely screen for potential threat items in unstructured crowds within soft-target venues and crowded spaces without impact to the speed of travel while maintaining individual privacy.Academia, Industry, National lands, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers
DHSResilience Sector Risk management Agencies$40 millionExistingDirect federal The requested funding will allow the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency to sustain coordinated support for Sector Risk Management Agencies across the Federal government, cultivating sector-specific expertise within the agency.Federal (DHS/CISA)N/A
DHSResilience Cybersecurity$10 millionExistingCompetitiveResearches, analyzes, and develops technologies to strengthen defensive cybersecurity capabilities in a spectrum of strategic technical areas to mitigate risk to the Nation’s critical infrastructure, Federal departments and agencies, as well as State, territorial, Tribal and local organizations.National labs, federally funded research, development centers, academia, industry, etc.
DHSResilience Probabilistic Analysis of National threats, Hazards, and Risks$10 million ExistingCompetitiveThis program addresses biological, chemical, and hazard knowledge gaps to inform defensive strategies that provide accurate, useful, and defensible knowledge and tools to stakeholders in time to enable risk-informed decision-making pertinent for defense against weapons of mass destruction threats to the homeland.Academia, Industry, National lands, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers
DHSResilience Countering Violent Extremism$10 million ExistingCompetitiveThis Program aims to conduct evidence-based research to meet the policy, operational, and public needs to improve effectiveness of public safety and violence prevention efforts implemented by Federal, State, territorial, Tribal, local, and non-governmental stakeholders.Academia, Industry, National lands, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers
DOC - NOAAResilienceFlood and Inundation Mapping and Forecasting, Water Modeling and Precipitation Studies$492 millionExistingCompetitiveTo deliver operational, continental-scale coastal and inland flood models and mapping capabilities. States and localities, Tribes, Institutes of Higher Ed., nonprofits100%March 17, 2023 - Applications closedYes
DOC - NOAAResilienceClimate Adaptation Partnerships Program$5 millionExistingCompetitiveTo improve capabilities to better inform decisions to protect life and property, and mitigate flooding and wildfire impacts to the US population and economy. State and local governments, Tribes, research institutions, nonprofit organizationsFebruary 1, 2023 - Letters of Intent was DueYes
DOIResilienceFinancial Assistance to Facilities that Purchase and Process Byproducts for Ecosystem Restoration Projects$400 million ExistingCompetitiveTo manage programs with authority to dispose of National Forest System timber and non-timber forest products harvested for commercial, personal and Tribal use. States, TribesYes
DHSResilience First Responder Capability$0ExistingCompetitiveThis program develops and transitions technologies, information, procedures, and concept of operations to aid first responders, emergency managers, and incident commanders as they respond to hazardous situations. Academia, Industry, National lands, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers
DHSResilience Explosives Threat Assessment$0ExistingCompetitiveThis program researches and identifies current and potential explosive threats to understand the risk posed to the US, strengthens aviation security by bolstering the international aviation security system, improves security processes and technologies, and encourages partnerships with industry.Academia, Industry, National lands, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers
DHSResilience Network & System Security & Investment$0ExistingCompetitiveThis program produces the technologies needed to secure information and software that resides on the networks and systems that make up the Internet. It provides analytic tools for the law enforcement community to investigate crimes committed in cyberspace.Academia, Industry, National lands, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers
DHS-Coast GuardPorts and WaterwaysMajor Shore, Housing, Aids to Navigation, Survey and Design$430 millionExistingDirect FederalSupports procurement, construction and improvement projects to address shore facility infrastructure and housing construction, replacement, upgrade or improvement needs; construction and improvements to buoys and structures assisting navigation on federal waterways, and survey design required for future year projects. Coast GuardNo non-federal cost share requiredOctober 2022, Only Round of Funding Allocated / Selections Announced in Q4 2022
DHS - FEMAResilience Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC)$1 billionExistingCompetitiveMakes Federal funds available to States, U.S territories, Federally recognized Tribal governments, and local communities for hazard mitigation activities.State/Local Government/Territories/Tribes75% Federal / 25% non-Federal; 90 percent Federal / 10% non-Federal for economically disadvantaged rural communities; 100% Federal on management costs for all. April 18, 2025 - Applications due for FEMA's FY24 Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) ProgramYesYes
DHS - FEMAResilience Hazard Mitigation Revolving Loan Funds / Safeguarding Tomorrow through Ongoing Risk Mitigation (STORM) Act$500 million NewCompetitiveCapitalization grants to State and eligible Tribal governments for the establishment of revolving loan funds to provide hazard mitigation assistance to local governments.A State (includes Puerto Rico and District of Columbia) or a Tribal Government that has received a major disaster declaration during the 5-year period ending on the date of enactment of the STORM Act.90% Federal/10% Non-Federal; however, if a participating entity provides less than the 10% non-Federal share, the grant will be reduced to 10 times the non-Federal share provided by the participating entityApril 30, 2024 - Applications closed for FY23 fundingYesPuerto Rico
DHS - FEMAClean Energy and PowerNational Dam Safety Program$200 million ExistingCompetitive/formulaTo encourage establishment and maintenance of effective state programs to ensure dam, safety. A partnership of state, federal agencies and other stakeholders. StatesFebruary 29, 2024 - Applications closed for National Dam Safety State Assistance Grant Program for FY2024 
DHS - FEMA Clean Energy and PowerRehabilitation of High Hazard Potential Dams$590 million ExistingCompetitive/formulaMakes available federal funds to eligible states for pass-through to non-federal governmental organizations or nonprofit organizations for the rehabilitation of dams that fail to meet minimum dam safety standards and pose unacceptable risk to life and propertyStatesFebruary 29, 2024 - Applications closed for Rehabilitation of High Hazard Potential Dams program
DOC - NOAAResilience National Oceans and Coastal Security Fund$490 million ExistingCompetitiveSupports the National Coastal Resilience Fund which restores, increases and strengthens natural infrastructure to protect coastal communities while also enhancing habitats for fish and wildlife. Invests in conservation projects that restore or expand natural features such as coastal marshes and wetlands, dune and beach systems, oyster and coral reefs, forests, coastal rivers and floodplains, and barrier islands that minimize the impacts of storms and other naturally occurring events on nearby communities.States, territories, tribes, local, non profitsNo non-federal cost shareApril 21, 2022 - Notice of Funding Opportunity for FY 2022 closedYes
DOC - NOAAResilience Wildfire $50 million ExistingN/ANOAA will improve weather, smoke, and fire behavior forecasts. Working with federal, state, local, tribal, and academic partners, NOAA will advance tactical fire fighting decisions, improve risk management and resource planning, and increase understanding of the impacts of these fires on human health.No non-federal cost share required Funding likely to be distributed internally at this stage, so not external NOFO at this timeYes
DOC - NOAAOther Fish Passage$400 million ExistingCompetitiveRestoring fish passage by removing in-stream barriers and providing technical assistance.Non-Profit 501(C) Organizations, State and Territorial Government Agencies, Local Governments, Municipal Governments, Tribal Governments and Organizations, Educational Institutions, for-profit agenciesNo non-Federal cost share requiredFebruary 10, 2025 - Applications due for Restoring Fish Passage Through Barrier Removal

February 27, 2025 - Application due for Restoring Tribal Priority Fish Passage through Barrier Removal 
DOC - NOAAOther Marine Debris$200 million ExistingCompetitiveTo investigate and prevent the adverse impacts of marine debris. States, local, tribal governments and organizations, non-profits, education institutions etc.
January 31, 2025 - Applications due for NOAA's FY2025 Marine Debris Removal program

February 7, 2025 - Applications due for NOAA's FY2025 Marine Debris Interception Technologies
DOC - NOAAEnvironmental RemediationSea Grant Marine Debris Community Action Coalitions $20 million ExistingThis program provides funds to support the creation of coalitions and partnerships to address marine debris prevention and removal. Workforce development is among the eligible uses of these funds. March 5, 2024 - Applications closed for NOAA's National Sea Grant Marine Debris Community Action Coalitions Program 

March 27, 2024 - Applications closed for National Sea Grant Marine Debris Challenge Competition
DOC - NOAAOther National Estuarine Research Reserve System$80 million ExistingCompetitiveThe National Estuarine Research Reserve System consists of estuarine areas of the United States and its territories designated and managed for research and educational purposes.States, TerritoriesNo non-federal cost share requiredJanuary 9, 2025 - Applications close for FY2024 National Estuarine Research Reserve System Habitat Protection and Restoration Competition
DOC - NOAAOther Regional Ocean Partnerships$60 million ExistingCompetitiveRegional Ocean Partnerships are regional organizations voluntarily convened by Governors working in collaboration with other governments (including Tribal, Federal, and local) and stakeholders to address ocean and coastal issues of common concern in that region. States, territories, tribal governments No non-federal cost share requiredOctober 31, 2024 - Applications closed for Tribal Engagement in Regional Ocean Partnership Priorities programYes
DOC - NOAAOther Consultations and Permitting$0 ExistingDirect FederalFunding for the National Marine Fisheries Service to conducts consultations with Federal action agencies under both the Endangered Species Act and the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. InternalNo non-federal cost share requiredN/A
DOC - NOAAOther Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund$170 million ExistingCompetitiveContinues existing program to reverse the declines of Pacific salmon and steelhead. States and Tribes68% per cent federal/33% non-federal. Waivers are available. March 4, 2025 - Applications due Yes
DOC - NTIABroadbandBroadband Equity, Access and Deployment Program (BEAD)$42.45 billion NewFormula For broadband planning, deployment, and adoption projects. Each State, D.C, and P.R. will receive an allocation of at least $100 million and the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands will each receive $25 million. Each State will receive initial funding of $5 million and each territory will receive initial funding of $1.25 million to support broadband planning efforts including building capacity in State broadband offices and outreach with local communities. Following submission of 5-year Action Plans, the remaining funding will be distributed based on a formula that considers the number of unserved and high-cost locations in the State, based on the maps to be published by the FCC.States, territories, D.C.25% federal/75% non-federal. Waivers are available. August 15, 2022 - Initial Planning Funds application closedYesYes
DOC - NTIABroadbandMiddle Mile Grants Program$1 billion NewCompetitiveFunding for the construction, improvement or acquisition of middle mile infrastructure. States, territories, ISPs, local entities, tribal governments, Native entitiesFederal award may not exceed 70% of total project cost/At least 30% non-federal30 September 2022 – Applications closedYes
DOC - NTIABroadbandState Digital Equity Capacity Grant$1.44 billion NewCompetitiveThe State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program dedicates a $1.44 billion formula grant program for States, Territories, Tribal governments, Alaska Native entities, Native Hawaiian organizations distributed via annual grant programs over five years to implement digital equity projects and support the implementation of digital equity plans.States, Territories, D.C., Tribal governments, Alaska Native entities, Native Hawaiian organizationsFederal share up to 90% of project cost. Waivers are available. February 7, 2025 - Applications due for Digital Equity Act Native Entity Capacity and Planning Grant YesYes
DOC - NTIABroadbandState Digital Equity Competitive Grant$1.25 billionNewCompetitiveThe Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program is a $1.25 billion discretionary grant program distributed via annual grant programs over five years to implement digital equity projects.Local Education Agency; State Governments, including any political subdivisions of the State; Tribal/Native American Governments; Alaska Native Entities; and Native Hawaiian Organizations, Non-Profit Organizations; Community Anchor Institutions; and Workforce Development ProgramsFederal share up to 90% of project cost. Waivers are available. May 1, 2023 - Comments closed in response to NTIA's Request for Comment on the State Digital Equity Capacity Program and Competitive Digital Equity ProgramYesYes
DOC - NTIABroadbandState Digital Equity Planning Grant$60 million NewCompetitiveThe State Digital Equity Planning Grant Program is a $60 million formula grant program for States and territories to develop digital equity plans.States, territories, D.C., Indian Tribes, Alaska Native entities and Native Hawaiian organizationsNo non-federal matching requirement12 July 2022, Planning Grant applications closedYes
DOC - NTIABroadbandTribal Broadband Connectivity Program$2 billionExistingCompetitiveThe Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program provides grants for broadband infrastructure deployment; affordable broadband programs; distance learning, telehealth, digital inclusion efforts; and broadband adoption activities.Tribal Governments, Tribal organizations, Tribal Colleges or Universities, the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands on behalf of the Native Hawaiian Community, and Alaska Native Corporations. ​March 22, 2024 - Applications closed for next round of the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program (deadline extended)YesYes
DOE - EEREElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesElectric drive vehicle battery recycling and 2nd life apps$200 millionNewCompetitiveFor research, development, and demonstration of electric vehicle battery recycling and second-life applications for vehicle batteries. States, local governments, Tribal Nations, non-profit entities, for-profit entities, US citizens and lawful permanent residentsApril 19, 2024 - Full Applications closed for second funding roundYesYes
DOE - GDOClean Energy and PowerCivil Nuclear Credit Program$6 billionNewCompetitiveTo establish a Civil Nuclear Credit (CNC) Program to prevent premature retirements of existing commercial nuclear reactors due to economic factors. The CNC Program will certify nuclear reactors for program eligibility, establish a process to accept sealed bids for credits from certified nuclear reactors, allocate credits to certified nuclear reactors and conduct periodic audits. Certified nuclear reactorsN/AMay 31, 2023 - Applications closed for cycle 2 of the programYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerNuclear Reactor Safety Training and Workforce Development Program$100 millionNewCompetitiveThis program will provide funding to support the development of nuclear reactor safety training and workforce development programs.Primary applicants include Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs), including Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), and other Minority Serving Institutions (MSI). Sub-applicants: IHEs, including HBCUs, TCUs, and other MSIs; for-profit entities; non-profit entities; state and local governmental entities; Indian Tribes; utilities; and national laboratories.50%January 14, 2025 - Applications due YesYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerBattery Materials Processing Grants$3 billionNewCompetitiveGrants for battery material processing to ensure that the US has a viable battery materials processing industry. Funds can also be used to expand domestic capacities in battery manufacturing and enhance processing capacity. State and local governments, non profits, higher ed, etc.50% or above federal cost shareMarch 19, 2024 - Final applications closedYes - the IIJA directs the Secretary to prioritize applicants who partner with TribesYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerBattery Manufacturing and Recycling Grants$3 billionNewCompetitiveTo provide grants to ensure the US has a viable domestic manufacturing and recycling capability to support a North American battery supply chain. State and local governments, non profits, higher ed, etc.50% or above federal cost shareYes - the IIJA directs the Secretary to prioritize applicants who partner with TribesYesYes
DOE - OCEDClean Energy and PowerRegional Clean Hydrogen Hubs$8 billionNewCompetitiveTo support the development of at least 4 regional clean hydrogen hubs to improve clean hydrogen production, processing, delivery, storage and end use. State and local governments Tribes, technology developers, industry, utilities, universities, etc.TBDApril 7, 2023 - Full Application deadline closed YesYes - applicants are expected to include a workforce development planYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerClean Hydrogen Manufacturing Recycling Research, Development and Demonstration Program (now part of the $1.5 billion Clean Hydrogen, Manufacturing and Recycling Program)$500 millionNewCompetitiveProvides federal assistance to advance new clean hydrogen production, processing, delivery, storage, and use equipment manufacturing technologies and techniques. Nonprofit and for-profit private entities, institutions of higher ed., national laboratories, consortia, state and local governments, Tribes and Tribal organizations, and other entities deemed eligible by the Secretary. TBDJuly 19, 2023 - Full Applications closed for DOE's Clean Hydrogen Electrolysis, Manufacturing and Recycling ProgramYesYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerRare Earth Elements Demonstration Facility$140 millionNewCompetitiveTo demonstrate the feasibility of a full-scale integrated rare earth element extraction and separation facility and refinery. Industry PartnerNovember 21, 2022 - Applications closed in response to Funding Opportunity Announcement

April 4, 2023 - Awards announced
DOEClean Energy and PowerGrid Resilience Planning and Resources Hub (under s. 40101)NewCompetitiveTo provide assistance to states, territories, tribes, and others to enhance their ability to plan and implement strategies for improving the resilience of systems that deliver electric power. Universities, private sector firms, non-profits, November 21, 2022 - Comments closed in response to Request for Information 
DOEClean Energy and PowerTransmission Facilitation Program$2.5 billionNewCompetitiveTo facilitate construction of electric power transmission lines and related facilities to enable greater clean energy growth and provide low-cost clean energy to more AmericansTransmission DevelopersN/AMarch 11, 2024 - Part 1 Request for Proposals closed for Transmission Facilitation Program - Capacity Constraints 

May 31, 2024 - Request for Proposals closed for Transmission Facilitation Program for connecting microgrids in Alaska, Hawaii and U.S. Territories
DOEClean Energy and PowerGrid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program - Grid Innovation Program (s. 40103)$5 billion NewCompetitiveTo provide federal financial assistance to demonstrate innovative approaches to transmission, storage and distribution infrastructure to harden and enhance resiliency and reliability and to demonstrate new approaches to enhance regional grid resilience.State, combination of 2 or more States; Indian Tribes; units of local government, and/or public utility commissions.At least 20% federal cost share for a funded research and development activity, unless the activity is of a basic nature. A 50% federal cost share of total costs for a funded demonstration and commercial application activity. April 17, 2024 - Full applications closed YesYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerPreventing Outages and Enhancing Resilience of the Electric Grid (section 40101(d))$5 billion NewFormulaTo make grants to eligible entities to prevent outages and enhance the resilience of the electricity grid States, Territories, D.C. and Tribes (can subgrant to electric grid operators, electricity storage operators, electricity generators, transmission owners or operators, distribution providers, fuel suppliers). Federal 85%/States, Territories and Tribes 15% (Federal share is 50% to subgrantees or 66% if a small utility)YesYesYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerMarine Energy Foundational R&D Program$83.1 millionNewCompetitiveTo improve efficiency and decarbonize industries with the largest energy use (i.e. chemicals and refining, iron and steel, cement and concrete, forest and paper products, food and beverage, glass and aluminium)Institutions of higher ed., for-profit entities, nonprofit entities. States, territories, tribes can participate as subrecipients.June 11, 2024 - Applications closedYes (as subrecipient)Yes (as subrecipient)
DOEClean Energy and PowerPower Marketing Administration Transmission Borrowing AuthorityExistingCompetitiveBorrowing authority for the Bonneville Power Authority (BPA) to assist in the financing of the construction, acquisition and replacement of the federal Columbia River Power System. Entities that assist in implementing the Construction, Acquisition, And Replacement of The Federal Columbia River Power SystemN/ASeptember 30, 2022 - The Administrator must issue an updated financial plan by the end of FY 2022
DOE - OCEDClean Energy and PowerFour Regional Clean Direct Air Capture Hubs (s. 40308)$3.5 billion NewCompetitiveFunding for eligible projects that contribute to the development of four regional direct air capture hubs. Technology developers, industry, utilities, universities, national laboratories, engineering and construction firms, state and local governments, tribal, environmental groups and community based organizations. TBDJanuary 31, 2025 - Concept papers due 

July 31, 2025 - Full applications due 
DOEClean Energy and PowerGrid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program - Smart Grid Grants (s. 40107)$3 billionNewCompetitiveInvestment in qualifying Smart Grid investments that allow buildings to engage in demand flexibility or Smart Grid functions. Eligible investments include metering, control and other devises, sensors, and software, communications and broadband technologies and so forthUtilities50 per cent cost-share of total costsApril 17, 2024 - Applications closedYes
DOE - OCEDClean Energy and PowerCarbon Capture Demonstration Projects Program $2.54 billion NewCompetitiveEstablishes a carbon capture technology program for the development of 6 facilities to demonstrate transformational technologies that will significantly improve the efficiency, effectiveness, cost, emissions reductions, and environmental performance of coal and natural gas use, including in manufacturing and industrial facilitiesState and local governments Tribes, technology developers, industry, utilities, universities etc. TBDMarch 21, 2025 - Concept papers due for Carbon Capture Demonstrations Program

