Reach and Engage our Defense Communities
Our virtual series kicked-off in September with a workshop dedicated to highlighting federal and state collaboration on enhancing the experience of our military connected students, military spouses seeking licensure, and veterans re-entering the workforce.

Bolster the Resilience of Defense Installations
Strategies to mitigate, prevent, prepare for, or respond to both natural and manmade threats to military installations will be the primary focus of discussion for this second installment of our virtual series.
In March 2019, a Civil Engineer Maintenance Inspection Repair Team (CMIRT) based out of Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, inspect a generator that was partially submerged in floodwaters that encroached through half of Offut Air Force Base, Nebraska. The CMIRT is part of the Air Force Civil Engineer Center, which is tasked with responding to emergency situations to ensure the operability of military installations around the globe. (Josh Plueger/U.S. Air Force).

Develop Our Defense Workforce
The Department of Defense and its civilian contractors require highly skilled workers to meet the demands of protecting the nation. This third virtual workshop will provide governors and key policy advisors with practical advice on what states can do to fill current or anticipated defense workforce needs.
Train the trainer—in late July, Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division hosts a virtual STEM initiative event for fifteen K-12 educators across Maryland and Virginia. (U.S. Navy)

Sustain our Defense Industries
NGA will provide education to governors and their staff on the complexity of the defense supply chain and ways that businesses in their borders may unknowingly play a crucial role in it during this third installment of our virtual series.
Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarines USS Louisville and USS Olympia are moved to dry dock in early July to begin the inactivation process at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard (PSNS)—one of the four public U.S. Navy shipyards—in Bremerton, Washington. (Scott Hansen/PSNS and Intermediate Maintenance Facility)