Governors Commend House Action to Maintain Governors’ Authority Over the National Guard

Washington, D.C. – National Governors Association (NGA) Chair Governor Spencer Cox of Utah and Vice Chair Governor Jared Polis of Colorado today expressed their support of the Wilson Amendment in the FY25 NDAA Full Committee Mark Up protecting Governors Authority over the National Guard.

“We are grateful to members of the House Armed Services Committee for their bipartisan commitment to our national security and protecting the authority of Governors over the National Guard. The NDAA provides essential resources for our brave men and women in uniform, strengthens our national defense capabilities, and ensures that our National Guard continues to play its critical role in supporting military readiness.

“We are specifically pleased with the adoption of the Wilson amendment that retains the Governors’ authorities and the required approval process outlined in Title 10 and Title 32. The amendment also requires continued consultation with the nations’ Governors to help meet our national security needs.

“National Guard assets are critical elements as states respond to a multitude of crises, and Governors must maintain full authority as Commander in Chief of these assets to be able to effectively protect operational readiness and American communities.”

The National Governors Association is committed to supporting a strong national defense and recognizes the vital role the NDAA plays in ensuring the safety and security of our nation. We commend the House Armed Services Committee for their work and we urge House Members to vote quickly on the full passage of NDAA.