July 1, 2025 - Applications due for Carbon Capture Demonstrations Program
DOEClean Energy and PowerEnergy Improvements at Nonprofits$50 million NewCompetitiveFunds projects that reduce energy use and emissions and lower utility costs at nonprofit facilities so that they can redirect savings into the mission-critical work, build organizational capacity and further serve their communitiesNonprofitsAugust 3, 2023 - Applications closed for DOE's Funding Opportunity Announcement for Energy Improvements at Nonprofits
DOEClean Energy and PowerCarbon Storage Validation and Testing (s 40305)$2.5 billion NewCompetitiveEstablish a program of research, development and demonstration for carbon storageTechnology developers, industry, utilities, universities, national laboratories, engineering and construction firms, state and local governments. TBDFebruary 20, 2024 - Applications closed for third opportunityYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerJanuary 9, 2023 - Carbon Storage Technology Operations and Research (CarbonSTORE)ExistingCompetitiveTo establish best approaches and options for developing field laboratories to catalyze the rapid development and field testing of technologies that would support a safe and affordable CCS industry. January 9, 2023 - Responses to RFI closed
DOE - OCEDClean Energy and PowerAdvanced Reactor Demonstration Program$2.48 billionExistingCompetitiveTo fund two large demonstrations of advanced nuclear reactors for electricity generation Industry Partners, National Laboratories, and Engineering and Construction firms.Agreements went into effect on 2/21 and 5/21; NRC licensing of reactors TBDYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerGeneration III + Small Modular Reactor Pathways to Deployment$900 million NewCompetitiveFunding to support initial domestic deployment of Generation III+ (Gen III+) small modular reactor (SMR) technologies. VariesJanuary 17, 2025 - Applications dueN/AN/A
DOEClean Energy and PowerCarbon Dioxide Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Program (CIFIA)$2.1 billionNewCompetitiveTo establish and carry out a carbon dioxide transportation infrastructure finance and innovation programState / Local / Public AuthorityTBDOctober 31, 2024 - Applications closed for CIFIA: Future Growth GrantsYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerClean Hydrogen Electrolysis (now part of the $1.5 billion Clean Hydrogen, Manufacturing and Recycling Program)$1 billionNewCompetitiveTo establish a research, development, demonstration and deployment program for purposes of commercialization to improve the efficiency, increase the durability and reduce the cost of producing clean hydrogen electrolyzers. Nonprofit and for-profit private entities, institutions of higher ed., national laboratories, consortia, state and local governments, tribes and tribal organizations, and other entities deemed eligible by the Secretary. TBDApril 19, 2023 - Concept Papers closed for DOE's Clean Hydrogen Electrolysis, Manufacturing and Recycling Program

July 19, 2023 - Full Applications closed for DOE's Clean Hydrogen Electrolysis, Manufacturing and Recycling Program
DOE - OCEDClean Energy and PowerEnergy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas (s 40103(c))$1 billionNewCompetitiveIn consultation with the Department of the Interior, will provide financial assistance to improve, in rural or remote areas of the US, the resilience, safety, reliability and availability of energy, as well as environmental protection from adverse impacts of energy generation Cities, towns, or unincorporated areas with populations less than 10,000 inhabitantsTBDFebruary 27, 2025 - Concept papers due for FY2025 funding round

October 8, 2025 - Full Applications due for FY2025 funding round 
DOE - OCEDClean Energy and PowerCarbon Capture Large-Scale Pilot Programs$940 millionNewCompetitiveTo establish a carbon capture technology program for the development of transformational technologies that will significantly improve the efficiency, effectiveness, costs, emission reductions, and environmental performance of coal and natural gas use, including in manufacturing and industrial facilitiesState and local governments Tribal governments, technology developers, industry, utilities, universities etc. TBDApril 5, 2023 - Concept papers closed

June 21, 2023 - Full applications closed 
DOEClean Energy and PowerCritical Material Innovation, Efficiency, And Alternatives$600 million NewCompetitiveA program of research, development, demonstration and commercialization to develop alternatives to critical materials, to promote their efficient production and use and ensure a long-term secure and sustainable supply systemTBDDecember 20, 2024 - Applications closed for Critical Materials Innovation Hub OpportunityYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerMaintaining and Enhancing Hydroelectricity Incentives (also known as section 247)$550 million NewCompetitiveTo make incentive payments to the owners or operators of qualified hydroelectric facilities for capital improvementsNon-Federal owners of qualified hydroelectric facilitiesN/AOctober 6, 2023 - Applications closedYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerEnergy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program$550 million NewCompetitive/FormulaTo assist states, local governments and tribes to reduce energy use, reduce fossil fuel emissions, and improve energy efficiency. State/Local Government/TribesNo non-federal cost share required
August 7, 2023 - Full Applications closed for Competitive Program

April 30, 2024 - Local and Tribal Government Applications closed for Formula Program
DOE - OCEDEnvironmental RemediationClean Energy Demonstration Program on Current and Former Mine Land$500 million NewCompetitiveTo demonstrate the technical and economic viability of carrying out clean energy projects on current and former mine land. Up to five 5 clean energy projects are to be carried out in geographically diverse regions, at least 2 of which shall be solar projects.Will be stipulated in competitive solicitationAugust 31, 2023 - Applications closedYesYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerGrants for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Improvements at Public School Facilities (Renew America Schools Grant Program)$500 million NewCompetitiveTo provide competitive grants to make energy efficiency, renewable energy and alternative fueled vehicle upgrades and improvements at public schoolsConsortium of One Local Education Agency and one or more Schools, non-Profits, For-Profits, and Community PartnersTBDApril 3, 2025 - Applications due for Renew America's Schools PrizeYesYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerEnergy Class Prize New CompetitiveTo fund demonstration projects that test and validate technologies that reduce industrial emissions, including for iron, steel, aluminum, cement, concrete, glass pulp paper, industrial ceramics and chemical production processesLocal Education AgenciesFebruary 28, 2023 - Submissions closedYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerIndustrial Emission Demonstration Projects$500 million NewCompetitiveTo fund demonstration projects that test and validate technologies that reduce industrial emissions, including for iron, steel, aluminum, cement, concrete, glass pulp paper, industrial ceramics and chemical production processesState and local governments Tribes, technology developers, industry, utilities, universities etc. TBDApril 21, 2023 - Concept Papers deadline closed

August 4, 2023 - Full Applications deadline closed 
DOEClean Energy and PowerPurchase of Power and Transmission Services$500 million ExistingCompetitiveFor the Western Area Power Administration to purchase power and transmission servicesPower Generation and Wheeling ProvidersN/AYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerIndustrial Research and Assessment Center Implementation Grants$400 millionNewCompetitiveTo fund upgrades for eligible small and medium sized manufacturers to improve energy efficiency, material efficacy, cybersecurity, or productivity, or reduce waste production, greenhouse gas emissions or non-greenhouse gas pollution Small- and Medium-Sized Manufacturers50%March 31, 2024 - Applications closed for next review cycleYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerEnergy Storage Demonstration Pilot Grant Program$360 million NewCompetitiveTo enter into agreements to carry out three energy storage system demonstration projectsState and local governments Tribal organizations, technology developers, industry, utilities, universities etc. TBDExpected second half of 2023YesYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerCarbon Utilization Program (s40302)$310 million NewCompetitiveTo establish a grant program for State and local governments to procure and use products derived from captured carbon oxides. State / Local / Public UtilityTBDAugust 27, 2024 - Applications closed for Clean Fuels and Products Shot: Supporting Carbon Utilization Products via Electrochemical Conversion and Refinery and Petrochemical Facilities Retrofitting ProgramYes
DOEResilience Cybersecurity for the Energy Sector Research, Development and Demonstration Program$250 million NewCompetitiveTo support development and deployment of advanced cyber applications, technologies, and threat collaboration efforts with the U.S. energy sector.Utilities, National Labs, Manufacturers and VendorsYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerAssisting Federal Facilities with Energy Conservation Technologies Grant Program$250 million ExistingCompetitiveTo provide aid to federal agencies that they can leverage with private capital to make energy and water efficiency upgrades to Federal buildingsFederal AgenciesNo non-federal cost share requiredNovember 27, 2024 - Applications closed (FYI - Federal agency only)Yes
DOEResilience Rural And Municipal Utility Advances Cybersecurity Grant And Technical Assistance Program (s 40124)$250 million NewCompetitiveTo provide grants and technical assistance to, and enter into cooperative agreements with, eligible entities to protect against, detect, respond to, and recover from cybersecurity threats.Rural Electric Cooperatives, Municipally-Owned Electric Utilities, Other State-Owned Utilities, Small Investor-Owned UtilitiesDecember 19, 2022 - Public input in response to request for information  closed YesYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerAdvancing Equity Through Workforce Partnerships$10 million NewCompetitiveFunds the development of workforce programs and partnerships that will facilitate the continued deployment of solar energy technologies. States, local governments, Tribes, Institutes of higher education, for-profit entities, nonprofit entities Encouraged but not required December 6, 2022 - Deadline for full applications closedYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerBuilding Energy Codes Implementation for Efficiency and Resilience$230 million NewCompetitiveA competitive grant program to enable sustained, cost-effective implementation of updated building energy codesStates and State PartnershipsApril 5, 2024 - Concept Papers closed for Resilient and Efficient Code Implementation Program Round 2 

June 6, 2024 - Full Applications closed for Resilient and Efficient Code Implementation Program Round 2
Yes Yes
DOEClean Energy and PowerIndustrial Assessment Centers$150 millionExistingCompetitiveTo provide funding for institutions of higher education-based industrial research and assessment centers to identify opportunities for optimizing energy efficiency and environmental performance at manufacturing and other industrial facilities. Institutions of Higher Education, Community College, Trade School, Or Union Training ProgramNone specified April 23, 2024 - Applications closed for DOE's Industrial Assessment Center Operations: Technical Assistance Field Managers and Clearinghouse/Mission Integrator

May 23, 2024 - Applications closed for Industrial Assessment Centers Program to Support Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturers to Deploy a New Electric Vehicle Playbook

May 16, 2024 - Applications closed for DOE's Industrial Assessments Program Clean Energy and Manufacturing Workforce Training and Technical Assistance Awards
DOEClean Energy and PowerLong-Duration Energy Storage Demonstration Initiative and Joint Program$150 million NewCompetitiveTo establish a demonstration initiative composed of demonstration projects on the development of long-duration energy storage technologiesTechnology Developers, Industry, State and Local Governments, Tribal Organizations, Community Based Organizations, National Laboratories, Universities, and Utilities.TBDFebruary 13, 2025 - Full applications due for Long-Duration Energy Storage Pilot Program YesYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerRare Earth Security Activities$127 millionNewCompetitiveTo conduct a program of research and development to improve the security of rare earth elements. Industry PartnerTBDYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerBattery and Critical Mineral Recycling$130 millionNewCompetitiveTo award grants for research, development, and demonstration projects to create innovative and practical approaches to increase the reuse and recycling of batteries. State and local governments, non profits, higher ed , industry, manufacture, private battery collection etc. At least 20% of the total project costOctober 14, 2022 - Comments closed in response to Request for Information. Estimated opening date Q4 2022. Yes
DOEClean Energy and PowerHydroelectric Production Incentives $130 millionExistingCompetitiveProvides incentive payments for electric energy generated and sold by a qualified hydroelectric facility during the incentive period, to the owner or authorized operator of such facility. Non-federal owners of qualified hydroelectric or marine energy facilities N/AApril 23, 2024 - Applications closed for DOE's Hydroelectric Incentives Program Yes
DOEClean Energy and PowerCybersecurity for Research, Development and Demonstration (40125(b))$250 million NewCompetitiveTo develop advanced cybersecurity applications and technologies for the energy sector through several research, development and demonstrationStates, territories, tribes, institutes of higher ed, for profit entities, non-profits etcMarch 18, 2024 - Applications closedYesYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerCareer Skills Training$10 millionNewCompetitiveProvides a grant to pay the federal share of career skills training programs under which students concurrently receive classroom instruction and on-the-job training for the purpose of obtaining an industry-related certification to install energy efficient building technologiesnon-Profit PartnershipsTBDFebruary 27, 2024 - Full applications closedYesYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerCommercial Direct Air Capture Technology Prize Competition$10 millionNewCompetitiveReauthorization of program to support large-scale pilot projects and demonstration projects and test carbon capture technologies. Industry PartnerTBDFebruary 7, 2025 -Submission deadline for Commercial Direct Capture Pilot PrizeYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerFront-End Engineering and Design Program Out Activities Under Carbon Capture Tech program 962 of Environmental Protection Agency $10 millionNewCompetitiveExpands the Department of Energy's Carbon Capture Technology program to include a program for carbon dioxide transport infrastructure necessary to deploy Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage technologies. Industry PartnerTBDNovember 28, 2022 - Applications closed for FY22 Funding Opportunity AnnouncementYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerGeothermal Research & Development Enhanced Geothermal Systems and Pilot Demonstration $8 million NewCompetitiveTo support a program of research, development, demonstration and commercial application for enhanced geothermal systemsNational Labs, Institutes of Higher Education, Multi-institutional Collaborations,TBDSeptember 25, 2024 - Full applications closed for Enhanced Geothermal Systems Pilot Projects in Eastern United StatesYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerCritical Material Supply Chain Research Facility$8 million NewCompetitiveTo support construction of a critical materials supply chain research facility. Industry PartnerTBDYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerSection 243 Hydroelectric Efficiency Improvement Incentives (Sec 40332)$80 million NewCompetitiveTo incentivize upgrades to hydroelectric facilities to increase their efficiency. Owners or operators of hydroelectric facilities at existing damsN/AJune 20, 2023 - Applications closed for DOE's Section 243: Hydroelectric Efficiency Improvement Incentives Program Yes
DOEClean Energy and PowerMarine Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration programs$70.4 millionExistingCompetitiveTo fund research, development and demonstration activities to improve marine energy technologies. Industry Partner and National LabsTBDFebruary 2, 2024 - Concept paper deadline closed for DOE's Marine Energy Foundational R&D Program

April 22, 2024 - Full applications closed for DOE's Marine Energy Foundational R&D Program
DOEResilience Advanced Energy Security Program$50 millionNewCompetitiveTo increase the functional preservation of electric grid operations or natural gas and oil operations in the face of threats and hazards.Utilities, National Labs, Bulk Power System VendorsTBDYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerEnergy Efficiency Materials Pilot Program (Renew America's Nonprofits Program)$50 millionNewCompetitiveProvides grants to supply nonprofit buildings with energy-efficiency materialsnon-Profit OrganizationsTBDNovember 12, 2024 - Applications closed for DOE's Build Upgrades Inspiring Local Transformation (Built nonprofits) grantYes
DOEResilience Energy Sector Operational Support for Cyber Resilience Program$50 millionNewCompetitiveTo support a program to build energy sector operational support for cyber resilience.Small Electric Utilities, National LabsTBD
DOEOther Smart Manufacturing and Recycling Tactics for States (Sec 40534 and 40207(f)(3))$50 millionNewCompetitiveTo provide funding to States to provide assistance to small and medium manufacturers to invest in smart manufacturing technologies or access high-performance computing resources for manufacturing analysis.States30% federal shareSeptember 16, 2024 - Applications closed for SMART program Yes
DOEClean Energy and PowerWind Tech Program (sec 41007(b)(1)) - to Address Key Deployment Challenges for Offshore, Land-Based, and Distributed Wind$60 millionExistingCompetitiveTo fund research, development, demonstration and commercialization activities to improve wind energy technologies. Federal, state, and local government, higher education. National Lab, related research agency in territory, tribal energy development, Tribe, Tribal organization, Native Hawaiian community based organization, non profit, industry, etc.TBDMarch 27, 2023 - Deadline to submit Full Applications closedYesYes Yes
DOEClean Energy and PowerFloating Offshore Wind Energy Mooring and Anchoring (sub-part of sec 41007(b)(1))$2 millionExistingCompetitiveTo advance research, development, demonstration, and commercialization for floating offshore wind mooring systemsFederal, state, and local government, higher education. National Lab, related research agency in territory, tribal energy development, Tribe, Tribal organization, Native Hawaiian community based organization, non profit, industry, etc.TBDDecember 19, 2022 - Comments closed in response to Request for InformationYesYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerEnergy Auditor Training Grant Program$40 millionNewCompetitiveTo provide grants to eligible States to train individuals to conduct energy audits or surveys of commercial and residential buildings to build the clean energy workforce, save customers money and reduce pollution. StatesNo non-federal cost shareJune 28, 2024 - Full applications closed for DOE's Energy Auditor Training ProgramYesYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerNational Marine Energy Centers$40 millionExistingCompetitiveTo provide financial assistance to establish new National Marine Energy Centers and continuation and expansion of the research, development, demonstration, testing and commercial application activities at existing Centers. Institutions of Higher Education or consortiaTBDYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerSolar Energy Research and Development (sec 41007(c)(1))$40 millionExistingCompetitiveTo fund research, development, demonstration and commercialization activities to improve solar energy technologies. Federal, state, and local government, higher education. National Lab, related research agency in territory, tribal energy development, Indian Tribe, Tribal organization, Native Hawaiian organization, non profit, industry, etc.November 17, 2022 - Full Application deadline closedYesYes - $10 million program to support workforce programsYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerAdvanced Solar Energy Manufacturing Initiative (s. 41007(c)(2)).02NewCompetitiveTo develop new solar photovoltaics (PV) technologies to improve U.S. domestic manufacturing and competitiveness and secure domestic energy supply chains. State and local governments, Institutions of Higher Education, For-profit entities, non-profit entities. Varies
November 3, 2023 - Full Applications closed for DOE's Advancing U.S. Thin-Film Solar Photovoltaics

November 11, 2023 - Full Applications closed for DOE's Silicon Solar Manufacturing and Dual-Use Photovoltaics Incubator Program 
DOEClean Energy and PowerPhotovoltaics Research and Development$20 million for FY2024 CompetitiveTo fund innovative solar photovoltaics (PV) R&D that reduces the cost of PV modules, reduces carbon and energy intensity of PV manufacturing processes, and optimizes PV technology for new, specialized markets.State and local governments, tribes, Institutions of Higher Education, For-profit entities, non-profit entities. VariesSeptember 16, 2024 - Submission Deadline for Full Applications for FY2024 closedYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerWind Energy Technology Recycling Research & Development$40 million NewCompetitiveTo award financial assistance to eligible entities for research, development, demonstration and commercialization projects to create innovative and practical approaches to increase the reuse and recycling of wind technologiesFederal, state, and local government, higher education. National Lab, related research agency in territory, a Tribe, Tribal organization, Tribal energy development organization, Native Hawaiian community-based organization, non profit, industry, etc.TBDFebruary 11, 2025 - Applications due for Wind Turbine Technology Recycling ProgramYesYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerWater Power Projects: Innovative Technologies to Enable Low Impact Hydropower and Pumped Storage Hydropower Growth  (s 41006(a)(1))$40 millionExistingCompetitiveTo fund research, development and demonstration activities to improve hydropower technologiesIndustry partners and National LabsN/ASeptember 18, 2024 - Applications closed for Water Power Innovation Network ProgramYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerU.S. Tidal Energy Advancement (s. 41006(a)(2))$35 millionNewCompetitiveTo provide the development of a tidal Research, Development and Demonstration site to advance the development of tidal and current energy systems in the United StatesJune 5, 2023 - Concept paper submission date closed 
July 25, 2023 - Application closed
DOEEnvironmental RemediationFunding to Support Orphan Well Plugging$30 millionNewCompetitiveFunding to support the Department of the Interior’s effort to establish a program to plug, remediate, and reclaim orphaned wells located on Federal land.Industry PartnerAvailable through September 30, 2030Yes
DOEClean Energy and PowerNew Solar Research & Development (s. 41007 (c)(3))$20 millionNewCompetitiveTo award financial assistance to eligible entities for research, development, demonstration and commercialization projects to create innovative and practical approaches to advance new solar energy manufacturing technologies and techniques. Federal, state, and local government, higher education. National Lab, related research agency in territory, Tribal energy development organization, a Tribe, a Tribal organization, Native Hawaiian community-based organization, non profit, industry, etc.TBD
November 28, 2023 - Final Applications closed for Materials, Operation and Recycling of Photovoltaics (MORE PV) Program
DOEClean Energy and PowerSolar Recycling Research & Development (s. 41007(c)(3))$20 millionNewCompetitiveTo award financial assistance to eligible entities for research, development, demonstration and commercialization projects to create innovative and practical approaches to increase the reuse and recycling of solar energy technologiesFederal, state, and local government, higher education. National Lab, related research agency in territory, Tribal energy development organization, a Tribe, a Tribal organization, Native Hawaiian community-based organization, non profit, industry, etc.TBDAugust 12, 2022 - Concept Paper deadline closed. Full applications submission deadline October 17, 2022YesYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerPre-Commercial Direct Air Capture Prize Competitions$15 millionNewCompetitiveReauthorization of program to advance research, development, demonstration and commercial application of carbon capture technologiesIndustry PartnerTBDYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerBuilding, Training, And Assessment Centers$10 million NewCompetitiveTo provide grants to institutions of higher education to establish building training and assessment centers to educate and train building technicians and engineers on implementing modern building technologies. Institutions of Higher EducationTBDAugust 15, 2023 - Applications closedYesYesYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerEnergy Efficient Transformer Rebates$10 million NewCompetitiveProvides rebates to industrial or manufacturing facility owners, commercial building owners, multifamily building owners, utilities, or energy service companies for the replacement of a qualified energy inefficient transformer with a qualified energy efficient transformerOwners of industrial or manufacturing facilities, commercial buildings, or multifamily residential buildings, a utility, or an energy service company that purchase a qualified transformer to replace an energy-inefficient transformerNo non-federal cost share required27 May, 2022 – Public comments were due on guidance document for implementing the Extended Product System Rebate Program and the Energy Efficient Transformer Rebate Program. Yes
DOEClean Energy and PowerExtended Product System Rebates$10 million NewCompetitiveProvides rebates for qualified extended product systems (i.e. electric motor, electronic control, and driven load)Purchaser of the qualified extended product system or manufacturer of commercial or industrial machinery or equipment that incorporates the qualified extended product systemNo non-federal cost share required27 May, 2022 – Public comments were due on guidance document for implementing the Extended Product System Rebate Program and the Energy Efficient Transformer Rebate ProgramYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerLithium-Ion Recycling Prize$10 million NewCompetitiveTo provide a prize for recycling of lithium ion batteries and to convene a task force on battery producer requirementsPrize dependentN/AOctober 14, 2022 - Comments closed in response to Request for Information Yes
DOEClean Energy and PowerPumped Storage Hydropower Wind and Solar Integration and System Reliability Initiative (s 40334)$10 million NewCompetitiveProvides financial assistance to carry out project design, transmission studies, power market assessments, and permitting for a pumped storage hydropower project to facilitate the long-duration storage of intermittent renewable energyElectric utilities, State Energy Offices, Tribes, Institutes of Higher Education, or consortium thereofMatching funds equal to or greater than the amount of financial assistance providedDecember 15, 2022 - Full Application Submission Deadline closedYesYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerWeatherization Assistance Program$3.5 billionExistingFormulaTo increase the energy efficiency of dwellings owned or occupied by low income persons, reduce their total residential energy expenditures, and improve health and safety. States, TribesNo non-federal cost share requiredOctober 11, 2024 - Applications closed for Weatherization Assistance Program Enhancement and InnovationYesYes - up to 17% of grant can be allocated to training and technical assistance. Yes
DOEClean Energy and PowerConsumer Electronics Battery Recycling, Reprocessing, and Battery Collection (s. 40207)CompetitiveSeeks applications to address the recycling of consumer electronics batteries and battery-containing devices to support the establishment of a robust domestic critical material supply chain for EV batteries. State and local governmental entities, Tribal Nations, Institutions of higher ed., for-profit entities, non-profit entities. April 9, 2024 - Applications closed for DOE's Consumer Electronics Battery Recycling, Processing and Battery Collection ProgramYesYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerState Energy Program$500 millionExistingFormulaFunding to states to support electric transmission and distribution planning as well as planning activities and programs that help reduce carbon emissions in all sectors of the economy, including transportation and alternative transportation fuels and electrification States, territories, D.C. No non-federal cost share requiredNovember 4, 2022 - Applications closed for $425 million for State Energy ProgramYesYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerEnergy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund Capitalization Grant Program$250 millionNewFormulaTo provide capitalization grants to States to establish a revolving loan fund under which the state will provide loans and grants for energy efficiency audits, upgrades, and retrofits to increase energy efficiency and improve building comfortStatesNo non-federal cost share requiredApril 21, 2023 - Applications closed for Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund Capitalization Grant ProgramYes
DOEClean Energy and PowerAdvanced Manufacturing and Recycling Grants$750 millionNewCompetitiveOffers grants to small and medium-sized manufacturers to enable them to build or retrofit existing manufacturing and industrial facilities to produce or recycle advanced energy products in communities where coal mines or coal power plants have closed Manufacturing firm—subject to size limitationsNot specifiedJuly 1, 2024 - Full Applications closedYes
DOIEnvironmental RemediationAbandoned Mine Land Grant Program$11.29 billionExistingFormulaFunding to administer a program to provide grants to eligible States and Tribes to clean up abandoned coal mine sites and related problems.Eligible states and tribesNo non-federal cost share requiredSeptember 30, 2024 - Applications closed for second funding allotmentYesYes
DOIEnvironmental RemediationOrphaned Well Site Plugging, Remediation and Restoration program$4.68 billionNewCompetitive/formulaFunding to administer a program for plugging wells on Federal land, and for issuing grants to States and Tribes on State, private, and Tribal land. Grants to States are available through three separate programs. Initial Grants: Either $5 million or up to $25 million to each qualifying State that applies before May 14, 2022. Funding unobligated after 1 year must be returned. Formula Grants: $2 billion in total funding available to States that submitted a Notice of Intent to the Department of the Interior by December 30, 2021. The amount each State is eligible for under this program is determined by formula. Funding unobligated after 5 years must be returned. Performance Grants: $1.5 billion in discretionary grants to States that increase their own spending on well plugging, remediation, and reclamation, or improve the regulation of oil and gas wells within the State.Federal, states, tribesNo non-federal cost share requiredDecember 13, 2024 - Applications closed for Phase 2 States to apply to Orphaned Oil and Gas Well Program 

Ongoing- Applications Open for Orphaned Wells Program Office State Matching Grants Program
DOIWaterWatershed Management Projects$100 billionNewCompetitiveWatershed management includes water conservation and efficiency projects that increase reliability for ecological value, improvements to mitigate drought-related impacts to ecological values, and projects that improve the condition of a natural feature or nature-based feature.Open - must meet funding opportunity criteria50 percent for some projects. Waivers are not available.YesYes
DOIWaterWaterSMART Grants$400 millionExistingCompetitiveProvides a number of competitive grant opportunities for water management improvements that contribute to water supply sustainability, increase drought resilience, and that have environmental benefits.Open - meet criteria for Grant OpportunityVaries, 50 percent, 25 percent, up to 65 percent for some projects.January 14, 2025 - Applications close for first round of FY2025 funding for WaterSMART Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects

March 11, 2025 - Applications due for WaterSMART Applied Science Grants

April 15, 2025 - Applications due for WaterSMART Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Projects for FY25 and FY26 (First Application Period Closing Date)

May 20, 2025 - Applications due for WaterSMART Cooperative Watershed Management Program Phase 1 for FY2025

July 8, 2025 - Applications close for second round of FY2025 funding for WaterSMART Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects

February 17, 2026 - Applications due for WaterSMART Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Projects FY25 and FY26 (Second Round Application Closing Date)
DOIResilience Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration and Protection  Projects$250 millionNew CompetitiveThis funding will support design, study and construction of aquatic ecosystem restoration and protection projects.Open35% for construction. Waivers are not available.Yes
DOIResilience Multi-Benefit Projects to Improve Watershed Health$100 millionNewCompetitiveThis funding will be allocated to projects that support habitat restoration and watershed health in basins impacted by a Reclamation project.Open50%. Waivers are not available.
DOIWaterAging Infrastructure Account$3.2 billionNewCompetitiveThe Aging Infrastructure/Extraordinary Maintenance authority is used to fund extraordinary maintenance needs of outdated water and energy projects across the West. Transferred Works Operators and Reserved works Project beneficiaries (districts, power customers, cost share partners)Per project cost allocations. Waivers are not available.
DOIWaterWater & Groundwater Storage, And Conveyance (including Small Water Storage Program)$1.15 billionExistingCompetitive Funds water storage, groundwater storage, and conveyance projects with existing feasibility study or construction authorization. Funding will be provided through a combination of internal formulation and competitive grant processes, and non-Federal project sponsors in Reclamation States, including Alaska and Hawaii are eligible.State, Local governments50% for Federal owned, 75% for State. Waivers are not available.December 12, 2024 - Applications closed for DOI's Small Surface Water and Groundwater Storage Projects (Small Storage Program)
DOIWaterWater Desalination Projects$250 million ExistingCompetitiveWater desalination projects support desalination of ocean or brackish water.Open75% non-Federal, up to 25% from Federal. Waivers are not available.
DOIWaterWater Recycling (Large scale water recycling)$1 billionExistingCompetitiveProjects that reclaim and/or reuse municipal, industrial, and agricultural wastewater; or impaired ground and surface waters. Large Scale Water Recycling Program is defined in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law as projects that reclaim and reuse municipal, industrial, domestic, or agricultural wastewater; or impaired groundwater or surface water with a total project cost of $500 million or more and located in a Reclamation State.Open75% non-Federal, up to 25 %from Federal. Waivers are not available.03/15/22 funding closed March 15, 2022. Additional program criteria for large projects to follow during 2022.Yes
DOIWaterRural Water Projects$1 billionExistingN/AFunding for Rural Water will support the seven rural water projects that have been authorized by Congress.For existing authorized projects only - Tribal and local Cost share applies to E. New Mex project, but matching is not required. Waivers are not available.Yes
DOIWaterDam Safety Program$500 millionExistingDirect Federal Reclamation's Dam Safety Program is in place to ensure reclamation dams do not present unreasonable risk to people, property, and the environment.State and local85% Federal, 15% non-Federal, in lieu of project specific statute. Waivers are not available.
DOIResilienceOffice Of Insular Affairs Ecosystem Restoration Programs2.81 millionNewCompetitiveFunding to restore critical habitats, address drought, assist with wildfire management and support communities in preparing for extreme weather eventsGuam, American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana IslandsSeptember 30, 2023 - Applications closed
DOIWaterSafety of Dams, Water Sanitation, And Other Facilities$200 million ExistingN/AAims to reduce the potential loss of human life and property damage caused by dam failure by making Bureau of Indian Affairs dams as safe as practically possible.Tribal Governments (recognized)No non-federal cost shareYesYes
DOIElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesEnergy and Minerals Research Facility$170 million ExistingCompetitiveFor design, construction, and tenant build out of a facility to support energy and minerals research and associated structures with an academic partner. This will establish a center of excellence in minerals and energy science. State Academic InstitutionsNo non-federal cost share
DOIResilience Tribal Climate ResilienceExistingCompetitiveProvide support for climate resilient planning and implementation. Tribal Governments - recognizedNo non-Federal cost share requiredOctober 13, 2023 - Applications closed for DOI's Tribal Climate Resilience ProgramYesYes
DOIResilience Tribal Irrigation and Power Systems$50 millionExistingN/AThe program addresses deferred maintenance needs at 17 congressionally authorized irrigation projects located on Indian reservations across the Rocky Mountain, Northwest, Southwest, Navajo and Western Regions.Tribal Governments - recognizedNo non-Federal cost share requiredYesYes
DOIResilience Department of Interior Wildfire Management - Preparedness$250 millionExistingN/AFunds a range of actions that helps the Federal government prepare to respond to wildland fire. These include hiring people, training them, tracking their qualifications, and planning our wildland fire response ahead of time. It also provides for the purchasing of equipment for early wildfire detection, real-time monitoring and radios to support interoperability with interagency partners; financial assistance to local communities to purchase slip-on tanks; and increases in firefighter pay and other firefighter workforce reforms.Federal, State, local, TribalNo non-federal cost share requiredYesYes - up to $50 million available
DOIResilience Wildland Fire - Wildfire Preparedness$245 millionExistingN/AFunds a range of actions that helps the Federal government prepare to respond to wildland fire. These include hiring people, training them, tracking their qualifications, and planning our wildland fire response ahead of time. It also provides for the purchasing of equipment for early wildfire detection, real-time monitoring and radios to support interoperability with interagency partners; financial assistance to local communities to purchase slip-on tanks; and increases in firefighter pay and other firefighter workforce reforms.Federal, State, local, TribalNo non-federal cost share requiredYesYes - up to $50 million available
DOIEnvironmental RemediationDirect Federal Spending for Revegetation of Mined Lands$100 million NewDirect Federal Funding to restore native vegetation and mitigate environmental hazards on mined public or private lands.FederalNo non-federal cost share requiredMay 2022 - First Round of Funding Allocated
DRCOther Delta Regional Authority$150 millionExistingCompetitiveFocus on public infrastructure improvements, workforce development, and business development.States, local, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), public high edu, non profitsMaximum Delta Regional Authority share is 100 percent for infrastructure projects in a distressed area or 10 percent for workforce development or business development projects in distressed or non-distressed areas. Delta Regional Authority participation can increase the allowable Federal share up to 100 percent in a grant. Waivers are available in some circumstances.Ongoing - Delta Regional Authority Community Infrastructure Fund (Annual Rolling Cycle)YesYesYes
EPAElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesClean School Bus Program$5 billionNewCompetitive50% of funds are for zero-emission school buses and 50% for alternative fuels and zero-emission fuel busesStates, local governments, eligible contractors, nonprofits etc.No non-federal cost share requiredJanuary 9, 2025 - Applications due for Clean School Bus ProgramYesYes - can be used to support workforce training for drivers and mechanicsYes
EPAWaterWater Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Small and Underserved Communities Emerging Contaminants Grant Program$5 billionExistingFormulaProvides grants to public water systems in small and underserved/disadvantaged communities that are unable to finance activities needed to comply with drinking water regulations. Bipartisan Infrastructure Law prioritizes the funding to focus on small and disadvantaged communities in addressing emerging contaminants, including PFAS.States initially receive funding, then provide funds through grants to water utilities and other eligible entities in small and/or underserved/disadvantaged communities. Tribes and territories are also eligible to receive funds under this program.No non-federal cost share requiredAugust 15, 2022  – Letter of Intent closed for FY2022YesYes
EPAResilience Pollution Prevention Grants$100 millionExistingCompetitiveGrantees deliver technical assistance to businesses – including those communities with environmental justice concerns – to identify and adopt source reduction practices and technologies that benefit businesses, communities, and local economies. States, Tribes, state-sponsored institutions, Tribal InstitutionsNo non-federal cost share requiredMay 17, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2024-2025 Pollution Prevention Grant ProgramYesYes
EPAWaterDrinking Water State Revolving Fund$11.71 billionExistingFormulaFinancial assistance program to help water systems and States to achieve health protection objectives. States are required to give priority for the use of Drinking Water State Revolving Fund project funds to: Address the most serious risks to human health and assist systems most in need on a per household basis according to State affordability criteria. Under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, 49 percent of funds shall be eligible to be grants or 100 percent principal forgiveness loans.States initially receive funding, then provide funds to Water Utilities and/or Municipal and Other Eligible Entities. Tribes and Territories are also eligible to receive a portion of State Revolving Fund funds. No non-federal cost share requiredFY2025 Allocations Announced October 2024

Ongoing - Applications open for EPA's Water Technical Assistance Services
EPAWaterClean Water State Revolving Fund$11.71 billionExistingFormulaProvides communities low-cost financing for a wide range of water quality infrastructure projects. Under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, 49 percent of Clean Water State Revolving Fund funds shall be eligible to be grants or 100 percent principal forgiveness loans. States initially receive funding, then provide funds to Water Utilities and/or Municipal and Other Eligible Entities. Tribes and Territories are also eligible to receive a portion of State Revolving Fund funds.No non-federal cost shareAllocations for FY2025 announced October 24, 2024YesYesYes
EPAWaterDrinking Water State Revolving Fund Emerging Contaminants$4 billionExistingFormulaEligible projects limited to those that address emerging contaminants, such as PFAS.States initially receive funding, then provide funds to Water Utilities and/or Municipal and Other Eligible Entities. Tribes and Territories are also eligible to receive a portion of State Revolving Fund funds.No non-federal cost shareFY2025 Allocations Announced October 24, 2024YesYes
EPAWaterClean Water State Revolving Fund - Emerging Contaminants$1 billionExistingFormulaEligible projects limited to those that address emerging contaminants, such as PFAS.States initially receive funding, then provide funds to Water Utilities and/or Municipal and Other Eligible Entities. Tribes and Territories are also eligible to receive a portion of State Revolving Fund funds.No non-federal cost shareAllocations for FY2025 announced October 24, 2024YesYes
EPAResilience Front-End and Design Program Out Activities Under Carbon Capture Tech program 962 of Environmental Protection Agency $100 million NewCompetitiveExpands the Department of Energy’s Carbon Capture Technology program to include a program for carbon dioxide transport infrastructure necessary to deploy Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage technologies.Industry partnerTBD
EPAEnvironmental RemediationSuperfund Remedial$3.5 billionExistingN/AResponsible for cleaning up some of the nation’s most contaminated land.States, Local, tribal, Federal, industry partners, Special DistrictsNo non-federal cost share requiredOngoing YesYes
EPAEnvironmental RemediationBrownfield State and Tribal Response Programs$300 millionExistingFormula This funding is intended for States and Tribes that have the required management and administrative capacity within their government to administer a Federal grant. States, Tribal Governments (Federally Recognized)No non-federal cost share requiredJune 3, 2022 – Requests for FY22 EPA State and Tribal Brownfield Response Program closedYesYes
EPAEnvironmental RemediationBrownfield Projects$1.2 billionExistingCompetitiveProvides funds to prevent, inventory, assess, clean up, and reuse brownfield sites. States, Counties, Cities/Townships, Tribal (Federally Recognized), Indian Housing Authorities, Nonprofits, Public Housing Authorities No non-federal cost share requiredNovember 15, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2025 Brownfield Assessment Grants (Community Wide Assessment Grants for States and Tribes)

November 15, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2025 Brownfield Assessment Grants (Community Wide Assessment Grants)

November 15, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2025 Brownfield Assessment Grants (Assessment Coalition Grants)

November 15, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2025 Brownfield Cleanup Grants  
EPAEnvironmental RemediationBrownfield Job Training Grants$30 millionExistingCompetitiveThe Brownfields Job Training Program is designed to recruit, train, and place unemployed and under-employed residents from communities impacted by brownfields; ensure that residents living in these communities benefit from the environmental cleanup and help graduates develop wider skill sets. States, Counties, Cities/Townships, Tribal (Federally Recognized), Indian Housing Authorities, Nonprofits, Public Housing Authorities No non-federal cost share requiredAugust 15, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2025 funding round YesYesYes
EPAEnvironmental RemediationBrownfield Assessment Grants - Community-Wide Assessment Grants for States and Tribes (sub-program of Brownfields Program)$40 millionExistingCompetitiveAssessment grants provide funding for developing inventories of brownfield sites, prioritizing sites, conducting community involvement activities, conducting planning, conducting site assessments, developing site-specific cleanup plans and developing reuse plans related to brownfield sites. States, TribesNo non-federal cost share requiredNovember 13, 2023 - Applications closed for FY24 Brownfield Assessment Grants (Community Wide Assessment Grants for States and Tribes)YesYesYes
EPAEnvironmental RemediationBrownfield Cleanup Grants (sub-program)$6 millionExistingCompetitiveProvide funding to carry out clean up cleanup activities at brownfield sites. Applicants with sole ownership of the siteNovember 13, 2023 - Applications closed for EPA's FY2024 Guidelines for Brownfield Cleanup GrantsYesYesYes
EPAEnvironmental RemediationBrownfield Revolving Loan Fund Grants (sub-program)$10 million ExistingCompetitiveProvides loans and sub grants to eligible entities to carry out cleanup activities at brownfield sites contaminated with hazardous substances and/or petroleum. States, Counties, Cities/Townships, Tribes; Nonprofits, etc. No non-federal cost share requiredNovember 14, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2025 Brownfield Revolving Loan Funds GrantsYesYes
EPAOther Gulf Hypoxia Action Plan$6 millionNewFormulaIn the short-term, aims to reduce nutrient-loading to the Gulf of Mexico from the basin by 20% by 2025 In the long-term, the goal is to limit the Gulf hypoxic zone to an average annual size of less than 5,000 square kilometers by 2035.12 State Members of Gulf Hypoxia Task Force (Along Mississippi Corridor/Gulf of Mexico)No non-federal cost share requiredJune 2022 - funding allocation released Yes
EPAOther Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling Infrastructure Grants$280 million NewCompetitiveTo fund investment in recycling and solid waste management.States (including the District of Columbia, a territory or possession of the United States, or any political subdivision of a State, Tribe, or territory), Tribes, InterTribal Consortia, Former Indian Reservations in Oklahoma (As Determined by The Secretary of The Interior), and Alaskan Native Villages.No non-federal cost share requiredDecember 20, 2024 - Applications closed for Solid Waste for Recycling Grants for Political Subdivisions of States and Territories

December 20, 2024 - Applications closed for Consumer Recycling Education and Outreach Grant Program

March 14, 2025 - Applications due for Solid Waste for Recycling Grants for Tribes and Intertribal Consortia
EPAOther Reduce, Reuse, Recycling Education and Outreach Grants$80 million NewCompetitiveInvestment to transform public education and outreach regarding how to reduce, reuse, and recycle.States, a Unit of Local Government, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), A Native Hawaiian Organization, The Department of Hawaiian Homelands, The Office of Hawaiian Affairs, A Non-Profit Organization, Or A Public-Private PartnershipNo non-federal cost share requiredJanuary 16, 2023 - Applications closed for EPA's Consumer Recycling Education and Outreach (REO) Grant ProgramYesYes
EPAOther Battery Recycling Best Practices$0 NewN/AThe Environmental Protection Agency will develop best practices that may be implemented by State, Tribal, and local governments with respect to the collection of batteries to be recycled.No non-federal cost shareReport to Congress in November 2023
EPAOther Battery Labeling Guidelines$0 NewN/AEstablishes a program to promote battery recycling through the development of voluntary labeling guidelines for batteries and other forms of communication materials for battery producers and consumers about the reuse and recycling of critical materials from batteries. No non-federal cost share
FCC-WCBBroadbandAffordable Connectivity Program$14.2 billionExistingSubsidyHelps low income households afford home broadband service by providing up to a $30 monthly benefit on a household's monthly internet bill. For low-income households on Tribal lands the benefit is up to $75. Eligible households can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers if the household contributes more than $10 and less than $50 toward the purchase price. Internet Service Providers (Who Then Apply the Benefit to Consumers' Monthly Bills)No non-federal cost share requiredAugust 5, 2022 - FCC approved proposal to increase funding for outreach. The first established a $100 million grant program to help increase awareness of the subsidy. The second established a pilot program to promote the program to recipients of federal housing assistance. Additional details on the grant program will be provided at a later date. Low-income households on Tribal lands can receive a monthly benefit of up to $75 on broadband charges
FCC-WCBBroadbandAffordable Connectivity Program - Outreach Grants$100 million NewCompetitiveTo conduct and fund ACP outreach, including providing grants to outreach partners to ensure that eligible households can learn about the program and receive assistance with the application process. TBD, Pending RulemakingN/A
June 30, 2023 - Applications closed for the FCC's Affordable Connectivity Outreach Grant Program - National Competitive Outreach Program

July 28, 2023 - Applications closed for FCC's Affordable Connectivity Outreach Grant Program - Tribal Competitive Outreach Program (TCOP)
FCC-WCBBroadbandBroadband Deployment Locations Map$10 million NewDirect FederalTo establish an online mapping tool to provide a locations overview of the overall geographic footprint of each broadband infrastructure deployment project funded by the Infrastructure Act, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 or any other Federal amounts appropriated or any Federal program authorized after the date of enactment of the Infrastructure Act to fund broadband infrastructure deployment.N/ANo non-federal cost share requirementSeptember 8, 2023 - Stakeholders encouraged to submit Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric Challenge by September 8 to ensure they have the best opportunity for inclusion in the December 2023 Fabric update
GSAPorts and WaterwaysReal Property Activities$3.42 billionExistingDirect FederalConstruction and acquisition, and repairs and alterations of land ports of entry. GSA, Public Buildings Service, Federal Buildings Fund which will contract out the design and construction servicesNo non-federal cost share requirement
Northern Border Regional CommissionOther Northern Border Regional Commission$150 millionExistingThe Northern Border Regional Commission catalyzes regional, collaborative, and transformative community economic development approaches that alleviate economic distress and position the region for economic growth.States, Tribal governments (federally recognized and non-federally recognized), counties, cities / townships, public higher edu, non profits etc.Maximum Northern Border Regional Commission share is 50 percent or 80 percent, depending on the community’s level of economic distress. Waivers are available in some circumstances.YesYes - workforce development is an eligible project type
Southeast Crescent Regional CommissionOther Southeast Crescent Regional Commission Funding$10 million ExistingSoutheast Crescent Regional Commission States are Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia.Maximum Southeast Crescent Regional Commission share is 50 percent or 80 percent, depending on the community’s level of economic distress. Waivers are available in some circumstances.July 19, 2023 - Pre-Application period closed for State Economic and Infrastructure Development Grant Program

September 15, 2023 - Full Applications closed for Southeast Crescent Regional Commission's State Economic and Infrastructure Development Grant Program
USACEPorts and WaterwaysCorps of Engineers Operation and Maintenance$4 billion ExistingDirect FederalThe Army Corps to use this funding for operation and maintenance of its projects, including coastal and inland navigation projects.Army Corps Unless otherwise specified in law, projects are 100% federal funded.
USACEResilience Coastal Storm Risk Management, Hurricane, And Storm Damage Reduction Projects$2.55 billion ExistingDirect Federal This program will fund the construction of projects that help to reduce the risk of damage in a coastal storm, targeting States that have been impacted by Federally declared disasters over the past six years.The Army Corps will use this funding to construct authorized federal storm damage reduction projects.In general, projects are cost shared 65% Federal, 35% non-Federal.Yes
USACEPorts and WaterwaysInland Waterways Projects$2.5 billion ExistingDirect FederalThe Army Corps to use this funding to construct eligible improvements to commercial navigation projects on inland waterways, including locks and damsArmy Corps Unless otherwise specified in law, projects are 100% federal funded.
USACEPorts and WaterwaysMajor Rehabilitation for Rivers and Harbors$1.5 billionExistingDirect federalIn partnership with port authorities, the Army Corps will use this funding to construct authorized coastal navigation projects such as deepening and widening of federal navigation channels. In partnership with port authorities, the Army Corps would use this funding to construct authorized coastal navigation projects such as deepening and widening of federal navigation channels.Unless otherwise specified in law, projects are 100% federal funded.
USACEPorts and WaterwaysMississippi River and Tributaries$800 millionExistingDirect federalFederal projects to help reduce the risk of flood damage in the lower Mississippi River valley below Cape Girardeau, Missouri. The Corps of Engineers will use this funding to plan, design, construct, operate, and maintain certain federal flood damage reduction projectsUnless otherwise specified in law, projects are 100% federal funded. The Army Corps will be issuing multiple contract awards during FY22
USACEResilience Continuing Authorities Program (Under Flood Control Act And River And Harbor Act)$470 millionExistingDirect federalFunds eligible for small Army Corps projects, including $115 million for restoring fish and wildlife passage.The Army Corps will use this funding to plan, design, and construct small water resources projects.Varies. Yes
USACEResilience Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies$250 million ExistingDirect federalFunds Army Corps preparedness measures, certain Army Corps operations during a flood, hurricane, or other natural disaster, and the repair of certain projects following such a natural disaster.The Army Corps will use this funding to prepare for, respond to, and help in the recovery following a flood, hurricane, or other natural disasterVaries
USACEResilience Water-Related Environmental Infrastructure Assistance$200 million ExistingDirect FederalThe program funds engineering and construction of authorized environmental infrastructure projects which provides safe water supply, waste disposal, and pollution control to cities and towns to protect human health and safeguard the environment.In partnership with State, local, and Tribal governments, the Army Corps would use funding to construct Federally authorized environmental infrastructure projects.In general, projects are cost shared 50% Federal, 50% non-Federal.Yes
USACEResilience Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Program Account$80 millionNew LoansFederal credit program to provide credit assistance to creditworthy borrowers for projects to maintain, upgrade, and repair dams identified in the National Inventory of Dams owned by non-Federal entities.State, local government, public utility, or private primary owners of dams identified in the National Inventory of Dams
USACEResilience Flood Plain Management Services$50 million ExistingDirect FederalThe Army Corps provides site-specific flood and flood plain data and assistance to States, Tribes, and local communities.Funds certain technical assistance provided by the Army CorpsIn general, projects are 100 percent Federally funded.Yes
USACEResilience To Complete Or Initiate And Complete Studies That Were Authorized Prior To The Date Of This Act$50 millionExistingDirect FederalFunds studies to determine the engineering, economic feasibility of potential solutions to water and related land resources problems as well as preconstruction engineering and designIn partnership with State, local, and Tribal governments, the Army Corps would use funding to carry out feasibility studiesIn general, projects are cost shared 50% Federal, 50% non-Federal Yes
USACEResilience Planning Assistance To States$30 millionExistingDirect Federal The Army Corps provides planning and technical assistance to States, Tribes, and local communities to address water resource issues and related work.Funds certain planning and technical assistance provided by the Army Corps.In general, projects are cost shared 50% Federal, 50% non-Federal with a cost-share waiver for Tribes and TerritoriesYesYes
USACEResilience Section 118 Of Water Resources Development Act of 2020$30 millionNew Direct Federal Pilot program to carry out feasibility studies for flood risk management and hurricane and storm damage risk reduction projects that incorporate natural features or nature-based features for rural communities and economically disadvantaged communities.In partnership with State, local, and Tribal governments, the Army Corps would use funding to carry out feasibility studiesIn general, studies are 100% Federally funded.YesYes
USCBPPorts and WaterwaysLand Port of Entry Modernization$330 million ExistingDirect federal For furniture, fixtures and equipment for the land ports of entry modernized with funding provided to the General Service Administration in the Act. GSA, Public Buildings Service, Federal Buildings Fund which will contract out the design and construction servicesNo non-federal cost share required
USCBPPorts and WaterwaysLand Port of Entry Modernization$10 millionExistingDirect federal For land port of entry construction, modernization and sustainmentGSA, Public Buildings Service, Federal Buildings Fund which will contract out the design and construction servicesNo non-federal cost share required
USDAResilience Community Wildfire Defense Grant Program for At-Risk Communities$1 billionNewCompetitiveProvide grants to communities at risk from wildfire to develop or revise their community wildfire protection plans and carry out projects described within those plans. It will include a mix of formula and competitive funds.Private forest owners, communities at risk of wildfires, tribes, state forestry agencies, and non profitsYes
USDAResilienceCommunity Wildfire Defense Grant Program for At-Risk Communities - Northeast-Midwest (sub-program)$150 millionNewCompetitiveProvide grants to communities at risk from wildfire to develop or revise their community wildfire protection plans and carry out projects described within those plans. Private forest owners, communities at risk of wildfires, tribes, state forestry agencies, and non profitsFebruary 28, 2025 - Applications due for USDA's Community Wildfire Defense Grant 2024 (FY25) Northeast-MidwestYes
USDAResilienceCommunity Wildfire Defense Grant Program for At-Risk Communities - Southern (sub-program)$150 millionNewCompetitiveProvide grants to communities at risk from wildfire to develop or revise their community wildfire protection plans and carry out projects described within those plans. Private forest owners, communities at risk of wildfires, tribes, state forestry agencies, and non profitsFebruary 28, 2025 - Applications due for USDA's Community Wildfire Defense Grant 2024 (FY25) SouthYes
USDAResilienceCommunity Wildfire Defense Grant Program for At-Risk Communities - Tribes (sub-program)$150 million NewCompetitiveProvide grants to communities at risk from wildfire to develop or revise their community wildfire protection plans and carry out projects described within those plans. Private forest owners, communities at risk of wildfires, tribes, state forestry agencies, and non profitsFebruary 28, 2025 - Applications due for USDA's Community Wildfire Defense Grant 2024 (FY25) - TribesYes
USDAResilienceCommunity Wildfire Defense Grant Program for At-Risk Communities - West (sub-program)$150 millionNewCompetitiveProvide grants to communities at risk from wildfire to develop or revise their community wildfire protection plans and carry out projects described within those plans. Private forest owners, communities at risk of wildfires, tribes, state forestry agencies, and non profitsFebruary 28, 2025 - Applications due for USDA's Community Wildfire Defense Grant 2024 (FY24) - WestYes
EPAOtherEnvironmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Program (EJ TCTAC)$100 millionExistingCompetitiveProvides grant funding to eligible applicants to establish technical assistance centers across the nation providing technical assistance, training and related support to communities with environmental justice concerns and their partners. Public and private universities and colleges, public and private nonprofits, intertribal consortia November 1, 2022 - Applications closed for FY22 fundingYes
USDAResilience State Fire Assistance$90 millionExistingCompetitiveThe Forest Service supports and assists State Foresters and local communities in building capacity for wildfire prevention, mitigation, control, and suppression on non-Federal lands.State and Communities, State Forestry ServiceYes. Waivers are available.
USDAOther Temporary Bridge Funding Opportunity Program$50 millionNewN/AUnder developmentStates and TribesDecember 20, 2022 - Applications closed for USDA's temporary bridge funding opportunity Yes
USDAOtherWood Product Infrastructure Assistance (WPIA) Program (s40804(b)3)$23.3 million NewCompetitiveProject funding may be used to establish, reopen, retrofit, expand, or improve a sawmill or other wood-processing facility in close proximity to federal or Indian lands that need ecosystem restoration and will generate byproducts. The emphasis is on areas of unnaturally severe high fire or insect or disease infestation with high or very high priority for ecological restoration. State and local governments, Tribes, school districts, not-for-profit organizations etc December 18, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2025 Wood Products Infrastructure Assistance ProgramYes
USDAOtherCommunity Wood Energy and Wood Innovation Grant Program$6 million NewCompetitiveFunding to install a thermally led community wood energy system or build or expand an innovative wood product facilityState and local governments, Tribes, businesses, institutions of higher education, special purpose districtDecember 18, 2024 - Applications closed for 2025 Community Wood Energy and Wood Innovation Program Yes
USDAResilience Provide Financial Assistance to States, Indian Tribes, and Units of Local Government to Establish and Operate Reverse 911 Telecommunication Systems$30 millionNewCompetitiveEstablishment of reserve-911 telecommunication systems.States and TribesNo non-federal cost share requiredYes
USDA - Forest ServiceOther Recreation Sites$60 millionExistingDirect FederalThe recreation program administers recreation sites, including campgrounds and day-use areas, and special use authorizations, such as ski lodges, resorts, and outfitter guides. Forest Service FundingVaries. Waivers are not available. Yes
USDA - Forest ServiceOther State Forest Action Plans$200 millionExistingN/ATo implement State Forest Action Plans, which offer practical and comprehensive roadmaps for investing Federal, State, local, and private resources where they can be most effective in achieving national conservation goals.States and TerritoriesSome cost share required. Waivers are available.
USDA - Forest ServiceOther Secure Rural Schools$590 millionExistingFormulaProvides critical funding for schools, roads, and other municipal services to more than 700 counties across the United States and Puerto Rico. Focuses on schools whose tax base was influenced by growing amount of federal land. States and CountiesNo non-Federal cost share requiredSeptember 30, 2022 - Elections for funding closed September 30, 2022 Puerto Rico
USDA - Forest ServiceOther Landscape Scale Restoration Water Quality and Fish Passage$80 million ExistingDirect FederalThis program improves fish and wildlife habitat connectivity and helps to recover Endangered Species Act-listed or Endangered Species Act candidate species that depend on National Forest System lands.Forest Service FundingVaries. Waivers are not available.Yes
USDA - Office of the SecretaryOther Bioproduct Pilot Program$0 NewCompetitiveDetermine the economic, social, and environmental benefits of using materials derived from agricultural commodities (bioproducts) in the development and manufacturing of construction or consumer products.Bioproduct Research Facilities funded in part by a state with other restrictionsNo non-Federal cost share requiredAugust 31, 2022 - Applications closed. Next round expected January 2023. Yes
DOEClean Energy and PowerAdvanced Processing of Critical Minerals and Materials for Industrial and Manufacturing Applications program$30 millionNewCompetitiveTo conduct proof of concept testing in laboratory or bench-scale facilities addressing the potential viability of advanced innovative processes to produce rare earth oxides and high purity single or binary rare earth metals States, local governments, Tribes, Institutes of Higher Ed., non-profits, for-profitsOctober 20, 2023 - Applications closed for DOE's new Advanced Processing of Critical Minerals and Materials for Industrial and Manufacturing Applications program
USDA-RUSBroadbandReconnect Program$2 billionExistingCompetitiveThe ReConnect Program offers loans, grants, and loan-grant combinations to build infrastructure and install equipment that provides modern, reliable, high-speed Internet service in rural America.Corporations; Limited Liability Companies and Limited Liability Partnerships; Cooperatives or Mutual Organizations; States or Local governments, including any agency, subdivision, instrumentality of political subdivision thereof; Territories or Possessions of The United States; and Tribes, as defined in Section 4 Of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. §450B)No non-federal cost share requiredApril 22, 2024 - Applications closed for ReConnect Round 5Yes
USDOTRoads, bridges and major projectsTransportation Alternatives Program (TAP)10% of Surface Transportation Block Grant Formula funding annuallyExistingFormulaStates, D.C.21/12 FY22 Funding Announced (set aside from the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program)Yes
USDOT-Build America BureauRoads, bridges and major projectsTransportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA)$1.25 billionExistingCompetitiveFederal credit assistance to eligible surface transportation projects. State (including D.C. and PR), Local, public authority, certain private entities 80% federal/20% non-federal Open for applications
USDOT-Build America BureauRoads, bridges and major projectsRailroad Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing (RIFF) loansExistingCompetitiveFederal loans to eligible entities to finance development of railroad infrastructure, including to acquire, improve, or rehabilitate intermodal or rail equipment of facilities, develop or establish new intermodal or railway facilities, reimburse planning and design expenses and to finance transit oriented developmentStates, local governments, railroads, etc...Up to 100% Open for applications
USDOT-FAAAirports and Federal Aviation Administration FacilitiesAirport Infrastructure Grants$15 billion New Competitive/formulaFor investment in runways, taxiways, safety and sustainability projects, as well as terminal, airport-transit connections and roadway projects. Public agencies, private entities, state and Tribal government owning a public use National Plan of Integration Airport Systems airport. 5-25% non-federal match for allocations, no match for contract tower grants. Waivers are not available. November 2023 - Program formula grants for FY2024 releasedYes
USDOT-FAAAirports and Federal Aviation Administration FacilitiesAir Traffic Facilities and Equipment$5 billion NewContractFAA sustainment work and facilities replacements for replacing FAA-owned terminal and route air traffic control faculties, improvements of air route and terminal facilities etc.Federal Aviation Authority towers and commercial vendors.100% federal fundingEach program has its own planning cycle and individual milestones
USDOT-FAAAirports and Federal Aviation Administration FacilitiesAirport Terminal Program$5 billionNewCompetitiveProvides competitive grants for airport terminal development projects that address the aging infrastructure of the nation’s airports. Public agencies, private entities, state and Tribal government owning a public use National Plan of Integration Airport Systems airport. Large/Medium Hub 20% non-federal match; All others (Small, Non and Non-Primary) 5% non-federal match. Waivers are not available.July 31, 2024  - Applications closed for Airport Terminal Program Grantsyes
USDOT-FAAAirports and Federal Aviation Administration FacilitiesContract Tower Competitive Grant Program$100 million ExistingCompetitiveAnnual grants available to eligible airports for airport-owned airport traffic control tower projects that address the aging infrastructure of the nation's airports. Set aside from Airport Infrastructure Grants. Federal Aviation Authority towers and commercial vendors100% federal fundingSeptember 18, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2025
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsTribal Transportation Program$2.97 billionExistingFormulaSupports projects to provide multimodal transportation and public road access to and within Indian reservations, Tribal lands, and Alaska Native Village Communities. Sovereign federally-recognized Tribal governments100% federal fundingJanuary 15, 2024 - Applications closed for FY24 Tribal Transportation Program Safety FundYesYes
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsPollinator-Friendly Practices on Roadsides and Highway Rights-Of-Way Program$3 million (FY2023)NewCompetitiveFunding to benefit pollinators on roadsides and highway rights-of-way on routes eligible for Federal-aid. State DOTs, Indian Tribes, Federal Land Management Agencies100% federal fundingJanuary 15, 2024 - Applications closed for FY24 Tribal Transportation Program Safety FundYes
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsNational Highway Performance Program$148 billion Existing FormulaTo provide support for the condition and performance of the National Highway System, to provide support for construction of new facilities etc.States, D.C.Typically 80% federal/20% non federal (For interstate projects, 90% federal/10% non-federal). Waivers are available in some circumstancesYes
USDOT-FHWASafetyRailway-Highway Grade Crossings Program$1.23 billionExisting FormulaSupports projects with the goal of reducing the number of fatalities, injuries and crashes and public railway-highway crossingsStates, D.C.No non-federal cost share required
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsSurface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBGP)$72 billion Existing FormulaPromotes flexibility in state and local transportation decisions and provide flexible funding to best address state and local transportation needs. States, D.C.Typically 80% federal/20% non federal (For interstate projects, 90% federal/10% non-federal). Waivers are available in some circumstancesYes
USDOT-FHWASafetyHighway Safety Improvement Program$15.58 billionExisting FormulaProvides States with critical safety funding that is used to save lives and prevent serious injuries on all public roadsStates, D.C.90% federal/10% non-federal. Waivers are available in some circumstances. Yes
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsNational Highway Freight Program$7.15 billionExisting FormulaFunding to improve the efficient movement of freight on the National Highway Freight NetworkStates, D.C.Typically 80% federal/20% non-federal (for interstate projects, 90% federal/10% non-federal). Waivers are available in some circumstances.
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsCongestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program$13.2 billionExisting FormulaFlexible funding source for transportation projects and programs to meet requirements of the Clean Air Act. States, D.C.Typically 80% federal/20% non-federal (for interstate projects, 90% federal/10% non-federal). Waivers are available in some circumstancesJanuary 6, 2025 - Request for comments due on USDOT's Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement ProgramYesYes
USDOT-FHWAPorts and WaterwaysConstruction of Ferry Boats and Ferry Terminal Facilities$910 millionExisting FormulaProvides funding for ferry services which are important links in the network of Federal-aid highways, and in many cases, are the only reasonable form of transportation. Eligible ferry operations80% federal/20% non-federal. Waivers are not available. TBDPossibly
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsTerritorial Highway Program$240 million Existing FormulaSupports the construction and improvement of a system of arterial and collector highways and necessary inter-island connectors Territories (except P.R.)No non-federal cost share requirementFY22 funding apportionments advisedOpen to Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands and American Samoa
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsCarbon Reduction Program$6.4 billion NewFormulaFormula grants to States to reduce transportation emissions or the development of carbon reduction strategies.States, D.C.Typically 80% federal/20% non-federal (for interstate projects, 90% federal/10% non-federal). Waivers are available in some circumstancesYes
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsBridge Formula Program$26.68 billion NewFormulaFunds for bridge replacement, rehabilitation, preservation, protection, or construction projects on public roads. 15% set-aside for off-system bridges, 3% set-aside for Tribal transportation program and 0.5% set-aside for administrative expenses. States, D.C.Typically 80% federal/20% non federal (For interstate projects, 90% federal/10% non-federal). Waivers are available in some circumstances
USDOT-FHWAElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesNational Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program$5 billionNewFormula and CompetitiveFunds the deployment of electric vehicle charging infrastructure along corridors and interstates to establish an interconnected network. 10% of funding is for discretionary grants to states and local governments that require additional assistance. States, D.C., P.R.80% federal/20% non-federal. Waivers are not available. November 13, 2023 - Applications closed for Electric Vehicle Charger Reliability and Accessibility Accelerator Program (funded through NEVI)Yes - provided they are directly related to the charging of an electric vehicle. Yes
Joint Office of Energy and TransportationElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesCommunities Taking Charge Accelerator$54 millionNewCompetitiveTo provide strategic investments at the local level that address key barriers to expanding access to electrified mobility options for individuals without home charging; accelerate the transition to electrified fleets; and mature the implementation of managed charging systems to mitigate impacts and optimize usage of the grid.States, local governments, tribes, institutions of higher education, for-profit entities, non-profit entities. VariesJuly 16, 2024 - Full applications closedYesYes - provided they are directly related to the charging of an electric vehicle. Yes
DOE - National Renewable Laboratories and Joint Office of Energy and TransportationElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesClean Bus Planning Awards Program$5 millionNewCompetitiveProvides free technical assistance to create comprehensive and customized bus electrification plans for school and transit fleets State and local entities providing bus services, including public school districts and charter schoolsRolling Basis - Applications openYes
USDOT-FHWAResilience Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost saving Transportation (PROTECT) formula program$7.3 billion New FormulaSupports planning, resilience improvements, community resilience and evacuation routes, and at-risk coastal transportation infrastructure (highways, transit and certain port projects)States, D.C.80% federal/ 20% non-federal. Waivers are available in some circumstancesOctober 3, 2022 - FY2023 Federal-Aid Highway Program Apportionments Released Yes
DOCEnvironmental RemediationCoastal Habitat Restoration and Resilience Grants for Tribes and Underserved Communities $10 millionExistingCompetitiveProvides funds to engage underserved communities in habitat restoration activities that promote resilient ecosystems and communities. States, local and tribal governments, nonprofits, institutes of higher education, for-profit businesses
December 19, 2023 - Applications closed for NOAA's Coastal Habitat Restoration and Resilience Grants for Tribes and Underserved Communities (IIJA and IRA)
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsAppalachian Development Highway System$1.2 billionReinstatement FormulaDistributes funds for the Appalachian Development Highway System Appalachian StatesNo non-federal cost share requirement
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsNationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects$280 millionExistingCompetitiveProvides funding for construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation of nationally-significant federal lands transportation projects and Tribal transportation projectsAny eligible to receive funding under the Tribal Transportation Program, federal Lands Transportation Program, or federal lands access program. In addition, a state, county, or local government may apply if sponsored by an eligible federal lands mana genet agency or Tribe. 90% federal/10% non-federal. Waivers are available for Tribes. October 16, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2024 funding

August 1, 2025 - Applications due for FY2025 funding

August 1, 2026 - Applications due for FY2026 funding
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsBridge Investment Program$12.2 billionNewCompetitiveCompetitive program to support projects to improve bridge and culvert condition, safety, efficiency and reliability.States, local governments, Tribal government, certain MPOs, certain SPDs or public authorities.50% Federal/50% non-Federal for large projects and 80% Federal/20% non-Federal for any other eligible project. Rules around non-Federal share. August 1, 2024 - Applications closed for FY25 Bridge Investment Program (Large bridges) 

November 1, 2024 - Applications closed for FY25 Bridge Investment Program (small/medium bridges with costs less than $100 million)

August 1, 2025 - Applications close for FY26 Bridge Investment Program (Large bridges) 

November 1, 2025 - Applications close for FY26 Bridge Investment Program (small/medium bridges with costs less than $100 million)
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsRural Surface Transportation Grant Program (RURAL)$2 billionNewCompetitiveSupports surface transportation infrastructure in rural areas. States, local governments, tribes, regional transportation planning organizations80% federal/20% non-federal except 100% federal for Appalachian Development Highway System, Denali Access System Program projects. Waives are available for ADHS and Denali Access System Program.May 6, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2025 and FY2026 funding round Yes
USDOT-FHWASafetyWildlife Crossings Pilot Program$350 millionNewCompetitiveSupports projects that seek to reduce the number of wildlife-vehicle collisions and improve habitat connectivity. State highway agencies, MPOs, local governments, tribes, regional transportation authorities, certain SPD or public authorities etc.Typically 80% federal/20% non-federal (for interstate projects, 90% federal/10% non-federal). Waivers are available in some circumstancesSeptember 4, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2024 and FY2025 funding round

August 1, 2025 - Applications close for FY2026 funding round
USDOT-FHWAElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesCharging and Fueling Infrastructure Grants (Corridor Charging)$1.25 billionNew CompetitiveTo deploy electric vehicle charging and hydrogen/propane/natural gas fueling infrastructure along designated alternative fuel corridors and in communities.States, territories, local governments, tribes, MPOs, certain SPDs or public authorities80% federal /20% non-federal. Waivers are not available. September 11, 2024 - Applications closed YesYes
USDOT-FHWAResilience Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost saving Transportation (PROTECT) program$1.4 billion New CompetitiveSupports planning, resilience improvements, community resilience and evacuation routes, and at-risk coastal transportation infrastructure States, local governments, tribes, MPOs, certain SPDs or public authorities.80% Federal / 20% non-Federal except 100% Federal for an Tribe as determined by the Secretary. Waivers are available in some circumstances.February 26, 2025 - Applications due for PROTECT Competitive Program FY24-FY25

February 26, 2026 - Applications due for PROTECT Competitive Program FY26
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsCongestion Relief Program$250 millionNew CompetitiveCompetitive program to advance innovative, integrated solutions to reduce congestion in the most congested metropolitan areas with an urbanized area population of 1+ millionStates, MPOs, cities or municipalities80% federal/20% non-federal. Waivers are not availableApril 22, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2022-2024 Congestion Relief ProgramYes
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsAdvanced Transportation Technologies and Innovative Mobility Deployment/Advanced Transportation Technology Innovation (ATTAIN)$900 millionExisting CompetitiveCompetitive grants to deploy, install and operate advanced transportation technologies.States, local governments, transit agencies, MPOs etc.80% federal/20% non-federal. Waivers not availableFebruary 2, 2024 - Applications closed for FY23 and FY24 Funding Round
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsExploratory Advanced Research Program$2 millionExisting CompetitiveTo address the need for longer-term, higher risk breakthrough research with the potential for improvements to plan, build, renew and operate safe, congestion free and environmentally sound transportation systems. All sourcesNo more than 80% of fundingJune 5, 2024 - Applications closed
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsNationally Significant Freight and Highway Projects (INFRA)$7.25 billionExisting CompetitiveCompetitive grants for multi-modal freight and highway projects of national or regional significance.States, local governments, tribes, certain MPOs, certain SPDs or public authorities etc.60% federal/40% non federal except for certain small projects where federal share will be 80% and a grant under the state incentive pilot program (50 federal/50 non-federal)May 6, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2025 and FY2026 funding round YesYes
USDOT-FHWAPorts and WaterwaysReduction of Truck Emissions at Port Facilities$400 million New CompetitiveStudy and award competitive grants to reduce truck idling and emissions at ports, including through advancement of port electrification. None specified80% federal/20% non-federalJune 26, 2023 - Applications closed for FY2022 and FY2023Yes
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsTribal High Priority Projects Program$50 million Reinstatement CompetitiveProvides funding to supplement the Tribal Transportation Program or for Tribes that have an emergency or disaster occur on a Tribal transportation facility Sovereign federally-recognized Tribal governmentsNo non-federal cost share requirementYesYes
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsAccelerating Vehicles to Everything (V2X) Deployment$40 million NewCompetitiveTo deploy, operate, document, and showcase integrated, advanced roadway deployments featuring applications enable by interoperable wireless connectivity to improve system safety, traveler mobility, and improve efficiency of goods movement. States, territories, local governments, academic institutions, private sector. No non-federal cost share requirementJanuary 17, 2024 - Applications closedYesYes
USDOT-FHWAOther Prioritization Process Pilot Program$50 millionNewCompetitivePilot program to support data-driven approaches to planning that can be evaluated for public benefit.States, certain MPOsDefault (see sec 233 U.S.C. 120)
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsStrategic Innovation for Revenue Collection (Set-aside)$80 millionNewCompetitiveTo test the feasibility of a road usage fee and other user-based alternative revenue mechanisms to help maintain the solvency of the Highway Trust Fund. Set-aside from Highway Research Program.States, local governments, MPOs80% federal/20% non-federal (for entities that have not received a grant under this section); 70% federal/30% non federal for other entities. Waivers not available. May 27, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2022 and FY2023 funding 
USDOT-NHTSA SafetyHighway Safety Programs$1.99 billionExisting FormulaThese funds are provided to the State and Territorial Highway Safety Offices based on an approved highway safety plan that details problem identification, performance measures, countermeasures and projects using identified countermeasures to help reduce crashes, injuries and fatalities resulting from motor vehicle crashes.States, Territories, D.C., the Secretary of Interior for Tribes.80% federal / 20 percent non-federal (except for American Samoa, Guam, Northern Marianas, and the Virgin Islands where it is a 100 percent Federal share). Waivers are available for Tribes.Yes
USDOT-FHWAElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesCharging and Fueling Infrastructure Grants (Community Charging)$1.25 billionNewCompetitiveFunds available each year for to install electric vehicle charging and alternative fueling infrastructure (hydrogen, propane, and natural gas) on public roads, schools, parks and in publicly accessible parking facilities. States, territories, tribes, local governments, MPOs, certain SPDs or public authorities 80% federal/20% non-federal. Waivers are not available. September 11, 2024 - Applications closed for round 2 (deadline extended from August 28)Yes
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsMetropolitan Planning$2.28 billionExisting FormulaIIJA continues the Metropolitan Planning Program, which establishes a cooperative, continuous, and comprehensive program for making transportation investment decisions in metropolitan areas. Oversight is a joint FHWA and FTA responsibilityMPOsTypically 80% federal/20% non-federal (for interstate projects, 90% federal/10% non-federal). Waivers are available in some circumstances.October 3, 2022 - FY2023 Federal-Aid Highway Program Apportionments Released 
USDOT-FHWAElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesSafety-Related Activities (set aside)$20 millionExistingCompetitiveFor transportation safety outreach, training and education States, D.C.No non-federal cost share requiredYes
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsDisadvantaged Business Enterprises$50 millionExistingCompetitiveAssists small and disadvantaged firms with building capacity and improving third ability to compete for Federal-aid highway contractsStatesNo non-federal cost share requirementYes
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsFederal Lands Access Program$1.49 billionExistingFormulaSupports transportation facilities that provide access to lands owned and operated by the Federal Government. StatesUp to 100% federal contribution
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsGrants for Planning, Feasibility Analysis, and Revenue Forecasting (Bridge Investment Program Set-aside)$100 million NewCompetitivePlanning, feasibility analysis and revenue forecasting associated with the development of a project that would subsequently be eligible to apply for the Bridge Investment ProgramStates, certain MPOs, local governments, Tribal government, certain SPDs or public authorities etc.Not to exceed Federal share under 23 U.S.C. 120; 90% Federal share for off-system bridgesOctober 1, 2024 - Applications closed for Bridge Investment Program Planning Grants FY2025

October 1, 2025 - Applications close for Bridge Investment Program Planning Grants FY2026
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsHighway Research & Development Program$310 millionExistingCompetitive/otherResearch and development to produce transformative solutions to improve safety, foster innovation, accelerate projects, and better meet operations, policy and infrastructure needs. Varies80% federal/20% non federal
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsHighway Use Tax Evasion Projects (set-aside)$20 millionExistingCompetitiveFunding to carry out intergovernmental enforcement, along with training and research, to reduce evasion of payment of motor fuel and other highway use taxes.States, IRSNo non-federal cost share requirementNovember 17, 2023 - Applications closed for FY23 Highway Use Tax Evasion Enforcement Grant ProgramYes
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsNational Motor Vehicle Per-Mile User Fee Pilot (set-aside)$50 millionNewCompetitivePilot program to demonstrate a national motor vehicle per-mile user fee to restore and maintain the long-term solvency of the Highway Trust Fund. States 80% federal/ 20% non-federal
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsHighway Construction Training Program$4.2 million in FY2024ExistingCompetitiveTo develop, test and review new curricula and education programs to train individuals at all levels of the transportation workforce and implement the new curricula and education programs to provide for hands-on career opportunities to meet current and future needs. State DOTs and education institutions 80 per centJune 17, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2024 fundingYes
USDOT - FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsTraining and Education (s. 11101)$130 millionExistingFormulaProvides resources for the development and delivery of technical assistance, training, professional development, and education programs to improve the professional capacity of the workforce that manages, develops and maintains the Nation's highway system. Federal Highway Administration Research, Technology and Education Program50% Federal share for local technical assistance centers; 100% Federal for Tribal technical assistance centers; 100% Federal for surface transportation workforce development, training, and education. Waivers are available.January 10, 2025 - Applications due for FY2024-2026 Garrett A. Morgan Technology and Transportation Education ProgramYesYes
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsPuerto Rico Highway Program$900 million ExistingFormulaProvides funding to carry out a highway program in the Commonwealth of Puerto RicoPuerto RicoTypically 80% federal/20% non-federal (for interstate projects, 90% federal/10% non-federal). Waivers are available in some circumstances.22/01 – FY22 funding releasedPuerto Rico
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsState Incentives Pilot Program (Set-aside within INFRA)$750 million NewCompetitiveSet-aside pilot program as part of the Nationally Significant Freight and Highway Projects ProgramStates, local governments, Tribal government, MPOs, certain SPDs or Port Authorities 50% federal/50% non-federal. May not use federal assistance to satisfy non-federal share, except for fund from a secured loan if it is repayable from non-federal funds. Waivers not available. Yes
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsTribal Transportation Facility Bridge (Set-aside Bridge Investment Program)$200 millionNew CompetitiveSet-aside from the competitive Bridge Investment ProgramTribesNo non-federal cost share requirementYesYes
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsTribal Transportation Facility Bridges (Bridge Formula Funding Set-Aside)$830 millionExistingFormula3% set aside from the Bridge Formula Program for Tribal transportation facility bridgesTribes 100% Federal shareApril 2022, Revised FY22 apportionment tables releasedYesYes
USDOT-FHWASafetyCommercial Driver's License Implementation Program$300 millionExistingCompetitiveSupports Commercial Driver's License programs at a state and federal level. States, local governments, any personAt least 85% federalFebruary 24, 2025 - Applications close for FY2025 programNo
USDOT-FHWA Roads, bridges and major projectsAccelerated Implementation and Deployment of Advanced Digital Construction Management Systems (Set-aside)$100 millionExistingCompetitivePromotes, implements, deploys, demonstrates, showcases, supports and documents the application of advanced digital construction management systems, practices, performance and benefits. Set-aside from Intelligent Transportation Systems Program.FHWA Research, Technology, and Education Program80% federal/20% non-federal. Waivers available if substantial public interest/benefit.July 30, 2024 - Applications close for FY2024
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsAccelerated Implementation and Deployment of Pavement Technologies (Set-aside)$60 millionExistingCompetitiveProvides a coordinated and cohesive approach to advance research and development of technologies for highway pavements and the materials from which highway infrastructure is constructedFHWA Research, Technology, and Education Program80% federal/20% non-federal. Waivers are available if there is a substantial public interest/benefitMay 20, 2024 - Applications closed for Development and Deployment of Innovative Technologies for Concrete Pavements Grant
USDOT-FHWAOther Bureau of Transportation Statistics$130 millionExistingGrantFunding for the Bureau of Transportation Statistics to provide statistics on commercial aviation, multimodal freight activity, and transportation economics, and provides context to decision makers and the public for understanding statistics on transportation.Bureau of Transportation StatisticsNot specified
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsFederal Lands Transportation Program (For other Federal Land Management Agencies)$150 millionExistingFederal spendingProvides access within national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, recreation areas, and other Federal public lands. Federal Land Management Agencies (other than US Fish and Wildlife and the National Park Service)No non-federal cost share requirement
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsFederal Lands Transportation Program (Funding for U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service)$180 millionExistingFederal spendingProvides access within national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, recreation areas, and other Federal public lands. Federal Land Management AgenciesNo non-federal cost share requirement
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsFederal Lands Transportation Program (Funding for U.S. Forest Service)$130 millionExistingFederal spendingProvides access within national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, recreation areas, and other Federal public lands. Federal Land Management AgenciesNo non-federal cost share requirement
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsFederal Lands Transportation Program (funds for National Park Service)$1.73 billionExistingFederal spendingProvides access within national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, recreation areas, and other Federal public lands. National Park ServiceNo non-federal cost share requirement
USDOT-FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsIntelligent Transportation Systems Program$250 millionExistingN/AFosters innovation in transportation through deploying technology to enhance safety and efficiency while reducing environmental impacts of surface transportation. FHWA Research, Technology, and Education Program80% federal/20% non-federal for activities under 23 USC 516, otherwise default provisions of 23 USC 120 apply
USDOT-FHWAElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesLow or No Emission Vehicle Component Assessment Program$30 millionExistingCompetitiveFTA to provide funds to two qualified institutions of higher education to conduct testing, evaluation and analysis of low or no emission components intended for use in low and zero emission buses used to provide public transportation. Qualified institutions of higher education50% federal share/50% non-federal share
USDOT-FHWAOther Technology and Innovation Deployment Program$90 millionExistingN/AThe Technology & Innovation Deployment Program turns research products into proven technologies that address emerging needs, invest in the Nation’s infrastructure, and promote rapid adoption of proven, market-ready technologies and innovations.FHWA Research, Technology, and Education Program80% Federal / 20% non-Federal. Waivers are available if there is substantial public interest/benefit.April 15, 2025  - Notice of Intent Deadline for FY25 cycle of Accelerated Innovation Deployment Demonstration Program

May 27, 2025  - Application Deadline for FY25 cycle of Accelerated Innovation Deployment Demonstration Program

April 14, 2026  - Notice of Intent Deadline for FY26 cycle of Accelerated Innovation Deployment Demonstration Program

May 26, 2026  - Application Deadline for FY26 cycle of Accelerated Innovation Deployment Demonstration Program
USDOT-FMCSASafetyMotor Carrier Safety Assistance Program$2.43 billionExisting FormulaProvides financial assistance to States to reduce the number and severity of crashes and hazardous materials incidents involving commercial motor vehicles. State Lead Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program AgenciesFederal share is at least 85 percent statutorily, but 95 percent Federal/5 percent non-Federal for fiscal year 2022. Waivers are available.August 1, 2024 - Grant application materials closed for FY2025 Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program
USDOT-FMCSASafetyCommercial Motor Vehicle Operators Grant Program$20 millionExistingCompetitiveAwards grants to a variety of education institutions that provide commercial truck and bus driving training. Accredited public or private colleges, universities, vocational-technical schools, post-secondary educational institutions, truck driver training schools, associations, and state and local governments, federally recognized Tribal governments. Federal share is at least 85%February 25, 2025 - Application close for FY2025 funding YesYes
USDOT-FMCSASafetyHigh Priority Activities Program$430 millionExistingCompetitiveA discretionary grant program designed to provide federal financial assistance to enhance States’ commercial vehicle safety plan activities, including commercial vehicle inspections, traffic enforcement, and outreach while supporting innovative technology development and/or new project(s) not included in the commercial vehicle safety plan that will have a positive impact on commercial vehicle safety. States, local governments, Federally recognized Tribes etc.Federal share at least 85%March 7, 2025 - Applications due for High Priority Program - Innovative Technology Deployment (HP-ITD) Program 

March 7, 2025 - Applications due for High Priority Program - Commercial Motor Vehicle (HP-CMV) 
USDOT-FMCSASafetyCommercial Motor Vehicle Enforcement Training & Support Grant Program$30 millionNewCompetitiveNew program to train non-federal government employees who conduct Commercial Motor Vehicle enforcement activities and to develop related training materials. NonprofitsFederal share is 100%January 23, 2025 - Applications due for Commercial Motor Vehicle High Priority Enforcement Training and Support (HP-ETS) Grant Program NoYes
USDOT-FMCSASafetyMotor Carrier Safety Operations and Programs$1.93 billionExistingDirect FederalProvides resources to support program and administrative activities to provide salaries and benefits for motor carrier safety personnel. N/ANo non-federal cost share required
USDOT-FRAPassenger and freight railFederal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail$36 billionExistingCompetitiveTo fund capital projects that reduce the State of good repair backlog, improve performance, or expand or establish new intercity passenger rail service ,including privately operated intercity passenger rail service if an eligible applicant is involved. States/group of states, local governments, Federally recognized tribe, D.C., public agencies, Amtrak.80% federal/20% non-federal. Waivers are not available. December 16, 2024 - Applications due for FY2024 Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Grant Program (for projects not on the Northeast Corridor)YesYes
USDOT-FRAPassenger and freight railFederal-State Partnership - Northeast Corridor NOFOJuly 15, 2024 - Applications due for FY2024 funding round 
USDOT-FRAPassenger and freight railConsolidated Rail Infrastructure Safety Improvements Program (CRISI)$5 billion ExistingCompetitiveTo fund projects that improve the safety, efficiency and reliability of intercity passenger and freight rail. Eligible uses include workforce development and training projects.States/group of states, local governments, federally-recognized Tribes, D.C., public agencies, Amtrak.80% federal/20% non-federal with statutory preference for 50/50. Waivers are not available. May 28, 2024 - Applications close for FY2023 and FY2024YesYesYes
USDOT-FRASafetyRailroad Crossing Elimination Grant Program$3 billion NewCompetitiveTo fund highway-rail or pathway-rail grade crossing improvement projects that focus on improving the safety and mobility of people and goods. States, territories, D.C., local authorities, federally-recognized Tribes, Port Authorities, MPOs80% federal/20% non-federal. September 23, 2024 - Applications due for FY2023-24 funding round YesYes
USDOT-FRAPassenger and freight railRestoration and Enhancement Grants$250 million ExistingCompetitiveTo provide operating assistance to initiate, restore, or enhance intercity passenger rail service. States, federally-recognized Tribes, D.C., local governments, multi-state entities, Amtrak & Other IPR CarriersYear 1: 90% federal; Year 2: 80% federal; Year 3: 70% federal; Year 4: 60% federal; Year 5: 50% federal; Year 6: 30% federal. Waivers are not available. September 30, 2024 - Applications due for USDOT's FY2021-2024 Restoration and Enhancement Grant ProgramYesPossibly
USDOT-FRAPassenger and freight railAmtrak National Network Grants$15.75 billionExistingGrantProvides funding for capital projects to eliminate Amtrak's backlog of deferred maintenance of rolling stock, facilities, stations and infrastructure on the National Network. AmtrakNo non-federal cost share requirementJune 15, 2023 - Supplemental Cooperative Agreement to the National Railroad Passenger Cooperation (for Amtrak only - FYI)

June 15, 2023 - FY2023 National Network IIJA Supplemental Cooperative Agreement (Amtrak only - FYI)
USDOT-FRAPassenger and freight railAmtrak Northeast Corridor Grants$6 billionExistingGrantProvides funding for capital projects to eliminate Amtrak's backlog of deferred maintenance of rolling stock, facilities, stations and infrastructure on the Northeast Corridor. AmtrakNo non-federal cost share requirementSeptember 20, 2022 - Applications closed for Northeast Corridor Supplemental Cooperative Agreement with Amtrak
USDOT-FRAPassenger and freight railCorridor Identification Program$1.8 billionNewCompetitiveWill identify new intercity passenger rail corridors, develop the necessary service planning elements, and create a project pipeline for associated capital projects off the Northeast Corridor. States, Tribes, groups of states, Amtrak, regional passenger rail authorities etc.Not less than 20% non-federal share of eligible costsMarch 20, 2023 - Formal project proposals closedYes
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationMetropolitan Transportation Planning$800 million Existing FormulaThe Metropolitan Planning Program is available to carry out the metropolitan transportation planning process and meet the transportation planning requirements of the joint Federal Transit Administration and Federal Highway Administration planning regulations.States, MPOs80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal. Waivers are not available.February 28, 2024 - FY2024 Partial Year Apportionment Tables Released 
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationUrbanized Area Formula Grant Program (Transit)$33.39 billionExistingFormulaMakes resources available to urbanized areas and Governors for transit capital and operating assistance in urbanized areas and for transportation-related planning. States, Tribal governments (federally recognized), counties, cities/townships, special districtsVaries. Waivers are not availableFebruary 28, 2024 - FY2024 Partial Year Apportionment Tables Released YesYesPuerto Rico
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationEnhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program$2.19 billion ExistingFormulaTo provide financial assistance in meeting the transportation needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities where public transportation services are unavailable, insufficient or inappropriate. States, counties, cities/townships, special districts, nonprofits, Tribal governments (federally recognized)Varies. Waivers are not available.February 28, 2024 - FY2024 Partial Year Apportionment Tables Released YesPuerto Rico
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationPilot Program for Enhanced Mobility$30 millionExistingCompetitiveCompetitive program to improve coordinated access and mobility States, counties, cities/townships, special districts, nonprofits, Tribal governments (other than federally-recognized)80% federal/20% non-federal. Waivers are not available. August 30, 2024 - Applications due for competitive funding programYesYes
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationFormula Grants for Rural Areas (Transit) including Growing States Funds.$4.11 billionExistingFormulaTo improve, initiate, or continue public transportation service in nonurbanized areas and to provide technical assistance for rural transportation providers. The Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program is a set-aside from the Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program. States, Tribal Governments (federally recognized), counties, cities/townships, special districts, nonprofitsVaries. Waivers not available. February 28, 2024 - FY2024 Partial Year Apportionment Tables Released YesPuerto Rico
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationPublic Transportation on Indian Reservations - Formula$180 million ExistingFormulaProvides direct funding to Federally recognized Tribes to provide public transportation service on and around Indian reservations or Tribal land in rural areasFederally recognized Tribes and Alaska Native VillagesVaries. Waivers are available.February 28, 2024 - FY2024 Partial Year Apportionment Tables Released YesPuerto Rico
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationTribal Transit Program$50 billionExistingCompetitiveDirect funding to federally-recognized Tribes to provide public transportation service on and around Indian reservations or Tribal land in rural areas.Federally recognized Tribes and Alaska Native VillagesVaries. Waivers are available.November 13, 2024 - Applications closed for Tribal Transit Program YesYes
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationAppalachian Development Public Transportation Assistance Program (set-aside of Rural Area Formula Grants)$140 millionExisting Formula Provides funding to States in the Appalachian region to support the provision of public transit services in rural areas.States, counties, cities/townships, special districts, nonprofits, Tribal governments (federally recognized)Varies. Waivers are not available.February 28, 2024 - FY2024 Partial Year Apportionment Tables Released YesPuerto Rico
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationRural Transportation Assistance Program (RTAP) (set-aside)$90 millionExistingFormulaProvides funding to states for transportation research, technical assistance, training and related support services in rural areasStatesNo non-federal cost share requiredFebruary 28, 2024 - FY2024 Partial Year Apportionment Tables Released Yes
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationState of Good Repair Program for Rail Vehicle Replacement$21.64 billionExistingFormulaAssists in funding capital projects for existing fixed guideway systems including rail, bus rapid transit, and passenger ferries) and high intensity motorbus systems to maintain public transportation systems in a state of good repair. States, counties, cities/townships, special district, Tribal governments (federally recognized)80% federal/20% non-federal. Waivers are not available. February 28, 2024 - FY2024 Partial Year Apportionment Tables Released Yes
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationRail Vehicle Replacement Grants$1.5 billionNew CompetitiveCapital projects for the replacement of rail rolling stock. States, local governmental authorities80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal; however, these funds cannot exceed 50 percent of total cost. Waivers are not available.December 18, 2023 - Applications closed for FY2024
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationTechnical Assistance and Workforce Development$60 millionExistingCompetitiveTribes, nonprofits, public transportation providers, development organizations, workforce development entitiesTBDYes
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationPilot program for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Planning$70 million Existing CompetitiveProvides funding to local communities to integrate land use and transportation planning with a new fixed guideway or core capacity transit capital investmentState or local governmental authorities that are FTA grant recipients80% federal/20% non-federal. Waivers are not available. July 22, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2024 funding round Yes
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationPublic Transportation Innovation$190 millionExistingCompetitiveAwards funding to advance innovative public transportation research and developmentState and local government entities, federal government etc.80% federal/20% non-federal. Waivers are available if there's substantial public benefit. February 11, 2025 - Applications due for Public Transportation Innovation (Technology Transfer) Program
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationBus and Bus Facilities Program$3.16 billionExistingFormulaProvides capital funding to replace, rehabilitate, purchase, construct or lease buses and bus related equipment and to rehabilitate, purchase, construct or lease bus-related facilities. States, Tribal Governments (federally recognized) county, cities/townships, special districtsVaries. Waivers are not availableFebruary 28, 2024 - FY2024 Partial Year Apportionment Tables Released YesYes
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationBus and Bus Facilities Competitive grants$1.97 billionExistingCompetitiveProvides capital funding to replace, rehabilitate, purchase, or lease buses and bus related equipment and to rehabilitate, purchase, construct, or lease bus-related facilities.States, counties, cities/townships, special districts, Tribal Governments (federally recognized)Varies. Waivers are not available.April 25, 2024 - Applications closed for combined NOFO for Low or No Emissions Program and Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities ProgramYesYesYes
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationCapital Investment Grants Program (Fixed Guideway)$8 bn (an additional $15 billion is authorized but not appropriated)Existing CompetitiveDiscretionary grant program funds transit capital investments, including heavy rail, light rail, commuter rail, streetcars and bus rapid transit. Includes a pilot program for Expedited Project Delivery for new high-capacity transit projects. States, local governmentsMax allowed 80% federal/20% non-federal OR 60% federal/40% non-federal depending on project type. Waivers are not available. June 4, 2024 - Comments closed in response to FTA's proposed new guidance for its Capital Investment Grant ProgramYes
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationAll Stations Accessibility Program$1.75 billionNewCompetitiveProvides capital funding to upgrade the accessibility of legacy rail fixed guideway public transportation systems for people with disabilities, including those who use wheelchairs.States, local government authorities80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal. Waivers are not available.January 30, 2024 - Applications closedYes
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationElectric or Low-Emitting Ferry Program$250 millionNewCompetitiveSupports transition of passenger ferries to low or zero emissions technologies. States, territories, Tribal governments etc.Varies. Waivers are not available. July 17, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2024 programYesYes
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationFerry Service for Rural Communities$2 billionNewCompetitiveThe Ferry Service for Rural Communities Program makes Federal resources available to States to ensure basic essential ferry service is provided to rural areas. StatesVaries. Waivers are not available.July 17, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2024 program
USDOT-FTAElectric Vehicles, Buses and FerriesLow or No Emissions (Bus) Program$5.63 billionNew CompetitiveProvides capital funding to replace, rehabilitate, purchase, or lease buses and bus related equipment and to rehabilitate, purchase, construct, or lease bus-related facilities. Provides capital funding for low or no emissions bus projects.States, counties, cities/townships, special districts, Tribal Governments (federally recognized)Varies. Waivers are not available.April 25, 2024 - Applications closed for combined NOFO for Low or No Emission Program and Grants for Buses and Bus FacilitiesYesYes (in NOFO)Yes
USDOT-FTAOther Growing State Apportionments$2.06 billionExistingFormulaAn additional formula funding component added to either the Urbanized Area Formula Grants or Formula grants for Rural Areas funding.States, Tribal governments (federally recognized), counties, cities/townships, SPDsVaries. Waivers are not available. February 28, 2024 - FY2024 Partial Year Apportionment Tables Released Yes
USDOT-FTAOther Growing States and High-Density States Formula$1.82 billionExistingFormulaAn additional formula funding component added to either the Urbanized Area Formula Grants or Formula grants for Rural Areas funding.States, Tribal governments (federally recognized), counties, cities/townships, SPDsVaries. Waivers are not available. February 28, 2024 - FY2024 Partial Year Apportionment Tables Released Yes
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationResearch, Development, Demonstration and Deployment Projects $130 millionExistingCompetitiveProvides funding to assist innovative projects and activities that advance and sustain safe, efficient, equitable, climate-friendly public transportation. Eligible research and demonstrations under this program explore novel approaches to improve public transportation.States, counties, cities/townships, SPD, Public Transportation provider, Tribal governments (federally recognized) etc.80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal. Waivers are available.Yes
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationStatewide Transportation Planning$170 millionExistingFormulaFinancial assistance to the States to meet the planning requirements of the joint Federal Transit Administration and Federal Highway Administration planning regulations for Statewide transportation planning.States, MPOs80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal. Waivers are not available.February 28, 2024 - FY2024 Partial Year Apportionment Tables Released 
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationUrbanized Area Passenger Ferry Program (set-aside of Urbanized Area Formula Grants)$150 million ExistingCompetitiveCompetitive program for passenger ferry capital projects in urbanized areas.States, counties, cities/townships, SPD, Tribal governments (Federally recognized)Varies. Waivers are not available.July 17, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2024 programYesYes Yes
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationNational Rural Transportation Assistance Program$10 millionExistingTechnical AssistanceNonprofits, Higher Ed., other public entities November 12, 2024 - Applications closed for FTA's FY2024 National Rural Transit Assistance Program 
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationTransit Cooperative Research Program$30 million ExistingApplied research program that develops near-term, practical solutions to problems facing public transportation, managed by the Transportation Research Board National Academy of SciencesNo non-federal cost share required.
USDOT-FTAPublic TransportationPublic Transportation Technical Assistance and Workforce Development$60 million ExistingTechnical AssistanceFunding to support workforce development and transition, including in relation to zero-emission fleet conversion and other technical assistance to support transit providers. Also supports the development of standards for the public transportation industry.National non-profit organizations 80% federal/20% non-federal. Waivers are not available. Yes
USDOT-MaritimePorts and WaterwaysPort Infrastructure Development Program$2.25 billionExistingCompetitiveGrants to invest in the modernization and expansion of US ports to remove bottlenecks, ensure long-term competitiveness, resilience, cybersecurity, and sustainability while reducing impacts to the environment and neighboring communities. Ports, Port Authorities80% federal/20% non federal. Waivers are available for small projects or projects in rural areas. April 30, 2025 - Applications close for FY2025 Port Infrastructure Development ProgramYesYes
USDOT-MaritimePorts and WaterwaysAmerica's Marine Highway Program Grants$30 millionExistingCompetitiveGrants to develop and expand marine highway service options and facilitate their further integration into the U.S. surface transportation system. Designated marine highway projects80% federal/20% non-federal. Waivers are not available. April 28, 2023 - Applications closed for FY2023 funding round Yes
USDOT-NHTSA SafetyState Electronic Data Collection (Crash data) Grant$750 millionExistingCompetitiveFunding to improve crash data collections and analysis.States, Secretary of the Interior for Tribes, DC, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, Norther Mariana Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands; For contacts: businesses, non-profits80% federal/20% non-federal. Waivers not available. May 1, 2024 - Applications closed for State Electronic Data Collection Grant ProgramYes
USDOT-NHTSA SafetyRacial Profiling Data Collection Grants (set-aside of Highway Safety Research and Development)$60 million ExistingFormulaStates, territories, D.C.
USDOT-NHTSA SafetyVehicle Safety and Behavioral Research$550 millionExistingCompetitiveSupplemental funding to accelerate vehicle and behavioral safety researchStates, Tribal governments (federally-recognized and non-federally recognized), counties, cities / townships, SPDs, Higher Ed etc.Up to 100% federal contributionYes
USDOT-NHTSA SafetyHigh-Visibility Enforcement$200 millionExistingCompetitiveTo fund national traffic safety campaigns to reduce alcohol-impaired or drug-impaired driving and to increase the use of seatbelts. Businesses, nonprofitsNo non-federal share required
USDOT-NHTSA SafetyNational Driver Register$40 millionExistingCompetitiveMaintains the Problem Driver Pointer System databaseBusinesses, nonprofitsNo non-federal share required
USDOT-NHTSA SafetyNational Priority Safety Programs$1.87 billionExistingFormulaTo encourage States to address national priorities for reducing highway deaths and injuries through occupant protection programs, State traffic safety information system improvements, impaired driving countermeasures, passage of effective laws to reduce distracted driving, implementation of motorcyclist safety programs, and non-motorist safety programs. States, D.C., territories80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal. Waivers are not available.January 2022, Interim State Formula Grant Funding Table Released
USDOT-PHMSAResilience Emergency Preparedness Grants Hazardous Materials and Emergency Preparedness Grants$230 millionExistingCompetitiveThe Hazardous Materials and Emergency Preparedness Grants Programs consist of the following grants: Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (CSG); Assistance for Local Emergency Response Training (ALERT); Hazardous Materials Instructor Training; and Supplemental Public Sector Training. States, territories, tribes, counties, cities/townships, etc. Some grants have a cost share requirement of 20 percent. Waivers are available.March 3, 2025 - Applications due for PHSMA's Technical Assistance Grants (TAG) Program

March 3, 2025 - Applications due for PHSMA's Emergency Response Grant (PERG) Program

March 3, 2025 - Applications due for PHSMA's One-Call Grant Program

March 3, 2025 - Applications due for PHSMA's State Damage Prevention (SDP) Program

March 17, 2025 - Applications due for PHSMA's Hazardous Materials Instructor Training Grant
USDOT-PHMSASafetyNatural Gas Distribution Infrastructure Safety and Modernization Grants$1 billionNewCompetitiveGrant funds will be made available to municipalities or community owned utilities (not including for-profit entities) to repair, rehabilitate, or replace natural gas distribution pipeline systems or portions thereof or to acquire equipment to reduce incidents and fatalities, and to avoid economic loss.UtilitiesNo non-Federal cost share requiredJune 20, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2024 funding round 
USDOT-SecretaryRoads, bridges and major projectsReconnecting Communities Pilot Program$1 billionNew CompetitiveRestores communities by removing, retrofitting or mitigating highways or other transportation facilities that create barriers to community connectivity. State, locality, Tribal government, MPO, non-profit, owner of eligible facility 80% federal/20% non-federal for planning grants. 50% federal/50% non-federal for construction grants. September 30, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2024-FY2026 Reconnecting Communities Pilot Discretionary Grant Program

Ongoing - Expressions of Interest Open Seeking Support from Reconnecting Communities Institute 
USDOT-SecretaryRoads, bridges and major projectsNational Infrastructure Project Assistance (MEGA) projects$5 billionNewCompetitiveSupports large, complex projects that are difficult to fund by other means and likely generate national ,or regional economic, mobility, or safety benefits. States or group of states, local governments, Tribal government or consortium of Tribal governments, MPOs, certain SPDs or public authorities, Amtrak if in partnership with the above.75% Federal/25% non-federal for new compacts; 50% federal/50% non-federal for existing compacts. Waivers not available. May 6, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2025 and FY2026 funding round YesYes
USDOT-SecretaryRoads, bridges and major projectsLocal and Regional Project Assistance (RAISE) Grants$7.5 billionExistingCompetitiveSupplemental funding for projects that will have a significant local/regional impact. Includes highways, bridges, public transportation, passenger rail or freight rail, port infrastructure etc.States, territories, D.C., local governments, multi-state entities, certain SPDs or public authorities, Tribal government, Amtrak in partnership with the above.Federal cost share shall not exceed 80%. Waivers available for projects located in a rural area, a historically disadvantaged community (HDC) or an area of persistent poverty. January 30, 2025 - Applications due for Round 2 of FY2025 RAISE program (for new projects)YesYes
USDOT-SecretaryPublic TransportationStrengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grant Program$500 million NewCompetitiveProvides supplemental funding grants to rural, midsized, and large communities to conduct demonstration projects focused on advanced smart city or community technologies and systems in a variety of communities to improve transportation efficiency and safety.State; Tribal government, Local, public transit agency or authority, public toll authority, MPO, 2 or more of the above.No non-Federal cost share requiredAugust 14, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2024 Smart Grants Stage 2 (for existing awardees)YesYes - priority will be given to eligible projects that would promote a skilled workforce)Yes
USDOT-SecretaryRoads, bridges and major projectsNational Culvert Removal, Replacement, and Restoration Grant Program (also know as Culvert Aquatic Organism Passage (AOC) Program.$1 billionNewCompetitiveFunds for projects that replace, remove, and/or repair culverts or weirs. States, local governments, tribes80% federal/20% non-federal cost share for urban projects and up to 100% Federal funding for projects located in rural areas or historically disadvantaged communitiesAugust 25, 2025 - Applications close for FY2024 Program (opens June 23, 2025)

August 24, 2026 - Applications close for FY2025 Program (opens June 22, 2026)

August 23, 2027 - Applications close for FY2026 Program (opens June 21, 2027)
USDOT-SecretarySafetySafe Streets and Roads for All$5 billion (plus $1 billion authorized but not appropriated)New CompetitiveProvides supplemental funding to support local initiatives to prevent death and serious injury on roads and streets, commonly referred to as "Vision Zero" or "Toward Zero Deaths" initiativesStates, local governments, federally recognized Tribal governments, MPOs, multi-jurisdictional entities80% federal/20% non-federal. Waivers are not available. August 29, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2024 Safe Streets and Roads for All Program - Planning and Demonstration Grants Round 3YesYes
USDOT-SecretaryOther Asset Concessions and Innovative Finance Assistance Program$100 millionNewCompetitiveNew program to facilitate access to expert services for and to provide grants to eligible entities to enhance the technical capacity to facilitate and evaluate public-private partnerships to allow the private sector to assume a greater role in project planning, development, financing, construction, maintenance and operation, including through assisting entities entering into asset concessions. States, Tribal governments (federally and non-federally recognized), counties, cities/townships, special district, public housing authorities, Indian housing authorities etc.100%May 10, 2024 - Applications closed for Build America Bureau's Innovative Finance and Asset Concession Grant ProgramYes
USDOT-SecretaryPublic TransportationUniversity Transportation Centers$500 million ExistingCompetitiveThe UTC Program advances the State-of-the-art in transportation research and technology, and develops the next generation of transportation professionals.Higher Ed.In general, 50 percent Federal share/50 percent non-Federal (100 percent non-Federal matching requirement); 66.7 percent Federal/33.3 percent non-Federal (50 percent non-Federal matching requirement) for Tier 1 UTCsYes
USDOT-Secretary (Build America Bureau)Roads, bridges and major projectsSurface Transportation Private Activity Bonds$0.5 billion (to fund $30 million in PABs)ExistingCompetitiveProvides private surface transportation developers and operators with access to tax-exempt interest rates, lowering the cost of capital significantly and enhancing investment prospects. Private sectorN/AOpen
USDOT-FRAPassenger and freight railInterstate Rail Compacts Grant ProgramNewCompetitiveFunding for interstate rail compacts' administrative costs and to conduct railroad system planning, promotion of intercity passenger rail operations, and the preparation of grant applicationsAn existing entity (e.g., a commission) established by member states to implement an interstate rail compact. July 10, 2023 - Applications closed
USDOT - NHTSASafetyHighway Safety Research and Development $970 millionExistingCompetitiveResearch and development activities with respect to (1) highway and traffic safety systems and conditions, (2) human behavioral factors and their effect on highway and traffic safety, (3) evaluation of the effectiveness of countermeasures to increase highway and traffic safety, (4) development of technologies to detect drug impaired drivers, (5) driver education programs, State laws on highway and traffic safety; Cooperative research and evaluation to research and evaluate priority highway safety countermeasures; Collaborative research on in-vehicle technology to prevent alcohol-impaired driving; Education campaign to reduce incidence of vehicular heatstroke of children; Grant program to develop and implement State processes for informing consumers of recalls; and Evaluation of innovative highway safety countermeasures.States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), Tribal Governments (other than Federally recognized), Independent School Districts, Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Private Higher-Ed Institutions, Nonprofits, Small Businesses, Businesses (other than small businesses), and / or IndividualsUp to 100% federal contributionAugust 16, 2023 - Applications closed for USDOT's State Process for Informing Consumers of RecallsYes
DOIClean Energy and PowerEarth Mapping Resources Initiative$320 millionExistingCompetitiveTo accelerate the U.S. Geological Survey mapping mission by providing integrated topographic, geologic, geochemical, and geophysical mapping, accelerating the integration and consolidation of geospatial and resource data, and providing an interpretation of both critical mineral resources still in the ground and critical mineral resources that may be reprocessed from mine wastes.State Geological Surveys, Private EntitiesNo non-federal share requiredDecember 31, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2024 Earth Mapping funding opportunity

January 7, 2025 - Applications close for State Component of National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program

January 15, 2025 - Applications close for Educational Component of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program
USDAClean Energy and PowerWatershed Rehabilitation Program$120 millionExistingCompetitiveProvides planning, design and construction for Department of Agriculture assisted dams to extend their service life and meet current safety requirementsStates, cities, counties, towns, conservation districts, Federally-recognized Tribe or Tribal organization65% federal/35% non-federal. Waivers are not availableYesYes
USDA - Forest ServiceClean Energy and PowerCapital Improvement and Maintenance for Dams$10 millionExistingDirect Federal Funds dams on National Forest System Lands in need of maintenanceForest Service Varies.
USDOT/HUDRoads, bridges and major projectsThriving Communities Program$30 million NewCompetitiveFunding to develop a national technical assistance program that will drive innovation, advanced equity outcomes and build a national pipeline of community-driven infrastructure projects.States, local governments, nonprofits, tribes, philanthropic entities and other technical assistance providers. No non-federal cost share requiredNovember 14, 2023 - Letters of Interest deadline closed for those seeking technical assistance under FY23 Thriving Communities Program

November 28, 2023 - Applications closed for Capacity Builders Program for FY23 Thriving Communities Program  
DOC-NOAAResilience Wildfire Infrastructure$50 million Existing Direct FederalShall be for observation and dissemination of infrastructure used for wildfire prediction, detection, and forecastingNo non-federal cost shareFunding likely to be distributed internally at this stage, so not external NOFO at this timeYes
DOIEnvironmental RemediationTribal Orphaned Well Grant Program (Set-aside)$150 millionNewCompetitiveFunding to plus, cap, and remediate orhpan oil and gas wells on Tribal landsTribesNo non-federal cost share requiredMay 14, 2024 - Applications closed for Tribal Orphaned Wells Program Phase 2 Yes
DHHSWaterIndian Health Service Sanitation Facilities Construction Program$3.5 billionExistingIndian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act Agreements, Direct Federal SpendingProvides technical and financial assistance to American Tribes and Alaska Native villages for the cooperative development and construction of safe drinking water supply, sewage, and solid waste disposal facilities, and related support facilities. Federally recognized Tribal governments.Yes
DOIWaterIndian Water Rights Settlement Completion Fund$2.5 billionExistingCompetitiveTo satisfy Federal obligations under Indian water rights settlement enacted as of November 15, 2021.Tribal Governments (Federally recognized)YesYes
EPAWaterClean Water State Revolving Fund Tribal set-aside$230 millionExistingFormulaFunding to promote salfe, healthy and clean drinking water. Tribes (Federally recognized), former Indian reservations in Oklahoma and ANVsNo non-federal cost share requiredMarch 8, 2022 - Memorandum releasedYes
EPAWaterDrinking Water State Revolving Fund Tribal set-aide$230 millionExistingFormulaFunding to promote salfe, healthy and clean drinking water. Tribes (Federally recognized), former Indian reservations in Oklahoma and ANVsNo non-federal cost share requiredMay 27, 2022 - Memorandum releasedYes
DOIResilience National Fish Passage Program$200 million ExistingCompetitiveFor the removal of barriers and for technical assistance under the National Fish Passage Program.Open, including TribesDecember 31, 2024 - Applications closedYes
EPAWaterUnderground Injection Control Grants: Class VI wells$50 millionNewCompetitiveFunds agencies that oversee underground injection activities to prevent contamination of underground sources of drinking water from fluid injection practices. 7% set aside for Tribes. States and TribesNo non-federal cost share requiredYes
DOIResilience Contracts and Agreements For Restoration on Federal Lands$50 million NewN/AContracts for ecological health restoration, to be enacted on no fewer than 10,000 acres of Federal land, including Indian forest land or rangelandFederal, State, Local, Tribal, Non-governmental OrganizationsNo non-federal cost share requiredYes
DOIResilience Wildland Fire - Post-Fire Restoration and Rehabilitation Activities$325 millionExistingDirect Federal/OtherTo mitigate the damaging effects of wildfires and set landscapes on a path towards natural recovery and climate resilience through post-fire restoration and rehabilitation activities.Federal Agencies, Tribal Governments, and BusinessesNo non-federal cost share requiredYesYes
DOIResilience Direct Federal Spending for Invasives$100 millionNewN/AFunding for invasive species detection, prevention, and eradication on private or public lands.State, TribalNo non-Federal cost share requiredYes
USDAResilience Emergency Watershed Protection Program$300 millionNewCompetitiveProvides for design and construction of measures to help repair damages from a recent disaster to safeguard life and property.Local sponsors representing owners, managers, and users of public, private, or Tribal lands are eligible if their watershed area has been damaged by a natural disaster.75% federal/25% non-Federal. Waivers are available.Yes
USDAResilience Firewood Banks$10 millionNewCompetitiveUnder developmentState, Tribe, Local Units Of Government, Non-Government OrganizationsFederal cost share for grantsYes
DHS - FEMAResilience Flood Mitigation Assistance Grants (National Flood Insurance Act Sec 1366)$3.5 billionExistingCompetitiveThe Flood Mitigation Assistance program makes Federal funds available to States, U.S. territories, Federally recognized Tribal governments, and local communities to reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings and structures.States, local, Tribal, territorial governments, and local communities100% Federal - Severe Repetitive Loss Structure; 90% Federal ; 75% Federal National Flood Insurance Program insured structures and all other activities. Waivers are available.April 18, 2025 - Applications due for FY24 Flood Mitigation Assistance Program

January 15, 2026 - Application window for FY2024 Flood Mitigation Assistance Swift Current program closes
DOEClean Energy and PowerRural and Municipal Utility Cybersecurity Advanced Cybersecurity Technology program$250 millionNewCompetitiveProvides eligible entities with financial and technical assistance support to improve their cybersecurity posture. Rural electric cooperatives, utilities (state, local, investor owned)95 - 100% depending on project streamJanuary 10, 2024 - Submission deadline closed for pre-applications 

April 24, 2024 - Full application deadline closed
USDAResilience Forest Health Management on Federal Lands Program and Forest Health Management on Cooperative Lands Program$100 millionExistingCompetitiveHelps the National Forest System and other actively managed Federal lands to suppress forest insects and diseases. The program helps State agencies create more fire-adapted communities by implementing pre-fire prevention and mitigation programs and emphasizing pre-fire planning and risk reduction in the Wildland Urban Interface. The program funds important training in safer initial attack responses to wildfire that are also effective. Additionally, the program improves capacity to assist other Federal, State, and local agencies in aiding communities affected by fire and non-fire emergencies, such as hurricanes and floods.States, Tribes, And Other Federal AgenciesYesYes
USDOT - FHWARoads, bridges and major projectsActive Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program (ATIIP)NewCompetitiveProvides funds to plan, design and construct eligible projects that provide safe and connected active transportation network or active transportation spine projects. State, tribe, local or regional governmental organization.June 17, 2024 - Applications closed Yes
USDAResilience Grants For States And Tribes For Voluntary Restoration$400 millionNewGrantGrant programs to States, territories of the United States, and Tribes for implementing voluntary restoration projects on private or public lands.State, TribalNo set amount or percent. June 3, 2022 - Applications closed for FY22 funding Yes
DOC-NOAAResilience Habitat Restoration$490 million ExistingCompetitiveTo restore marine, estuarine, coastal, and Great Lakes ecosystem habitat as well as construct or protect ecological features that protect coastal communities from flooding or coastal storms.Non-Profits, State And Territorial Government Agencies, Local Governments, Municipal Governments, Tribal Governments And Organizations, Educational Institutions, Or Commercial (For-Profit) Organizations.No non-federal cost share requiredNovember 17, 2023 - Applications closed for latest funding round Yes
USDAResilience National Seed Strategy$60 million NewCompetitiveUnder developmentState, Tribe, Local Units Of Government, Non-Government OrganizationsTBDYes
DOC-NOAAResilience Ocean And Coastal Observing Systems$100 millionExistingN/ATo support and enhance various critical observing systems in the ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes. States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally Recognized and non Federally Recognized), nonprofits, higher ed.No non-federal cost share requiredYes
DOCResilience Ocean And Coastal Observing Systems$50 millionExistingN/AThe National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will support and enhance two critical ocean observing systems.States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally Recognized and non Federally Recognized), nonprofits, higher ed.Yes
USDAResilience Restoration Projects Via States And Tribes$160 millionExistingN/AManagement of programs with authority to dispose of National Forest System timber and non-timber forest products harvested for commercial, personal, and Tribal uses.States, TribesNo non-federal cost share requiredYesYes
USDAResilience Watershed And Flood Prevention Operations$500 millionExistingCompetitiveProvides planning, design and construction of measures that address resource concerns in a watershed.Cities, Counties, Towns, Conservation Districts, Or Any Federally-Recognized Native American Tribe Or Tribal Organization.Varies. Waivers are available in some circumstances.YesYes
DOIResilience Working Capital Fund$100 millionNewWorking Capital Fund in support of contracts to restore ecological health on Federal landsFederal, State, Local, Tribal, Non-Governmental OrganizationNo non-federal cost share requiredYes
EPAWaterDrinking Water State Revolving Fund Lead Service Lines Replacement$15 billion ExistingFormulaDrinking Water State Revolving Fund funding, with eligible projects limited to lead service line replacement and associated activities. States initially receive funding, then provide funds to Water Utilities and/or Municipal and Other Eligible Entities. Tribes and Territories are also eligible to receive a portion of State Revolving Fund funds.No non-federal cost share requiredYesYes
DOC-NOAAWaterSoil Moisture and Snowpack Pilot Program$0.00 ExistingN/AThe study of the soil moisture and snowpack monitoring network in the Upper Missouri River Basin.States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally Recognized and non-Federally Recognized), Higher edu., nonprofits etc. No non-federal cost share requiredYes
DOC-NOAAWaterWater Resources Development Act Data Acquisition$30 millionExisting N/APilot program within the National Mesonet Program for the acquisition and use of data generated by a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers -led initiative. States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally Recognized and non-Federally Recognized), Higher edu., nonprofits etc. No non-federal cost share requiredYes
EPAWaterGeographic Programs - Great Lakes Restoration Initiative$1 billionExistingCompetitiveTo restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem. Broad EligibilitiesYes. Waivers are available.August 11, 2023 - Applications closed for EPA's Great Lakes Restoration Initiative FY23 funding to Create Great Lakes Environmental Justice Grant ProgramYes
EPAWaterGeographic Programs - Chesapeake Bay Program$240 millionExistingCompetitiveAwards competitive grants and cooperative agreements to States, Tribal and local governments, non-governmental organizations, interstate agencies and academic institutions to reduce and prevent pollution and to improve the living resources in the Chesapeake Bay. Broad EligibilitiesYes. Waivers are available.September 15, 2023 - Applications closed for EPA's Chesapeake Bay Program Office FY23 Request for Applications for Small Watershed Grant Program and Innovative Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Program YesYes
EPAWaterNational Estuary Program Grants$130 millionExistingCompetitive/formulaTo protect and restore the water quality and resources of estuaries and associated watersheds designated by the EPA Administrator as estuaries of national significance. 28 Federally Recognized Local National Estuary ProgramsYes. Waivers are available.July 2022 - FY2022 - FY2026 Guidance released
EPAWaterGeographic Programs - Long Island Sound$110 millionExistingCompetitiveSupports the implementation of a comprehensive plan to protect and restore water quality, habitat, and living resources in Long Island Sound, working with State and local governments, the private sector, user groups, and the general public.Broad EligibilitiesYes. Waivers are available.Yes
EPAWaterGeographic Programs - Columbia River Basin Restoration Program$80 millionExistingCompetitiveThis program is intended to improve water quality in the Lower Columbia River Basin through specific actions to reduce toxics, increase monitoring, and/or increase public education and outreach.Broad EligibilitiesYes. Waivers are available.March 13, 2023 - Applications closedYesYes
EPAWaterGeographic Programs - Puget Sound$90 millionExistingCompetitiveGoal to restore and maintain the Puget Sound Estuary's environment.Broad EligibilitiesYes. Waivers are available.September 10, 2024 - Applications closed for EPA's Ensuring Environmental Justice, Human Wellbeing and Ecosystem Recovery in Puget SoundYes
EPAWaterGeographic Programs - Lake Pontchartrain Restoration Program$50 million ExistingCompetitiveThis program carries out the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Comprehensive Management Plan. Broad EligibilitiesYes. Waivers are available.Yes
EPAWaterGeographic Programs - Gulf of Mexico$50 millionExistingCompetitiveFounded to facilitate collaborative actions to protect, maintain, and restore the health and productivity of the Gulf of Mexico in ways consistent with the economic well-being of the Region. Broad EligibilitiesYes. Waivers are available.January 28, 2025 - Applications due for EPA's Farms for Farmer 2024 Funding Opportunity (for Gulf of Mexico Watershed States)Yes
DOIWaterCentral Utah Project$50 million ExistingDirect FederalFunding will be used to continue construction of the Utah Lake System Pipeline.Central Utah Water Conservancy District, Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation CommissionJanuary 2022, Initial Spend Plan released
EPAWaterGeographic Programs - Lake Champlain$40 millionExistingCompetitiveCoordinates and funds efforts that benefit the Lake Champlain Basin’s water quality, fisheries, wetlands, wildlife, recreation, and cultural resources, in partnership with government agencies. private organizations, local communities, and individuals.Broad EligibilitiesYes. Waivers are available.Yes
EPAWaterGeographic Programs - San Francisco Bay Water Quality Improvement Fund$20 millionExistingCompetitiveTo improve water quality and restore aquatic habitat (i.e. wetlands) in the San Francisco Bay and its watersheds. Broad EligibilitiesYes. Waivers are available.September 20, 2022 - Request for Applications closedYes
EPAWaterGeographic Programs - South Florida Geographic Initiatives Program$20 million ExistingCompetitiveProvides competitive grants to address the immediate and emerging ecological pressures and threats to nearshore waters, bays, estuaries, beaches, and coral reefs central to South Florida’s economic well-being.Broad EligibilitiesYes. Waivers are available.Yes
EPAWaterGeographic Programs - Southeast New England Coastal Watershed Restoration Program$20 millionExistingCompetitiveTo protect and restore water quality, ecological health, and diverse habitats by sharing knowledge and resources, promoting innovative approaches, and leveraging economic and environmental investments to meet the needs of current and future generations. Broad EligibilitiesYes. Waivers are available.Yes
EPAWaterGeographic Programs - Northwest Forest$0.00 ExistingN/AAddresses water quality impairments from non-point sources related to pacific northwest forest practices and works to improve the quality and quantity of surface water so that beneficial uses and drinking water/source water protection goals are met. Limited Eligibilities – FederalYes. Waivers are available.Yes
USACEResilienceInland Flood Risk Management Projects$2.5 billionExistingDirect FederalFunds the construction of projects that help to reduce the risk of damage in a flood, including $750 million for multi-purpose projects or programs that include flood risk management benefits as a purpose.The Army Corps will use this funding to construct authorized Federal flood damage reduction projects.In general, unless otherwise specified in law, projects are cost shared 65 percent Federal, 35 percent non-Federal.
USACEResilienceAquatic Ecosystem Restoration Projects$1.9 billionExistingDirect FederalFunds the construction of authorized water resources projects to increase aquatic ecosystem restoration, including $1 billion for multi-purpose projects or programs that include aquatic ecosystem restoration as a purpose.In partnership with State, local, and Tribal governments the Army Corps would use funding to construct Federally authorized aquatic ecosystem restoration projects.In general, unless otherwise specified in law, projects are cost shared 65 percent Federal, 35 percent non-Federal.Yes
DOIResilienceWildland Fire - Hazardous Fuels Management$878 millionExistingDirect Federal To protect vulnerable communities from wildfire while preparing our communities and natural landscapes for a changing climate, through hazardous fuels management strategies.Federal Agencies, State agencies, Tribal Governments, And BusinessesNo non-Federal cost share requiredYesYesYes
USDAResilienceReforestation Trust Fund (Replant Act)$530 millionExistingDirect FederalThe funds are used to reduce the backlog in reforestation and timber stand improvement work.Forest Service FundingNo non-Federal cost share requiredReport to Congress in November 2022
USDAResilienceHazardous Fuels Management$510 million ExistingDirect FederalThe Hazardous Fuels program prioritizes treating areas with high potential for damaging wildfires within the wildland-urban interface using a scenario planning tool to identify areas where there is high and very high wildfire hazard potential adjacent to communities. Forest Service FundingNo non-Federal cost share requiredYes
USDAResilienceFederal Wildland Firefighter Salaries And Expenses$480 million ExistingDirect FederalTo address the increasing complexity and severity of fire years the Forest Service will create a more permanent workforce by converting no fewer than 1,000 seasonal wildland firefighters to wildland fire managers that are full-time, permanent and year-round while also holding responsibilities for reducing hazardous fuels on Federal land. Forest Service FundingNo non-Federal cost share required
USDAResilienceHazardous Fuels (Mechanical Thinning And Timber Harvesting; Precommercial Thinning In Young Growth)$400 million ExistingDirect FederalThe Hazardous Fuels program prioritizes treating areas with high potential for damaging wildfires within the wildland-urban interface using a scenario planning tool to identify areas where there is high and very high wildfire hazard potential adjacent to communities. Forest Service FundingNo non-Federal cost share required
USDAResilienceBurned Area Recovery$330 million ExistingDirect FederalThe Forest Service Burned Area Rehabilitation program addresses threats to fish, wildlife and people downstream, that some fires create.Forest Service FundingNo non-Federal cost share required
DOIResilienceColorado River Drought Contingency Plan$300 millionExistingN/AThe Colorado River Basin Drought Contingency Plan aims to reduce the risk of Lake Mead and Lake Powell reaching critically low elevations. OpenTBD. Waivers are not available.First Round of Funding Allocated / Selections Announced in July 2022
USDAResilienceFuel Breaks$250 million ExistingDirect FederalThe Hazardous Fuels program prioritizes treating areas with high potential for damaging wildfires within the wildland-urban interface using a scenario planning tool to identify areas where there is high and very high wildfire hazard potential adjacentForest Service FundingNo non-Federal cost share required
USDAResilienceCapital Improvement And Maintenance - Legacy Road And Trail Remediation Program$250 million ExistingDirect FederalThis program protects investments by decommissioning and repairing roads and trails to mitigate detrimental impacts to sensitive ecosystems and watersheds.Forest Service FundingVaries. Waivers are not available.
DOC-NOAAResilienceCoastal Zone Management$210 millionExistingCompetitiveThe purpose of these funds is to restore and protect coastal ecosystems through direct investment by coastal States and territories in ecologically significant habitats.States (Includes District Of Columbia, Public Institutions Of Higher Education, And Hospitals); U.S. Territories And Possessions; U.S. Territories And Possessions (Includes Institutions Of Higher Education And Hospitals); State; Any Coastal State.No non-Federal cost share requiredJanuary 9, 2025 - Applications close for FY2024 Coastal Zone Management Habitat Protection and Restoration Competition
USDAResilienceJoint Chiefs Landscape Restoration Partnership Program$180 million ExistingDirect FederalDepartment of Agriculture’s Forest Service and Natural Resources Conservation Service are working together to improve the health of forests where public forests and grasslands connect to privately owned lands.No non-Federal cost share requiredRFP Released in May 2022
DOIResilienceEcosystem - Klamath Basin$160 million ExistingCompetitiveFunding provided will be allocated for habitat restoration and water right acquisition to help restore the Klamath ecosystem, as well as for enhanced hatchery production of listed Klamath species (Lost River and shortnose suckers).OpenMay 8, 2022 - Applications closed for year 1 funding
USACEResilienceRegulatory Program$160 millionExistingDirect FederalProvides funds to administer the laws and regulations pertaining to activities affecting U.S. waters. Army Corps permitting activities.No cost share requirement. Applicants can elect to pay a fee for permitting.
USDAResilienceEcological Health Restoration Contracts$150 millionNewDirect FederalThis program is responsible for issuing contracts for management of programs with authority to dispose of National Forest System timber and non-timber forest products harvested for commercial, personal, and Tribal uses.Forest Service FundingNo non-Federal cost share requiredReport to Congress in June 2022Yes
USDAResilienceRemoval Of Vegetation For Biochar And Innovative Wood Products$100 millionExistingDirect FederalThis program, through contracting or employing crews of laborers, supports the modification and removal of flammable vegetation on Federal land and for using materials from treatments.Forest Service FundingNo non-Federal cost share required
USDAResilienceCollaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program$100 millionExistingDirect FederalUses collaborative, science-based approaches to enhance forest and watershed health, reduce risk from uncharacteristic wildfire, and provide benefits to rural economies.Forest Service FundingNo non-Federal cost share requiredYes
USDAResiliencePost-Fire Restoration$100 millionExistingDirect FederalThe Burned Area Recovery program will provide restoration activities on wildfire affected areas within three years after the date that a wildland fire is contained.Forest Service FundingNo non-Federal cost share required
USDAResilienceRestore Native Vegetation On Federal/Non-Federal Land$100 millionExistingDirect FederalThis program ensures the productive and sustainable use of National Forest System lands by improving the condition and health of forest and rangeland vegetation, controlling the spread of invasive species, sustaining soil productivity, reducing the risk of severe flooding and erosion in areas affected by severe fire, and maintaining water quality.Forest Service FundingVaries. Waivers are not available.Yes
USDAResilienceState Capacity Program for Invasive Species Eastern Region (Non-federal lands) (subpart of 40804(b)(6))$3 million ExistingState governmentsTo build and maintain capacity around invasive species work to accomplish IIJA ecosystem restoration objectivesForest Service FundingVaries. Waivers are not available.16 December 2022 - Grant applications for FY2022 and FY2023 closedYes
USDAResilienceHigh Priority Regional Invasive Species Projects (Non-federal lands) (subpart of 40804(b)(6))$10 millionExistingCompetitibeTo fund projects that that strategically sustain the health of priority forest ecosystems or tree species. State governmentVaries. Waivers are not available.February 3, 2023 - Applications closed for FY22 and FY23Yes
USDAResilienceCapital Improvement And Maintenance - Construction And Maintenance Of Roads For Forest Restoration Projects That Reduce Wildfire Risk$100 millionExistingDirect FederalThis program administers an extensive transportation network that is vital to the agency’s mission to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of national forest lands.Forest Service FundingVaries. Waivers are not available.
DOCResilienceResearch Supercomputing$80 million ExistingCompetitiveFunds will be used to provide computational resources to support and advance environmental modeling crucial for understanding critical Earth systems.Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Federal Partners, BusinessesNo non-Federal cost share required
USDAResilienceRevegetation Effort to Implement National Seed Strategy$70 millionExistingDirect Federal Guides ecological restoration across major landscapes, especially those lands damaged by rangeland fires, invasive species, severe storms, and drought.Forest Service FundingNo non-Federal cost share requiredYes
DOIResilienceDirect Federal Spending (Or Other) For National Revegetation Strategy$70 million NewDirect FederalFunding to implement a national revegetation effort on private and public landsFederalNo non-Federal cost share required
USDAResiliencePreplanning Fire Response Workshops And Workforce Training$50 million NewDirect FederalThe Forest Service will conduct pre-planning fire response workshops that develop Potential Operational Delineations and select potential control locations and workforce training for staff, non-Federal firefighters, and Native village fire crews.Forest Service FundingNo non-Federal cost share requiredYes
DOIResilienceColorado River Endangered Species Recovery and Conservation Programs$50 millionExistingN/AThe Colorado River Basin Endangered Species and Conservation programs support the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish and San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Programs and the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program in the Upper Colorado Basin.OpenTBD. Waivers are not available.First Round of Funding Allocated / Selections Announced in July 2022
DOIResilienceEcosystem - Sagebrush-Steppe$50 millionExistingCompetitiveTo conserve the sagebrush ecosystem of the American West and the nationally-significant biological, cultural and economic resources it supports.OpenYesJune 16, 2022 - FY2022 allocations made
USACEResilienceFlood Plain Management Services$50 millionExistingDirect FederalThe Army Corps provides site-specific flood and flood plain data and assistance to States, Tribes, and local communities.Funds certain technical assistance provided by the Army CorpsIn general, unless otherwise specified in law, projects are 100 percent Federally funded.
DOIResilienceDirect Federal Spending For Resilient Recreation Sites$50 millionNewDirect FederalFunding to improve resilience of recreation sites on Federal lands, including Indian forest or range lands.FederalNo non-Federal cost share requiredFirst Round of Funding Allocated / Selections Announced in May 2022
DOIResilienceEcosystem - Delaware River Basin Conservation Act$30 millionExistingCompetitiveThe Delaware River Basin program provides competitive matching grants for habitat conservation to State and local governments, nonprofit organizations, institutions of higher education, and other eligible entities in the Delaware River Basin.OpenYesFirst Round of Funding Allocated / Selections Announced in September 2022
DOIResilienceNational Geological And Geophysical Data Preservation Program$20 millionExistingCompetitiveProvides competitive grants to State Geological Surveys and funds projects executed by U.S. Geological Survey and other Department of the Interior bureaus to preserve, modernize, and make publicly available geological and geophysical data and assets.State Geological Surveys, State Universities Housing State Geological Surveys, Private Contractors, U.S. Geological Survey Science Centers And Other Department of Interior BureausNo non-Federal cost share requiredDecember 12, 2024 - Applications closed for DOI's USGS 2025 National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program
USDAResilienceSouthwest Ecological Restoration Institute$20 millionExistingDirect FederalSouthwest Ecological Restoration Institute will compile and display data for fuels treatments and wildfire, to facilitate coordination and use of existing and future interagency fuel treatment data, and to carry out other related activities of a Southwest Ecological Restoration Institute.Forest Service FundingNo non-Federal cost share required
USDAResilienceVolunteer Fire Assistance$20 millionExistingCompetitiveThe Volunteer Fire Assistance program focuses on increasing the capacity of local fire departments to provide initial attack on wildfires by providing additional firefighter training and assistance to departments with purchasing equipment. Community And State. National Association Of State Foresters, State Forestry Agencies, National Volunteer Fire Council And The International Association Of Fire ChiefsYes. Waivers are available.Only Round of Funding Allocated / Selections Announced in Q3 2022
Department of the InteriorResilienceEcosystem - Lake Tahoe$20 million ExistingGrantTo deploy strategies consistent with the Lake Tahoe Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan to prevent the introduction or spread of aquatic invasive species in the Lake Tahoe region.OpenYesJuly 19, 2022 - first round of funds allocatedYes
USDAResilienceAgreement With National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration For Geostationary Operations Environmental Satellite Program$10 millionNewDirect Federal Forest Service FundingNo non-Federal cost share required
USDAResilienceResearch And Development Via Joint Fire Science Program Partnership With Department Of Interior$10 million ExistingCompetitiveThe Joint Fire Science Program funds scientific research on wildland fires and distributes results to help policymakers, fire managers and practitioners make decisions.Institutions Of Higher EducationNo non-Federal cost share required
DOIResilienceWildfire Management - Joint Fire Science Program with Department of Agriculture$10 million ExistingCompetitiveSupport science and research on wildland fire management issues that mitigate wildfire risk.Science And Research Organizations/Entities, Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Private Higher-Ed InstitutionsNo non-Federal cost share requiredDecember 20, 2022 - Applications closed
Department of AgricultureResilienceWildfire Detection And Monitoring Equipment$10 millionNewDirect FederalThe agency will procure and place wildfire detection and real-time monitoring equipment, such as sensors, cameras, and other relevant equipment in wildfire prone areas to enhance safety and awareness of wildfire risk for the public and first responders.Forest Service FundingNo non-Federal cost share required
USDA ResilienceDevelop And Publish Every 5 Years A Map Depicting At-Risk Communities, Including Tribal Communities$0.00 ExistingDirect FederalThe Forest Service will develop and publish every five years a map depicting at-risk communities, including Tribal communities.Forest Service FundingNo non-Federal cost share required
TBDBroadbandPrivate Activity Bonds for Qualified Broadband ProjectsNewCompetitiveAssists private sector providers for projects to provide broadband service to one or more census block groups where at least 50% of residential households do not have access to fixed terrestial broadband service Private sector partnersN/A
USDABroadbandBroadband Technical Assistance $20 millionNewCompetitiveProvides financial assistance to eligible entities to receive or deliver broadband technical assistance and training and to support the expansion or development of broadband cooperatives.States, territories, tribes, local government, non-profits, institute of higher ed., cooperatives, corporations etc.No match requiredAugust 20, 2024 - Applications closed for FY2024Yes
DOEClean Energy and PowerCarbon Dioxide Capture Facilities Private Activity Bonds NewTax exemptions Assists private sector providers for projects to install equilemtn in an industrial carbon dioxide facility Private sector partnersN/AN/A
DOEClean Energy and PowerGrid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program - Grid Resilience Utility and Industry Competitive Grants (s. 40101(c))$2.5 billion NewCompetitiveProvides grants to carry out activities that support grid hardening efforts, reduce the risk of power lines causing a wildfire and increase the ability of the eligible entity to reduce the likelihood and consequences of disruptive events. April 17, 2024 - Full applications closedYes
DOIResilienceFuels Management and Community Fire Assistance ProgramCompetitiveTo restore and maintain fire resilient landscapes, create fire adapted communities and respond to wildfires. State, local governments, Tribes, non-profits, institutes of higher ed. etc.May 5, 2023 – Applications closed for DOI’s National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) Fuels Management and Community Fire Assistance ProgramYes